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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 2 Apr 2014, p. 4

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l‘WATmmm'Mud-y.Apfll2.20M ‘ r BlackBerry turning the corner I'II . “A Bylmaslacxson ago, and the company’s con- “We have significantly ‘IIII BB‘WE s ‘ fl ChrgliriStafl ‘_ siderable cash reserve con- streamlined operations, . CAM tinues to erode, down to $2.7 allowing us to reach our , -w he li tat the end of billion from $3.2 billion in ex ense reduction tar et . L P g ‘ J the tunnel may be the previous quarter. The one quarter ahead ol'sched- 3 , brightening for Black- revenue breakdown for the ule." said Chen. “BlackBerry “parlance .. Berry, according to one quarter was approximately is on sounder financial footy . Opp'ng I'I' . technology analyst follow» 37 per cent from hardware, ing today with a path to L I009 sh ‘--_I . . ‘ ing the embattled tech com. 56 per cent for services and returning to growth and 3 U" III ‘ ‘ _; pany's fourth-quarter earn- seven per cent for software profitability." . . III-I . r l i ‘3; ings repon released Friday. and other revenue. Chen has indicated he . I ‘ ) a . The smartphone compa- In its outlook, BlackBerry intends to keep the compa r i v -‘ 1 i § , C ny lost US$423 million in its reported it is expecting to ny headquartered in Water- PANASONIC , ‘ ' , ”L~ a f e} l» "’ fiscal fourth quarter, a drop break even by the end of the loo, a move bevy said makes - V S g: i a” {It é}. ; ~ ‘ from the $98 million the 2015 financial year The good business sense. at MlcnoWAVE “ "’ "‘ ”“' ”W ' ' % company earned in the turnaround is partly the ”There'sastrong business ‘ ‘ j ’ ‘ same quarter the previous result of the company's con- reason to keep part of the ‘ 12m“ 1 \ ‘ ' 35$ year but a significant tinued costâ€"cutting efforts. company in Waterloo." he . ’ .n ' 3F improvement over the $4.4 sped upbyCEO lohn Chen. said. “The city is a strong -» , “ ~2- g3. billion loss the company In December, the compa» source oftalentl" . ’ ' .‘L y postedinthethirdquarter. ny sold five buildings to the The fact that 2.3 million .‘~ -' l i “This was as good as it University of Waterloo for ofthe 3,4 million phones the a 1 canbeexpectedtogetatthis $4] million under an agreeâ€" company sold in the last ,, I , “ point in time,” said Carmi ment that will allow the quarter were BlackBerry 7 «I "f“ r. W . f , a London, ()nt.-based com yto lease back some devices, not the new Black . . Pan ‘ W is ., . , L??? i w , , tech analyst in an interview. of them. The company also Berry 10. means users aren't ’ - a? g “ W 1* “The trend that we're seeing sold its US. headquarters in ready to make the shift to " ' now is positive, it's heading Texas the new devrce, levy said W $b-‘ 99 99 in the right direction Earlier this month the In the short term, the N m “I!!!“ ~' we’re seeing improvement, company laid off another company wrll rely on older an! . . . so the light at the end of the l20 people. bringing the devrt'es to help get back on ' tunnel isgetting brighter." total to 1,140 since Septem its feet and refocus on the , PAN'I'ENE M ”s The company's fourth ber. Last December. the corporate world. he said ' ‘ , quarter, which ended March company also announced ll “It makes sense for VALUE PACK Imp I I, included revenues of 5976 had reached a partnership lBlackBerryi to fight onl\ ' million, down 64 per cent With Foxeonn to manufac- in those markets where they mum from the $2.68 billion the ture and help co~design stand a reasonable charlie 7 _‘ C _ company reported a year phones for new markets, ofsuccess." levy said ' " ‘1 1:1: I - m7 .luthervlllageorg 3 - A .1 l 3 (9 . “I“, Accredited by: 3 . ’ l 3' , l i ' t l i 7“ 3 . " l (habit-ii - z. 1' - . ya . . f ‘- ' q i I. -, ‘3' *. r . 5 We are a distinctive, Vibrant, . - fl Mala-your . ; . . V ' mum l friendly and welcoming community «. ‘ ' i “than ~. "m" ‘ where older adults en'o a world ‘ . it... t ‘ V ~ ~ ~ ~ II I Q [400” KITS ‘6” 1; class standard of retirement living! I y ’ ' , , M El l A variety of service packages are rm f r ’ NA E BRAND ms 1 available to meet your needs. " iv _ i * CELL Pll0N E LARGE PRIN T ‘ "‘ CASES KEYBOARII ' l Call Carol @ 5197833710 0 141 Father David Bauer Dr. Waterloo ON ! '------_--------T--â€"â€"---------7_---â€"v:‘ , V :1 00/0 OFF any purchase I , a. I '43 I over $10 ; ' 5 ~ I .1 - .: ' ~-~ in": ~ : FRESH BAKED ‘. : . up“ . ‘ Made from scratch, ”.4 . Al I “DIN“ i no preservatives added - , . I I ‘ . _ I ma swws rum m G 7 9 Breads . Bun! - my.“ . Cakes .. I v a: I “film *h :s Cookies 0 Pies - Chocolates I . I I.“ “In I It , Strudels - Pretzels .2 -‘ ' ‘, ‘fi 0 a“..- I 'Valndftirnnoremhmovw Mmenmmmr .. l , " ~“~~m~~ “nut- ‘ . . ' firm . unnnuquaa- . firm & fink“ Bash“ 4 QWWQMM new cm. i a. on” . r » " " . r .1 ‘n ' A - . Also” . ~ , ’ m’ M a n- an u’lM-W' gm . an ‘ , i . ("(Mufu '“Ht's . 519â€"746-6511 v j

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