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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 26 Mar 2014, p. 11

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WATERUX) Grimm °Wednesdny, Mud! 26. 20M - ll waâ€"Mu km Makm° g history ' . U I I Local historian Kenneth McLaughlin's work recognized by province _ By BoiiVniww: ,n,‘ . , ,. ‘5’!:‘:'1£+1‘:5’€‘!7 n ,, “A Vigil in support of tstorian Kenneth McLaughlin ' Missing and Murdered Hlooks over tlte courtyard at the f : Balsillie School III uptowrt Water- 1 Indigenous Women loo arid tells a story about how he was ,_ trying to convey the purpose of the . ; The Kitchener-Waterloo Vigil in Memory of space to the sculptor commissioned to ~y.:_ « Loretta Saunders and the 0th8r MiS§ing and providethe public an for the project. ‘3 Murdered Indigenous Women is being held l‘he space was meant to echo other March 27, 7 p.m. at the Waterloo public square great spaces like lrinrty (Lollege in ()n Feh. l3, Saunder's young life was cut short lorortto. But it was also supposed to when she was brutally murdered. Organizers ofthe ‘ convey the "Made In Waterloo" point of Vigil are demanding that awareness be brought to l Vlt'W of Its chief benefactor. llailsi'llie, this injustice as well to the report lnvisible Women: ‘ and how the new (Il(il campus was A(hllTo/\ction. i going to offer a drtlerent perspective it Was a personal passion ofSaunders, who was J than think tanks located III other major engaged in academic work in this area. liven ‘ centres though she was taken from this earth. her words l “He final!) got It and it turned into a will live on'fotever. _ V l wondertul representation it! how we do Lt.-Gov. David Onley, right. presents local historian Kenneth McLauQIlin, centre, Vigils M“ beheld “for.“ (anada '" her “on?” things differently III Waterloo." said with the Ontario Heritage Award for Lifetime Achievement at a recent ceremony and '0 help b'm8 “WWW" ‘0 "0‘9"“? 383m“ Mt'latighltn. attended by Thomas H.B. Symons, chairman of the Ontario Heritage Trust. women. The evening W1“ include speakers. “’3‘“ , Exploring what makes Waterloo run mm were tional singers. letter signing and a candlelight vigil l Region different and the ethos that has these local stories. founding members of the Waterloo Organizers é“ that You please jorn them in l shaped the region, Its cities and the Asa native ofthe region. Mi'laughlin Regional Heritage Foundation. lt's man “1990" and solidarity y r townships has been a big part of the admits he was embarrassul that he dld' date was to promote heritage and cul- For more Information V15” l work that Mclaughltn has done stnce it't know more of that history himself ture. and it was the first organization www.facebook.comlevents/542435259204948 ”r Joining the University of Waterloo as a and set out to correct the historical supported with regional government ”‘9 Loretta Saunders memorial page 4' history professor at St Jerome's ( ‘ollegi- record. funding. setting a precedent for other www.facelnok.com/gmups/”6885212130593- ‘ He was ret entl) honoured for ltrs “Any time I would speak l would heritage youpsacmssthecountry Th“ event hasheen "martin“ by the aboriginal work With the lieutenant Governor's thirtk there are people tn tltis room tltat Mclaughlin was also integral in pre (‘O'T‘mlln'll’ M W'”’”‘ “WW" ”’“Wle and the 1 ()Illttrtl) Heritage Award for lifetime know so much more than I do," said servrng the legacy of local historical U"""~'”"Y"{wa“"'l”“- ‘13 wellWl’lR(.. ”Pm“- and ‘ M liievetttent at Queen's Park McLaughlin "Very often that was the sites like the Brubacher House at ”W. (”"5- _ l,xplorritg the region's histnn and the case. and I learned a lot front going out and the loseph Schneider Halts. the old ”"35" contact Shawn lohriston 4' print rples that formed it has been the on those talks~ est dwelling in Kitchener that received f shawn iohnstonWhottnatl.ca W'th any ql“““""" lift-tune work of Mt Laughltri, who is [hose talks would grow rri populari National Heritage Status thanks to his well know lot ally for produt trig histo tv. particularly trt the way Mr laughlrn work. l waterloo Horticultural ties of liis natrve ( anrhridge. kin hem-r iotiduded them He was nominated for the Ontario .IrIquti-rloo “In the early years they would ask Heritage Award by regional council l SOCiety meeting March 28 “It has been the lot its of my career what the title of my talk would he and l because Regional Chair Ken Seilirig said ‘ rrttrtrtalh hut it wasn't what I started would say without our past. how can we Mt‘laughlin is the go to guy for lot .tl ‘ lhe Waterloo ”“n'f‘muj‘fl ‘0‘"9‘" '5 holding ”‘ doing in am means.” he said know it’s us?" he said, about a line that history “if" "WNW“ Mar”: 28 ‘ .10 P m - ‘1' H" "mm [he tutti rpt of lot til history and was inspired from John Steinheck's nit“ “lt's fun to talk history With Ken Its Recreation (Lorine. lilo “th 8,,Waterloo (ottoman histon was underdeveloped Grapes of Wrath "That was a real Ice never hontig or dull," said Selling 'lles RM)". ”VI” VHS!" 3““an and ”“m“ U” in the tune. said Mt laughlin lt wast)an breaker because people would say. always got art Intent-sting perspective on f'" ”W University ”f ("'ell’h Mb‘m'm'" W‘” ‘1" with t .in.ttl.i's r l‘lltt'nllldl In No? that 'Yeah, you're right How could we know things and its well grounded Ill ‘7‘“ building natural '00ka film" and waterfalls people wanted to have more of a sense It's ti.s7" rrsean h He's also put that knowledge hm‘w'“ loam some “triple H" h ”Ml WI” result ”' of selland plate llIcre were themes anti a sense of to work In the t orttittttrirty“ 11%;“? featiire that “Mk“ I"? H w" ”Mum“ in It was almost lllliH'dfll of to explore will (ltu‘tM'rv that emerged from those Mt Laughlrri said he‘s most proud ”I " r Nature . , those lllsltillt's lit'ltln‘ that time, hut discussion. and he sought to formalin that the award tetognru-s those who _ 3'7." I'm":”‘f"”"“"“"‘ “'11 “H“ l""""" "‘ after that their was an le'pffllMP and those findintl‘ Preserve and pron-«i our heritage " ”I." ’l l "‘1 ll“): Yearly tiremtwrshrps .trt‘ SIN almost .i yearning to know more ahotit lhat Included being one of the really means it lot to the ' , , , , ,, ”we _ _ .____ _____‘__.‘_______‘_u«-nÂ¥_, _ur , _, w _, ,, a. fin“ - , A , (D Heer’s Immunnu' â€"’2 ,Mm’_ - It a ~ - paint & décor 5 ,5: . nil! mm t " 25 . l’il'llltllltlll \ln-rr hlhfl‘hn out” ~ to 6 - ~ - . not stamina mow warns“ \erPVG'

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