M'WATERIDO 7- t l' 0 ,~ _‘, “gum! 38.30“ New Es med The budget tO (IO IISt CENTRE he political agenda for required to limit bids to con- all levels of govern» J struction companies afï¬liat» merit across Canada ed with one union‘ COUNSELLING SERVICES FOR during the winter months is ' Both of these labour rela- annually dominated by tions issues must be INDIVIDUALS (INCLUDING CHILDREN), budget discussions. l resolved. The process is generally _ With a minority govern- COUPLES, FAMILIES AND GROUPS compie.e for wheat“, mm “we“ PM We _ , _ ' _ Region's municipalities by if exists the possibility of an Walk ln every THURSDAY 1.45 7.00, Last appointment @ 5.30 the mammary. , . 45 election call before Finance Where: 177 Albert St. w. (Comer Alben St. 81 Seagram Dr.) As voters will be going to 3 If Mahlerh Charles Sousa . . . . . . . thepollsthis October. public 34g}, ta es t e 2014 Ontario Specialmng in Diversity & Cultural lnclustvrty and media scrutiny is rela~ “’ " . ‘ Budget. ' ' - tively high. . . .- in Ottawa, the environ Registered Play, Art and Musrc Therapists Regional council 9 mm is more predictable as For a complete list of services available visit us flirgI’OVEd a tax if???“ 0: SnafffgeM'ms‘erxl'm â€if“; . per cent w i e ity o wr presen ing a ‘lSC @ Wit tl.glebeeentre.wlu.ca Kitchener staff were directed plan for the year (â€905de 3 Please contact us @ 519-884-0710 x4967 to bring forward a budget ing concern across south» 2015 federal election. that does not exceed 1.25 western Ontario is food pro- WOTFIOTCG development w t per cent, which was the ï¬nal cessing, where recent plant and skills training remain ' increase for- the City of closures by Heinz in beanie the federal priority for (h'5 Term Deposit Special Waterloo. ington and Kellogg’s in Lon» year _ . g o ll“ Provincial budget consul- don have raised serious A year 380 Mml5l€f H8- 0 .75 O tations have been in high questions related to herty‘lntroduced the Canada Of people gear with the Standing Com- Ontario's ability to compete th (.rant, a (19W program . l6 Month Term ‘ .« mittee on Finance and Eco» against other jurisdictions (hall would i l fund surveyed Wlth a nomic Affairs touring the for high-paying manufacturr training â€1 hi . mand . . prOViIice during the past two ingjobg occupations between repcrt haVlng weeks to solicit priorities Also prominent on the Ottawa» â€10 WWW“:s and from Thunder Bay to Water- provincial business agenda t‘mPlOY‘fffl- ‘ loo Region. where public are the arbitration process l’fUVmClfll grlvvrnnwms hearings were conducted on and municipal tendering. have “Pi“{NCd this measure. lan. 13 at the Holiday lnri Municipalities across hOWt'Vt‘f- lamployment Mm . KitchenerWaterloo. Ontario continue to struggle NW NW" Kenney appeal“ pe’sonallZEd For the chamber and the with escalating police and “Um"‘lllt‘d (0 negotiating local business sector. the ï¬re department salary costs and movmg forward plan agenda is heavy. The manuv determined through an arbir A“ inleffflllflg if“ I“ / . facturing sector still gerler- tration process that fails to both Waterloo Rt‘gl‘m dull . _. ‘) ates one in ï¬ve jobs across recognize the ï¬scal capacity Ontario imllll“ ha“ Ill“ , “r:- ‘ K the Region and has shown of a municipality to absorb Shim“ , , (/ J ' encoura 'n signs of recovr these additional costs \ \ . 81 8 . fl ery since the bankruptClesof Also, taxpayers face the “‘ f’“\ Chrysler and General prospect of significantly “H“ 1471†U ("PWIWf/U'Hl Mennonite 51mg! I! Motors. higher taxes for infrastruc (I’M/â€W ("'f_’(1'l"â€\ ll [ Q Md (‘redit â€mm 5 :’ mmcom l 519.7“J770 However. the sector caus» ture if municipalities are â€W'Nh?’"flflmmé‘m’ p "mmwrmrw-nmnmramrmv 0 CPA 0 ‘ -, . f c.-. .,---_-__-,_HLL‘- UW students w1n competition lhrec University of resented by Mario l'i'rslgni, .ll (,l’A()litarlo Waterloo htlsint-Ss students I aura liden and Michael "It‘s a fun event that gives NObOdy ever plans to make the taxman ("time ill first in this year s Matkorwsky. who won 5750. participants ii chance to ilt‘l ' ' ' ' edition of the Battle for To win, the threeâ€"person work With peers from iltr()\\ a beneflCIary Of the". W'll. (ASH student teams took part in it the provmtl' and meet rep l'ht' (Sharron-d Profes friendly competition stress rcst‘ntatives lrorii iltl‘ i _ stonal At countaints of mg the use oft,PA skills silt h Apprrwcd l‘rainlng ("Tit t‘\ ~ tun ; in» m all Mn; V ,, i. 1 “L' H w w? lg“; “ï¬lm CW (va‘ W)“ Ontario held its annual as communication, “with "lhe Wlnnl‘r\t‘l1]()\lllt' M" "4' “WW """“" l"" ‘ ~‘ "‘ l tompetltlon on lan 2â€) to work. leadership and lllllt‘ (ash they get from ( .f\$ll ,. ll '~ norm†â€on wi' My i" luv iwrmm give learns of university stu management lllll tor the students who Call me to find out how he Plan by investors Group" I“... meW-v'u .,.. (lt'lli: Ii unsidzrllpgfa carve; ( A loftal (“if three [who’ll didn l'Vzlll Vt’r't‘ think this its a .iar ere ro essiona rams mm 5 pos smoni tompt- I ion t i'rrionstra m can help you t for the mph you “I†about l “9 “as ~ “if m 24†At t militant the opportunity My programs were run the value of ( (insult-ring llit' WNW me to compete. have fun and through a skill testing sirntl ( l’A PrUll'SNllHl, i'l dt-i moo I : mmmmet‘ash pun-s lalion to test the piirtltl that would tertzitiilt maki- ’ ‘ '-" C --’- - â€if ', I [he 20†(ASH winners pants' ability to think on them .i wrilni-r in lhr long a l A front the University of tht'lrlt-ï¬ and problem solve rim h . Waterloo are l'hinlsha (run "The (ASH competition lllt' t hurt-rod l'riilvw ( ww'mssmceac nte.com seki‘ra. kaiherlnt‘t hall is it rhante for students to stonal '\( i (Mini-tilts . ' -"' a and Nariiiintha liong Hit-v learn about the skills lhr‘v'll Ontario l\ the tilldlih mi: Then)" “on the (ASH ( lip plus lint-tittistlt‘rt‘t-dlrilhr' world and H‘glll.|ltl'\ bod» n' â€7 $1000 and an alltlllllllldl ol business. whllciompet Ontario s almost t'oiio Russ McEachote .8'vesr.0rs §l Rt)†for lllt'lt st ltool \ lug lor trim-s that (all help (.l’As and moon t i‘-\ sill CH:- CPCA CUM map .ii ( olintlngtllih hind their i-dlii anon." said dents lior more Infliliiliilllill ~ "nvavismdmt‘u 4 A, N . . mwvwwmm lhird platt- Wl‘tll toWll Sht't'tal (iiipta. assotiatr‘ tlslt (PAW; wt'lisltt~ ll - “"‘ frid [antler University, rep (llfl‘t tor (arbor information wwwqiaoiitanora