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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 8 Jan 2014, p. 17

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m a f ' . . - I A \\'A|'l'ltl,t)tl(.HlloN1(.LE -\«'t-tln.-ulutv lama" ll [on - I7 ‘ ‘ muting-mu t ' A ‘ a ‘ r toad . all“: randy - ' ‘ 4 “t L A , . . ‘ ml but with" no tt . an. i:- mull - ' E » L I l} l ,5 ; H, . 1 4. t . a 4. w u . “9 PHILé‘R/IlDEEfiHAB " ’ " , ll ’ It ‘ ' _, "mm“. V1. c tz Vl_E_' ML" 1. . , ' the door. Mr more lnfprmatton go to m Hubert an the harpSlcord. [an 12. 3 p m. at ‘ I I II Stage , - www badenstorytellcrs wurdpress com ' THE MAM ~ 122 Fredenck St . Kttcltener Tickets are $25. 1 ’ ' , , , < 320 for 59mm: and (res {or children under 12 OM! m ‘ _ l‘he SIT??? PI??? 3": BFI"§L.IT;"2 I‘ ’ £9 Former: lnformlt'lon c111519»885-6967 “Rm". or ARCTIC ANIMALS P "I ‘ a ("8 I ' a I" ”U I“ 3 a" ‘ ' V' r" ’* “In"? 0" “W Edi!" P'Psmls “V9 "“P'°V The Canrad Centre {or the Perfnrnltng‘Ans I" ”VII“ (all 519-385-4970 I | ' H caHéneS 1 comedy ("17“me M 3 P l“ 3‘ lhfwm?" presents Carnlval olArctic Animals. w1th the K “Sinus ~ . ‘ ‘ . . . ' [00 (bmmumry A!“ (“mega Reglna 5' 5» W Symphony Sums The. Jan I 1. 10am and Maxwell’- Mink "01130120 Klng St N . pres- u l Warning AdmlSS’Un N 5 “Ml "WWW” “1 ll 3 ml at 35 King St W. Kltchenet rlckttx‘ are‘ ants Wax Mannequin. Pat Malnney, Dan ' mm GALLERY .) ' . - ' m 311 to $13. (all 5194745 471 ll Hb‘wler. lhursday. CltyWide Panto Ihe Salgon l'he Uptown Gallery presents Ttmeless Reflec- ’ ‘ ' Hookers. Ills! In Time. Saturday (2411'493-5705 I nuns. “than 21. at the Waterloo lawn Square- ’ THE WOMEN'S “of to 7“! “V m ’ m Duh: “WWW“ 33 Mb St w . Water ' For more tnformalmn vmt ’ 10“ and Found Theatre 3le "1ny Drama mums“ EXPOSURE loo, pmufiw mum every Fnday and Saturâ€" www uptowngallerywaterloo cum t department P115?” The HMhhlkefSGWdP '0 The loseph Schneider Hans Natlonal lllslurlt day, For morn inlnrmatlnn all 5|9.3861q'q70 CITY 05 WATERLOO WSW“ - the Gil“! Ila" 15- 3 30 P m , 31 (hf UanffSlW Slte presents Northern Exposure. a collection r . 1 , m (Luv at Waterloo Museum presents "In,” ofWaterloosTheatrv "Uh? A115 anprtsed ”7 of Inutt dolls on dtsplay llntll Adm. at 466 \I | MN IaSSICS J Success, IOOYears 1)ny Whiskey at the tad-0 episodes of 1h: 50 fl “as“ tickets avr- Queen St 5 . Kitchener Th: gallery is open v ,,, ,,,_ ~ ,, *' -~ "(tummy Man 550 King g, N mu m 3" ,. $15, $13 lot students For mare lnlorntattolt Saturday 10 a m to 5 pm . and Sunday 1 p.m N For mormrtlottnatlon call‘5|;)_a‘85,afl’)fl . C!“ 519-888-4908‘ t05 p m For more tnlormation 5311519-7‘42- an“ A“ "a“ . â€" ' ' " 4 “ w ill _ . 1752 nr vmt wwwregmnnfwaterlnn ca~ The “W plumber Music 50cm“. presents . ~ The Restart Theatre wilt-ms Sex ltd. a col“? hummus. ROCKS. mums mo MORE Quartet Attanult, [an 10.8 p m.. at 57 Young SI ‘ , . dy 707 "I? 51h 8m,” in Of u5~ Ian 17 10 Ian The Untvemty of Waterloo's Earth Sctences w , Waterloo Tldtets are $35. $30 for selllurs " ‘9- 3 P m t 3‘ |22 ”mum“ 51 , “Chm“ TICK Museum presents Dtnosaurs. Rocks. Mlnerals and $30 for stydenls ("311 513-586-1673 Be part of me scene ets are $23 For momz lnlomtatlnn call 5131401 and More. at 200 Unwflsw Ave W,»Watetlou [I] “I know o/tltmommg an: and . 0356 Admission is in! For mom lnlormatlun (all f” . . ‘ mtflwnwht 0mm, Mu us a1519~fl0§â€"9363. or ‘ gimme” R d] I M7. ext 32469 ~ MJanfm: a“ the “WW A mallatmmalfimtegmhmmbm . C ts!" Am 3 presents 0mm an u |‘ ‘ . I . ‘ , r l 1 tr, lan 24. B p m . at the River Run Centre. 35 l“ I I \ll COMQMPQYaYY Q I'm“ “ohms! "A" Baumgartel and (”mm . ' ‘ \ Woolchh St ,Guelph- Tickets 'are $25 to $42 m . “ - ~ , - - TlcketmbyavnilablebycalltngSlQJfi’i-m ‘ , , 12 h l 5 W7 t, -9 to TV W2 '13 ~ ‘ ' For more tnlormation vtsit \ “mm m ' CROSS‘NORD 1 l . . , . ' I wwmballetjorgenci A Thelazlkbomdlthc htstonc Huether mm . 71”? + f ' f" ' t ‘ ff4 "1. . , C n < " Hotel. presents the Brushed/Brand Duo, Ian t (sun's mums rm: ‘ 7 l 7 ' 4 7 ‘ u, ' . ,. ‘ + J . ‘t\||\‘t a , 10.830pm.at59KlngStNAdmlssmlllsilfl SWWerwn “Wit *' H . f ‘ ‘ , ' ~ ' . Vlsn WWItuqlwoom com I ll) Sdechw 1m ?_ 17 k l __ 1. ‘ . ~ ‘ , . a ’ ” It A W mute 5 ‘ P , _ l .' fl ’ Mm 3a . ‘ ‘ tan-1mm . _ 1+ij ' The Hon Co‘mmunltyThutrc I5 10mg audt~ JAR ALL-STAR m 1? wwmgvm “ ‘ ' v ' .- trons for Ragtlme, fin. 17 7 p m , a he St The Jazz Roqm, at the hls‘luru‘ HuPlhet / w ”and“ a ' ,_ _ < . A ' . , Agatha Communlry Centre. 1793 F 's Road. St Hotel, pgsentx the Iazz (Hm-ff”? MING“ 50“ 19 GM ”on“ ”IL ' ’ - ' Agatha Ensemble roles for black and whtte (CL Ian I 1. 7 p m . at 59 Klutz \t N Admtsston 20 (1am M we: _ Tr u . - f) . My ' actors “rd 18 to 30 For than mlormatlon talk“ ls $13 Vim mmauflmm ( 0m 22 31 mm 4 7 7 , u L 7 L 74‘ "300427-7514- , . . HMMWV W» . 23Wuoflmldflsp» “3 (I i - . ‘ l v. t ‘ ' . , I ‘ St George Banquet Hall hosts the annual fins 74 Vulcan moment , j t; 1 , . f r,” + 4 , \|‘ I \ [VCMYS , . Blnhday Show, a‘lntr show wrth Short (arâ€" 27 Cam-net! ‘7 ‘ I ' . ' I .\ I mll. Bruno Nesciand the Tonellm. Ian 11 h ltt 30 man wm’dts" g , , l l . ‘n p m . at 655 lung St N .Waterloo fish 5 are 3‘ 7" "ll 45 ‘ " "l 1 A! status Alma $62 wrth procetds to wrap” an $38, 32 w at am, . ,, f y ,, » - t, Stones Aloud ll [ht Button Factory (onlltlurs “on” so” ~ 59-10" "39 , .’ , 1.“ Have study done _ _ , . the tradition (gstorwelltng from "5: am“ s l‘ht Regrstry Folk thht serum tottttttllm wlth 36 m ! Dora » u n 1 v ‘ Barn. I“ 10. pm "I (”I "I "I ‘ “I“ I Brother Sun 11. a p tn . at lg) Hednclt St, 39 MM l l C 5 Waterloo (Lorne and |lS(l'l| m shirt your , ‘ a t . ‘ . * ’ Al" . ' ,, ' v“ n ' Ad "I $5 m Mlchfnel ts art-$18 [0 520 For man w Cammncmtnmtm mu . . , ' . ‘ ‘ "w“ ‘ "r? “ 5 ”1 Y mm“ 5 ‘ tutormauon 1967876295 u _ “mm 7“ I . lfi ,_ IT . . L, 4 b 4 3 . 42 m and l ,‘ . ' t f" "7“ ” “7' " ' 43 ty. ' » , . . y . l . . , , , , . l . ‘ ~ ' f ,~ were SHARE is 1, u mm ' . in ~ . ., ,. , M ‘ * 45m! nut 1 1 A 4 t â€"A A ~ nu: 7 re, ,-, aFREEsuppottoroup 165mm “mum mm, ”Mum", ,, , . -. y Why! Ullmma tut-not» aawqutm aware . 1 *¢' ' » 40 (mm ‘ l M be cmnortm 34 ltvequld'v not "00 6,’ Rom , a ’ ‘ ‘ "Q m “if 49 Moms 5 new" 361mm tummy mm 55 uh ma , ‘ ‘ f ' " Cm of Acquired 7 for” m at m 6 "w sua- a- mm 1 29 my"; m - m . ’ ‘ M 1 than" swarm-carton 1A “4mm.” ' 0 "an 3 v' 41?" Brain him “on. ~ I ss has! ~. a mutate w to (mm rum» h? _ stun-"Hull's new ., v l 56 mm mm a 1.mw.smwm 44 (lam WWW! 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