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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 8 Jan 2014, p. 6

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I . ‘ A ' S'WAlLthlt)(lll'SQILlyfi/mhnâ€"ul‘D Iattttatt n mitt , ‘ WATERLOO / F :’ t ‘w ;_ t r p " ' t t, it 2 t “t f s § it 2 3 CHRONICLEK t. t 3 a ,' f a . t t "a, 3 ‘ ' ’ a 179 WeherSt N strum ~ t i \ t i i a,» 5 Waterloo 0mm vat that “it i a ‘ A v! r \ ttvttxmttwru ”VENOM!“ ' l mu WI'k‘fItNNhIUflIth’ “I v ’ ' ~”â€"â€"_W*_'~â€"_' ’*fiw_‘wfihf"” " ’ ” ““ ' “k‘iwâ€"v- Peter tNKttk _, ‘ v _ magma ”if, A t}; * , é' ‘ t EtttTtmtAr ,. . . ‘ , , ”f at,» VRBANM‘ - i. $4} v Ft '*'3 ) ' , Hmnk ell 270 lT SOUNDS ODD . A". , I "t l w ”fi‘ a! l edttumlllwtnlmnttmtmI:“t ‘ u. "I", ‘. __ . g h » , ‘ sport-(«waterlnot nmmtte u 1: H I! Q, .~ ‘ 13 _ ‘ f I ' ' M A“ ' t . t James JACKSON , BUT T 15 - E5 . ' 1 REPORTER ext mt . w, . lithiumQwatttltmchrttmtIt ”I - ' ME FEEL 5000 _‘ 2" '. _ 7 it; M ' Adam JACKSON ‘ . . x , gt -. 4 . 1 REPORTERur us CANAD‘AN ~' 5 ”If * . - 1 a]!kutnGWull‘llth‘ntfllxk‘ u -~ ~ ’\ 4 , . ‘ k W ADVERTISING t v “ . \ Ted ANDERSON m w» v "a” . q, - t lg: . 1 REGIONAI An Mus/mm ‘ ' '_ , K t understatew-tetttuhmnn1c t». q __ i sues RhPRIâ€"Slâ€"NIAHW- - ' _ " " Mnhelle STEVENS ext 112 ' a ‘ tnsrrvenstdutnttu tumult: a ‘ I ’ SAM-5 REPRFSEN‘IAHVE- ., , a, Alli-INS m 313 5 ”a ,, ‘ . unteu-terttwmomt It at 7 w ti s p . , 5-051?“ ”LE";- ‘ ' t, a v1; ' ' ’ 35mm. \ v â€" ~ _, ,"‘-,“ ‘ (‘LAsstnt-zo 5 »"’”‘f&:"’- ' . “ a _ ~¢ f Stunts-Qt“ , (‘IRCl'LATIUPs sw lists-imam Ell ' v4 ("Mn-n Pfihltt uttan-tl “In , Q Q 7 t mm A u l t t m mm u Getttng hot on chmate change I 400mm , ‘ , U a h“"""“’"“ S""“"" QM" N“"‘ ' \ ' esterday was garbage ' ‘ prugram Power and Poltncs ‘ MASSN 0813 um A new Strategy needed Yday on my street. and for by stattng the tncrease tn ' ‘ Am“ 0" “hm" ”I”! the first ttme tn a long ttme t recent extreme weather‘ such ' m “a“ ' I "I"? was a "190W forwarded by SO'IW-lhfll ROVern regretted not putttng II out ' as the floods tn Calgary or - v men! needs to get out otthe way as the fatth»ba.sed the ntght brwfnn- the Derember we storm. ts t -""' communny steps up to patt‘h up hnles tn the 1 Waking up to ,2;’,(, temâ€" runngctpd wtth rltmate I ‘ Am g “W131 “(NY n” ' : peratttrus tnot tactonng wtntl {7 t'hange t â€" (KWHNN’N was “X1 cumbersome. “N! huWflUlTal“ (”htlll Wt“ do that to a person ' w" 'Ahsululel‘, I'm (nnfifl’lr t 77“ WWW“ ”WWW H WNW?“ - and (on wasteful of tax dollars to dt'lrver solnttons from and | was (“fwd to bundle l‘ tng | sard mm." Bratd said on aetE-zftttnpfltfd.) M “mum“ some of ”(WW Wm“ ”B “if“ hUlnf'lfssnP“ WWW?" up Mr» I was heading out on the program whtle dtscusstng ONTARIO mess t'ot'Nm Rood thI would make up for the Iark o! gmut gnve’t an Art tn expedttmn ]u,st It) the tmpact Ofwlntet weather ' I“? WWW" ‘thk H 1 "mm name I make the 207mm walk to the r“ "5. on agtng tttfrastructure 1 "l n” 0mm m“ (“M1 “M" Well. mP'lhfl‘W I‘m "Vl‘lkmtl‘N all) i end of my drtvewzw mthout ‘ ‘ ' " Brant t5 the secretarv m t Llffivifmlfiimftfflfifnfiml A m“? "f 10“, latth mmmun'l'“ “WP“! UP ”WV" I getttng frttsttttte [AA/[ES the Mtntster of lnfrastntcrttfe new tqurtttns .tsrrtt.mpu.rntw ”13“ a dual“ all“ ‘0 “mm“ the It" if] h“lll(’|“5\"f‘“ 1 ”us deep-frw/e has been IACKSON and hrs comments came the should hrv he taken m the m“- problem ptovtdtng emergent) shelter lmrn Novertther ‘ felt at toss the t‘tjunln' and . mm.- dat that rlttnate per laminar tttmplutrzl- that? u. Malth m a program (311011 Out at the (Loltl l.tkt‘ the I deep mm the tinned States. agatnst global warmtng at ttvtsts drstttprett a press I 73:5: 2’"T‘:':"‘;!~f‘:m '}':':L"" (nod hank. H was onIy supposed K) he a hattttratd soltt I tnttrtesv nt what mt‘teflrolo A few tlass Ian-t, Donald tortt'erem e h‘s Vepht-tt Harp? I 05, Min Ill ttott and filled a gap those t‘hnrches tdettttttetl tn the t gtsts are talltrtg ii "polar v0! Irump tum-(mt -w(. are e, In Vantouser protesttng ”Minn" lot a] mmmttrtttv 1 tex" ttt the pet stream that ts ettpertent tn): the t oldest the federal gmerrtntertt s m “mm" “' m“ “N‘Wl‘” 4" But after vears of (10mg thetr ht-st tn gut» people (hr ‘ pnIItrtg an tn arr further “path” In tnore than “A,“ p()|l('l('\ related to t Innate ‘ 3125133 m‘fiLc‘T'nfr‘du'xgz drgntty of a root nvet the” heads, howt'wr ternporars. I south than nortttal and shat (let ades must people (harm? “ ‘ All puttsuu‘s All um” who arr “WY are ”le "enough and My 1“ “m" that W‘Vt'm 3 “Wing tit-tank‘s old tempera ttt'vrt term-nth” anVlhtt‘tx the stwnu- ts mtttphcat ‘ men-rd ml outflow-ml u* o um "INNS GI all INNS 5!th ahdtrattng ”I?" H“? on dflflfll ‘ tnre rr-utrtls It has as 1 old as Itke thts trl UHAI WARMING ed. wtth sntttl’ sttggt-sttng thts "mm" 1mm,” “m N M "‘" ’“‘" 3M? hUUSIflK and ( ome'up Wllh a homelessness stralf'm t lat tn Atlanta (at Ittesdat anvnnt'f told weather ts at ttraIIv ml rt" "N“ W" "W"; "" m"? then» are more people Imttg on the streets totlav and 1 moyntng the ateragt- low Unfortunately for tllmatc evtdenru of t Innate change iii-”tint:53:21:61;film}; "WW Im’Pl' "' "F’d 0' a permanent WWW)“ ‘ ts (K thange tifnlf'rlt, one of thrv 81m t‘ watrrN-r Art tn watersâ€"J When. “mum, him. “alrflutr The “fill (atth tnmrmmtts' has stepped up agatn vstttt ‘ I h” , ”m “H.” has fl,“ lessons ot an) Rl'ttgraphy are playtttg hgvm “1mm?“ t’hrmulr ’ "4 “fit-r \r N 5m" Immanuel lInned ( httrrh provttlntg eight spots I"! ‘ ttttplnn-tt some to pnhlrt I\ thus ts that weather tdav tn- stream and t attsntg tr to remt -"’ “mm“ ”'"‘"j‘v'“r" «to; Snpporttve Hrrttstng ”1 Waterloo to get etght matt- sen ‘ expose the "myth of glottal day temperature prectptta trt urtpretltr table was I'fmrfmnh'lt‘x fwd ”mm W tors of! the street snows first htttldtrtg on I‘ll) Stu-rt 3 watttttng and ( “ma“. tron p“ tdoes not equal ( h “Mum,“ A“ at,“ U; ‘ ||, Ink! . tun n-mv althrn and telt W“ full when It Opener] Its doors tn lum- 2t)l(t and tItt-rr- l than“ Urt Ian 4 t algart‘ mate tIottg tertn trends tn ”Ml" "Writ" h through thIiul phr-nr number Addresses um rm ts \t1Il not enough spat r out there In meet the tn‘t‘d lhts I t ttv t “um |IIot Sean t hn sttg thmat tn pang-um tgttomttt t- «It Its snttph at"! nuttt'flsw’t‘l-fi' UH“ ‘t't' “my" ts the first mayor expartstort ttt tts sethrt- stnt e ll ltpt'llt'd Rested 0" lwlllt't that [ho K,“ hen” WaterIoo t on pontttttg to .t thermometer 1~11;l;£"$:'r;h:':;‘v;;l(rim: hut tts sttII not enough Iht'y ( titlld use more ht-Ip ‘ ”no “mam... m t algnrv and “Wynn" “p pp“), Brant nu .t gut-n rrtorttntg nt one mm“, m mm m ”mm-mm ltl Worried organtrers wtll he "wrung In see rt tItt'rt' ml! the tar t II t Innate rt'st'dtt It demonstrated hrs under part ut lItt' tstttltt ts not an "MN w If!“ Prime-”t “W" M- a t ontntnnttywtde response to .t gmwtttg gap |tt wntt t“ ‘ sessr-l got trapped III '\It ttt starttltttg of that t (”It t'pt tIlHMt‘t tn the sr-rtons global N ”MW” " “M” ‘ Iht- ttttr-stton rettt.ttns what tnh- gtm-tttttwttt ss‘tll pl-n? n v Inst month an» t'YltIl'llt t‘ “and.“ ntght on the t Ht lItlt'nI|\tt|1t\t\)l|\t\lt‘ l httnge 4't’t'tvtnl’lflfif1lrllhytinrI. l I l t

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