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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 9 Apr 2014, p. 3

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\. WATt-iitttX) CHRONICLE 0Wednesday. April 9, 201 4 - 3 - C Developer says small lots and uneven land could makefivture community redevelopment tough MIAMI-31W “in Northdale. the typical lot is unique to the comtnunity. Northâ€" . Chmnl'cleStafl' 132 feet (deep), there are some dale Mixed Use and Northdale I 3 ‘ 5 that are more, and there'sa lot that Commercial, with as many as six ' I ; n f s the redevelopment of the are 110 feet." Firsten said. “if you sub-categories of varying building i 3' ANorthdale community con- have to be three to five metres standards 3 I t tinues, one developer says from the street, and your tower has Further complicating matters is ? “‘ as the easyâ€"to-develop lands are to step back three metres from the the fact that Northdale is still a i .3 gobbled tip it may make it tougher podium, and then you have to be community in transition. meaning 3 2 for future builders to help the City [2.5 metres from the rear lot line, many of the wartime homes and i a“! realize its vision. you'll see the math comes dowti to other houses built during the '50s 4 . Darryl Firsten, president of [N8 there not being much left to btiild and '60s will be put up for sale at 3 ‘li Developments. said shallow lots With." different times, leading to some 1 i and the uneven topography iii the awkward-shaped lots that could be a 7“: ‘ area, combined with the city'szon- “ _ . hard to butld on. , i a“ . ing and urban design guidelines, The reality ofmfill in the past year, the City has had " mean the city may need to become development is you "y to eight different projects seek zoning more flextble With the rules laid bylaw amendment requests in out in the Northdale land Use and finda way [Ofit new Northdale related to parking. (iommunity improvement Plan, development into older height. setbacks. density or a com< approved in it)”. . biiiation ofthe four "It’s the case with all develop areas desrgnedfora Four of those requests were merit everywhere. the lowest lying previous planning reviewed by the committee of mm gets grabbed first and then .. adtustment. a group of Citizens protects get harder and harder and framework. granted oversight over minor require more and more variances." [In changes that staff have deter- said l-irsten l‘V('llllldllV the ( ll\ '6 “I,” mined do not need to be reviewed ' (1mm rum. Ward!» . may need to revtsit its zoning by council bylaw arid make adtustrnents once lhe remaining four amend, dict-as) lotsari-gone, liesaid lilte Lll\ has used these set riient requests ~ all from lN8 . l ”\lt'll identified the city's hacks as a way of reductng the Developments have gone to Themlop" oftheproposedSageScondoon ”9mm “"9"" North tower setback rules as particularly imposing look and feel of titulti council for further discussion and dale ”'d future development '" the area could be a challenge. restrictive (hie of his recent dew-l storey structures built next to side debate Sonic amendments have "" ”m“ (lpl‘llt‘nls known as \age ‘1 and walksor streets been granted. others were sent located at ;"i| llernlot k Street. l5trsten was involved in the hack for further review. allow for the thoughtfulconsidera- “The reality of infill develop sought eight separate rotting Northdale redevelopment plan (.in staflare well aware ofsonie tion of buildings or prayects that meat is you try to find a way to fit tillll'lltllIH'lllS [our of those are lrotti the outset, before he had any of the challenges Northdale might may not fit what the city has laid new development into older areas tower setbat ks front the north. protects iii the area. and said lower face in the coming years. btit those out iii its zoning bylaws but may and plans on lot lines that were " still”) and rear lot lines. as well as setbai ks were his only issue challenges are not unique to that still l)('appr0prlilfl’ for the site. designed for a prevtotis planning the distant c between the two luvs "I'm not a hrilliarit architect, l'tn toitiniunity "(Developersl cart absolutely framework,” Henry said, noting on He also wanted to pat the cm .i numbers guy, and l looked at the " l'he key is ( onsolidatiiig the torifornt to the flirting and there the Northdale plan was designed $10,000 lot t l extra units depth of the lots and the setbacks right lots and the right number of lore meet theconiniunity standard to he fleitible to adjust to luturt- ”4‘ has \tllt e rct isitctl the and iust did some quick math and lots to make armleyelopinent) hap and expectation ptit in place by planningconsiderations. iii-sign and managed to redui e the figured out vou couldn't til unit it pen." said Scott Amos. director ol that Inning, or they 1 an say lht'\ \I' As the Northdale redt-ti-top ll\l til amendments down to two between thump" said I irsten planning approvals wttli the t it) got something spt't ial or unique int-tit continues. Firsteti said "But guess what the two tart lhe Northdalt- plan includes " lhat's always a ( hallenge. not [list that is worthy of further piihlii builders like himself must balant c .iiit cs we |llsl ioiililnt get around eight difli-ri-itt land use designa Ill Northdali- butt itt development engagement and a rim isioii by .i then tisitins for their protect “ill! illl liotli tower \l'llhlt it issues." llt' lions ranging front mixed use rI( riiss tltc t II\ and other ('lll(“\ governing body." Amos said llH' reality iif what they and A ll» Mid the t [l\ requires it l.’ ’i lllt‘llt‘ high tit'ttsll) residential to open Whenever \iiu have to (orisolidati' Ward tllllllt tllttl It'll Ht'lll\ staffflriil on the ground si-tlmili trout tltt’ [”0]er llttt' and spat c, and car lt use has its own lots it lit't times a challenging agreed. and said part of the (hilt "Art littet ts want to build git-at l ustt~ii l\ proposing a l.’ iiii-trc set iiirrcspottiluig muting requiri- cflort " tllll\ With revitali/atioii proiet ts things Ilititi planners want too to lMt k lli‘s requesting an it illlt‘lll’ nit-tits lliat is wh\ llit‘ planning ail llki‘ Northdale is that they're inhcr lit to the loniitg bylaw s ml \t'lll.“ k on thi othi-i \Itlt‘ ol llii' \(Hllitldlt' also lllt ludi-s two allows for amendment requests to t'llllV more difficult to pull off titan lirsten "I'm in the middle mutt: building new It!ltlll.l1\lilu amendments setbacks and Inning. Amos said. to new greenfield development. to make everyone happy ' ‘ ' . .. Q « . » ream: , ’ c p -â€"-.. W.. . " ,. . . _. ~ . ' ' t, \ ,: -" 'vxi ‘9' i , L 7 I .r‘ IV .- ‘ . I! “It.“ IIIâ€"um . it . - . g m m M ; jg}... e‘ . .. u I, “'. - m m __ an; , n M ‘. 4* .. :, l 9 5 5 Heers ”II-mm who“ Iii} -. ., - not. an... @1359 ‘ > .5." palnt‘fi mm mm- 2., :;- ‘- 3 , new V " ., . fill , ,r . . Bt‘llldlltlti \lHHlt‘ . _, i - . i. itf'.‘ .. “I .. . ,-' I ‘ f“. «‘4‘. -. . A s h“ ‘ ‘ ' -fi. i..

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