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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 9 Apr 2014, p. 6

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, . i 1 . - . . . , . . o. O. I a - wrirelwoo CHRONICLE - Wednesday, April 9, 20i 4 Waterloo researcher warns of . otential ‘carbon bubble’ Bruins JACKSON market capitalization of , ' impacts of greenhouse gas emis- challenge in the future to mitigati- , Chronicle surf about $379 billion. sions really focused on mitigation." flood or drought conditions is Yet research from the Grantham said Thistlethwaite. uncertainty. and the GRCA is con University of Waterloo Research Institute on Climate “When it comes to government sidering the potential for more researcher says a shift Change and the Environment indi- policy, we not only need to do mid-winter melts and more towards a reduced carbon cates up to 80 per cent of global (emissions) reductions but (cli- extreme rainstorms as the climate economy could expose Canada to fossil ftiel reserves are urtburnable mate) adaptation. lfyou become a warms a bubble similar to the [1.5. man» if we hope to avoid a 2 (T rise in resilient city you'll have a competi- KitchenerAWaterloo MP Peter gage crisis that helped cripple the global temperatures. a threshold rive advantageinthefuture." Braid, Parliamentary Secretary to global economy. global scientists say could be irre- For Waterloo Region, Thistleth. the Minister of infrastructure and lason Thistlethwaite. a postdocâ€" versihle. waite said the biggest impact of the Communities, said the federal gov toral researcher in climate change Oil companies are underrepon- . ‘ changing climate would be more emment is taking steps to reduce risk in the department of envimnr ing the possibility of unburnable . , ‘1 :7.“ urban flooding. Cities have been greenhousegas emissions and help merit and resource studies at UW. carbon, 'l‘histlethwaite said, posing 7 ,2;' I; ‘3 1‘? built to get rainwater to the communities adjust to the chang said the rising cost of huming car a risk to our financial system. 30'3””: "L _, f in i I stormwater sewer as quickly as ing climate through the new Build but: could lead to a “carbon bub~ "When you‘go to buy a mutual “When it comes to possible over impermeable paved Canada Plan: which will provrde ble that could leave (.anadian fund or invest in a pension they re _ surfaces. As we saw in Toronto last nearly $54 billion over the next ten investments over-exposed. trying to make you a return, and govemmentpollcy. summer, as that system gets overâ€" years for provincial, territorial and “The carbon bubble is the idea one of the best bets is fossil fuels 1 d d whelmed, the streets fill with water. municipal infrastructure projects. . . , wenotonynee to o _ . .. . . that fossrl fuel companies and because these companies have . _ , Cities must introduce more per- Disaster mitigation infrastruc investors have currently overrval» been making money hand over (9"1155‘0’15) reductions bl“ meable pavement and seek to pro‘ lure to help cities and towns adjust tied themarkel value of fossil fist; he said. . (climate) adaption." tect more naturalized areas to to the changing climate is an eligi tut-ls. said Thistlethwaite. “Mainly lhe problem. of cotirse, is that reduce the burden on stormwater hle funding request, Braid stud. because they are not incorporating isn't a good bet given the come 4830" Thistlelhwaile systems. 'l‘histlethwaite said the “The federal government works the risk of regulation that will quences of extracting and burning UWl‘limdu’t‘hallgé' (Iity of Waterloo is taking steps to closely with other levels of govern impose costs on actually burning fossil fuels" “liar"fl'io'l ijfl‘llilm'w' reduce storwater loads with its ment on adaptation strategies. and those fossil fuels." But while the costs associated on (Ilimate Change, these threats stormwater credit program. which i know rritinicipal officials are on Those regulations could come with curbing greenhouse gas emis- can no longer be averted through rewards homeowners for installing the leading edge of understanding in the form of carbon taxes. where sions may be high, the cost of not greenhouse gas emission reducr rain gardens, rain barrels and the impacts of climate change on companies must pay for each ion reducing them could he even high~ lions: climate change is happening reducing the amount of paved stir~ municipal infrastructure," he said of greenhouse gas they produce, or er. Climate change experts have and will continue for the foresee faces on their property. Braid said any discussion about the widespread adaptation of tech said more damaging storms, rising able future. “from my perspective that is the shift to a low-carbon econorm iiology that challenges fossil fuel's sea levels and increased drought The report indicates humans one of the more leading edge would need to weigh the impact to dominance in our economy, such conditions are just some ofthe will need to start adapting to it approaches to climate change both the envrronment anti the as solar orwindenergy. threats posed byclimate change. warming planet, not just focus on adaptation,” he said. economy. “i think ll highlights the By the end of 201 l. the Toronto According to a recent United emissions reductions. Dave Schultz, contmuncations importance of ensuring that any Stock Exchange had 405 listed oil Nations report. released last Mon- "We spent the first 25 years or manager with the (ii-and Rivert‘on- transition to a lowerrcarbon econo and gas companies with a total day bythe Intergovernmental Panel so after we discovered the modern servation Authority, said the biggest my needs to be pragmatic.” he said. . . . . #2» ..‘ - ' " :"--f‘ . u. _ . ‘ N. Style l7 (#3 ' .. ’ ‘ it ‘ '1' . ‘3 91;.- . I” f; '1] 3H8 if; g ‘ L! 3. v,“ {0 q '"l ' ' 1”: l, . . . f: ' (‘ ' t 4' ' I. ‘ ' y ): ’n884-4200 Elm . i “"53““ ‘ a 7' 0 0 : .(0m :34 . . entertainment Dmyfon Enhdalnmonflluval Club presents... .1". . .-. J SAVANNAH 8r CHARLESTON 0 JUNE 1524 :f‘ M ‘ A "" . . . . . ‘ his; ' vi. - ‘ wrth Alex Mustokos & Neil Aitchison . . 7 Visit Charleston and Savannah. South Carolina Are you tired of ugly nail syndrome. Luxury coach and um tour. 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