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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 9 Apr 2014, p. 28

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a . warmwo cunenrrcua - manna-y. Apru 9. 201 4 Auto Incl-names mm ADVERTISING A ”Hm .°°°°""""' mum-nu mm" Wlllrnq to clean homes RE PRESE N I A I IVE W“ m "9”": all”: m” 2:31:29 33"”; Cell nqu street. All egurpment supplred ustomer _ ___ The M W local lie-M Integration New (mum; and all of our 33:; alive-67b emb- WATFRLE SOâ€"C-HRONICLE health servke provlden are romrnitted to working to Improve the current system to ensure our ”MWEQX'M‘ lhe Waterloo Chronrcle has an excellent opportunity for an Indrvrdual to start then ‘ WINCH?!Mm,dhflfiflnflfiedfithe.'lheWWLHangoverned 03:an 035.3,,“ E career In drgltal, punt and onrlrne advertrsrng sales l by a board of nine (9) directors seleded by the Lteutenant Governor |I1 (oundl and appolnted lhe Landlddl? we seek wrll demonstrate exceptional abrlrtres rn } through a" 0 dc '" (W‘ WWMMD'RS‘M are bound ”WWW?“ theMmrner "Am ./ Prospectrng and (losrng (ustomers wrth advertrsrng sales opportunrtres I ”f Mealth and Long-term (are ”I" '"W loroveneelngthemrvrttes “WWW" , FLOORING rn(ludlng newspapers, dlglla‘. on-lrne and Waglag the WWUlIN rs seelung skllled rndlvrduals wrth a broad range of expenenee and expertrse to A” In “In” "I J Coldeallrng new or nonrservrced busrnesses In Waterloo and related areas l join "with"! \I m gun? ./ (reatrve thrnkrng style and an abrlrty to problem solve '/ and W I Sell starter wrth loads ol rnrtratrve who needs mrnrmal drrectron Board Members Wm J Hrgh energy and a posrtrve attrtude ‘ 519% 1 I Exeellent verbal and wrrtten skrlls , -three part-time positions “1”"? 5'“ '” "5 ./ [Iterate rn (om uter skrlls rndudrn Mrtrosolt Word, Exnel ' / Dywen f0, suagss g i As a Board Member, you will meet nine to twelve times throughout the year with addrtlonal / erellent organrzatronar skrlls r special meetings held as needed Board meetings are often four to five hours 1" duration and Mrs rs a Lareer posrtron The earrrrnq potentral rs lat better than average onre you ‘ maybeextendedln addrtlon,youwtllpankipateon(ommittees m'mmm sutlmesa establrsh yourself 1 yearandareexpettedtopreparelormeetlngsthatmaytaleuptolourtosrxhoursrnduratlon l we, \(Irl‘ I H“ 1’! “mg” Rernuneratron rnrludes ; for each mung.Abackgroundmhealth (are. puth admrnlstratlon, management, mounting . Base Salary finanee, law, human resources. labour relations, (ommunratrons or Information management m o ( ar Allowante rs prelerred. Addrtlonall'y, as a Board Member, you shall hold offiee for a term of up to three years - ('ommrssrons rn(|udrttq opponunrty to sell busmess for the Waterloo wtth the possrbrlrtyolrenewal W0 REMOVE: Renovation Debrrs, / hronr<ley (ambrrdge Trmes, K:t(hener Post, Guelph Trlbune and all other , Decks, Sheds, Furnrture, Metal Metroland Medra Group markets To learn more abouttheWaterloo Wellrngton lo<al Health lntegratron Netwonr, please vrsrt Estate Clean-out em Movrng 0 Establrshed weekly nublrtatrons reamrnq over 140,000 homes ”1 Waterloo m~"’“""“~“ Available. Eavestrouah cleaning . Sggfinopmnumm 1 You (an manhunt, faLnu‘lorhanddelrverybyAplIB, 2014 loapptyonlmeor n“ humus ' mm" m" I Benefits parkage and group RSV ‘ mmM:W(MlWMP*M£LM;fideMWM,WNMW 519’580'JUNK (5865) Prxst Se<ondary Eduratron an asset but not a tut- reqursrte A torrent Ontarro drrver's l “M2: t lulllIbe a ' '00” (3 es ' ‘r ‘ ‘ H ' " ' A ‘ ltrense and amt-as to a dependable yehrrle are requrred lhrs entry level posrtron rs m ( perlelt lot Indrvrduals wrth a barquound rn door to door, automot‘ve or other types WWW’W [om/mimmqu Network/sun eqwlopwllunlryorgarlwmn ol sales posrtrons { Wem’lmommodateyourneedx under the Ontano Human Rrghn (ode Interested Candidates are asked to lorward therr resumes by May 2 [Old l Reference Advenrsrng Representatrve r HANDYMAN r :97: Anderson. :egronal zAdvemsmg Manager : . \ SERVICE & wam"°“"o’£'uz‘)‘“m's'° ° r . . ~ , a RENOVATIONS turdersonOwatedoochronicle.ca P ' Home autism; Mammal a Enrarl Mes prelerred Please label lrles wrth last name Mr relerenre . Bathroom Kama Marmonance We l sbr I rt sel rat my “be ttjfrvzo-r-I-nv-ur AllCorrmranWonr l {)0 09¢? u (my NAP er 9 m an rt rvrew wt (on at P4 ____ ‘ ~ ~ Nnmtoot?or N. __ “r .â€" \l t rrmrcHRONlcu 279 Weber St. N., Suite 20, Waterloo, on N21 ans ‘ r 519â€"58 4553 The Waterloo Regron Recon? Bast TI" F°'°"'°"’ ‘0 #039“. 'S W 0 age: p . . Independent Flyer Contractrrr Form; rsseekrng an , " 24mm.rm.ny ca e3 («Murmur Uri Automobfle “I” U I m y M , org/(Dose my" no Sen/mg the KrttheneI/Waterlrm area Guam Delivery Work! Mechanic Class A W] ' {mmmimgfxw Intzrlov pdrngnlg, rolr)r;r mnsult nan-rurndnwns new pr( up and e wery o produtt Mr "27- NZV m C“. We 00hr: Competrtrve Rate [shakers WW emsomatrnn Na an Reasonable Pr: m Relr bl Servr e worm: WW9 Dr ,ll 15mm Productrvrty Bonus, Benelux ,w' m tummy,“ .e "on! Best rates Cam ( 9, 3 9 ( l orrrrrgtrur magnum! ‘tdfldfflturh' ,t' i"l4"~"l' r' 3,67 ’rrw .nd Penglm P'og'am “my.“ to my me 33"; 34:9‘59‘ 1‘7“, latvmglrxr P‘ ltll’M‘ er'mrrn l” "a; 277””) . tottwng 00W)“. '01 - r M as - , - r m» m Barn a mo ml n. n s . it.” m m) Send mum. to. " Cam Mon 4 _ 9;!“ 'HMT H w "I any R" £8525.) Wit“!!! mints: "'1 Corn we lag. ._ lhablr‘. {tr ‘5} "w or Pu: 519mm “may" Mun 20. m n «- alrwwultoy ’ v' F rxhrlr w .‘w-v Mn 1” awe A . 1..., (m HST) m valley FM r' We .‘nb- :1 <5 "a curse“, a r' and W 54:, vAr're'rr a fiber ' 'Aw' “it", no" 3w »' W. .’ , ' . ,2“, r'x, ”mam «we '. F M mm hoe up...“ "COIN sow Inert A30”, nvr‘rtmrrg A .tv-r we Mm» w 4;; w {pmvtfl‘ Rona rump ”an“, A. W ”my“... a,“ '1 x“ mm: steam: .r ‘ M , 2- or ' ~ ' ' ' = ,4":me W "we at m “00"“ (Famine ,r’ hut-Mm .r m an n 3 Hr.‘ 144 "w l‘; '3 . In 51’5” 2“ “MM”, “M, “my" ‘-‘- -l’I"V7.‘_t‘ it ( rrrvrrnnrrm' War-rater ’ res Wnte'st'w ' 9"" "v algal w». w», w»,- H“ mm; rm, annular, : ”g... {- Mm Aw -( ~. mm OPERATOR m mow-fl mom raw s ruomm CB 5 RR Forth": I 315 "My “may, 1.90, KW. m ‘ “ZN Postal Code [MM [mans My ‘1 RATES labor our: 1t mrnd‘l frltmotr or, Mame w mam :- .. m. 59/ w. 24-7 H: Scum: 133-710-1439 “WW" "‘0 “"‘ 5'” . “"“‘""'”" ‘mm 5“”7‘7‘" ’ ' "In" (arthritic-m my )5“ "- M “or!“ W" WWW x‘tS/"V' w 905mm “announce E ’ W ( F Frt rm 9 ' Sell W7 Row»: "7 “Wm ‘ ' , 26"" man-Moon. ' xrmmnvwom Watercress Wat Wary-w w 397/1") ‘ no my, , “5 mm cam nrconm Wndfloaw fires W N )m/rno rm "ram," W in“... I“ Don! l. W! mgr um “113love (J's 3187/mn In“ m . aunt“! your an m’ 9m: 0..., a.” n 3 any. Madly/mm Come home «a: m c“ "mm" moat-gentle; '3: “A" “SEN”? . . tn r ‘ ' Om "0.1“ :M” l ‘ no Emma! and h I ‘ Mob-um by, “WWW”, ‘xzwgrm'rhr ' ' W “as! he rear .‘ year: MM 1 W “'00“ I 566 97, «a a“ days “or "Y “W 11hr?“ m namnvormraum to in '1! Ian 95 mm m r mm $11M ”or My «Make m as" CO“ I“ our NW Send m to '0 our: 700' CI 5I9'7 5‘) a damned In ”If m "m" w” manual w m» an: SI H161 J r‘mk“\1;‘uu\u‘uktmmutw.umlu\\°~t§I'l‘b -~- ~ , . -- ......e .. . . ..-

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