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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 8 Jan 2014, p. 16

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"__â€"_________.â€"________â€"___._â€"â€"__â€"_._~ "77,7, 7 ts-watmtoutzmtomcu»:-Wt-ttt.t-stl.tt. lattttun » mu \ - ’ t . ll, . l t ”as I y,- ‘X i a t) . ~ ‘ WI‘EC e p a ‘ . l a a - a l New exhtbrt at Waterloo Regronal Museum explores underwater treasures . \ , ‘ BY Boa Wm : z 8! a m ’ *v_ C’ll’olllt‘lt Mal? AAifi ll!!!” f ‘ here‘s somethtng about explortng the ' qr ‘ T mysteries of the deep and getttng i '4 those deep waters to reveal lhetr ' l fl % secrets that seems to appeal to people of all «Q «guy. QA , ages . , ‘ Jiz y 3 ' . ' That sense of dtsrovery ts somethtng the ‘ a » f ‘ '~ . Waterloo Regton Museum hopes to explore K: ‘ k. , wtth tts new exhtbtt Shtpwreck' Ptrates 81 ' Treasure. whtch will start taktng on passenger lan 3| to Apnkao. lo Huron Rd , Kttchener Building on the success of (Jtrcus' a travelâ€" ; y . tng exluhtt that was a bug htt at the same tune â€"‘ l ‘ . t» last year. Shtpwreck wtll allow wsttprs to the . = & 5‘s WRM to expertence some of the modern , ...,.- . ‘ technology that ts uneovenng htstory at the ‘ » ' "‘ 4 bottom of the ocean these days _ l " it"! . “filled wuh tnteracttve games and chal- “W th‘fik'h lenges. Shtpwreck allows vtsttdrs to expert» â€" "" , .~ ~ ~. , . ence the thnll of shtpwreck exploration while A tnvesttgattng some of the world's greatest , . 3 manttme stones," sand lames lensen curator of exhtbtts at the museum . In addttton to viewtng treasure rerovered - > from these shtpwrecks. vtsttors wrll also get a Families‘will be able to view rammed underwater artifatts as part at the shtpwreck! exhibit starting Jan, 31 at the Waterloo legion Museum 1 chance to become an explorer themselves ' , ' “ - W'm’ ”0m . and tnteract with some of the technology that ' , _- ~ ' f . ' . y ' makes these ducavenes posstble There thI near (ialt. Ont . tn what ts now present day serrstbtlittes and runostry » pie rebutldthg "10!”le satd lensen nThat's~ also he tnteracttve dtsplays felturtng the (hmbrtdge lt's rudder fatled as the boat was lensen said somettmes what ts more laser» why even though» some ol-the content ts company Odyssey that ts uncovenng thts htsâ€" neara dam on the Grand It capstud over the natmg than the loot that ts found tn these skewed towards an Ame-man story. there are tory and delvtng tnto areas that had ont‘e Stde’of a dam on May 22, I878, ktlltng eight wreck ts the soctal htstory that ts contained some untvers’als about people tn North been tnaccessthle wtthout thetr technological people tncludtng M I laflray, proprietor of the wtthtn they are almost Itke a ttme capsule of America â€" they weren't llVIng that dtfierently advant'ements tialt Reporter newspaper what sttctettes at that “In? deemed ‘llnprrr' tn the postACtvtl War era " ‘ Some of the dtsplays tnrlude at rohottr It's those types of local stones, aswell as rant lll thetr day "There are some dlfiPant‘BS but tn tnany arm stmtlar to those used on modern day the ones on the htgh seas that sttll rapttvate “(ertamly Odyssey. the rompany that has ways the day to day llWS of many people are rubottc sttbmersthles to explore shtpwrerk may people and sparked the tnterest tn the produced the exhthtt and does a lot ofsrran'h mdtst'tnkutshahle" sues There erl also he a humrane stmulator, (rhlpwm kl exhtbtt and salvage work. unr overs a lot of wrenks Iensen expects the exhthtt to eapture pen- and vtsttors thI get the chanre to try and "It‘s (ertatnly not the fantous lttantt. that are a lot more mundane.” sand lensen ple's tmagmattons and appeal to the explorer ptlot a boat under these adverse weather gwen that is the Grand Rtver and tts ktnd of “The targos they hung up tell us a lot about tn all ofus. ’ ‘ . condtttons that lead to rrtanv of these natttt shallow," satd lensen “But the fact that a rear how people ltved her ause of the thtngs that “That's why we brought thts tn hetause cal dtsasters wnahly sued steam shtp got hung up on the they were transporting ll's not all gold and thts ts a powerfully appealtng story to a mde lensen satrl there ts somethmg m out rtver and etght people dted ts remarkable stlver" ' vanety of people." satd lertsen The stoneatn natures that ts attrarred to these stones of gtven where tt happened In fact the 55 Hepultltr whtr‘h ts (meal the ntany ways are about what we can learn dtsaster and dtsappearante. whether they are "You wouldn't thtnk that Wlluldr a reg" slat" ol thn traveltng show tells the story oi about ltle tn the past front refltvertng these the fault of human hubrts ltke the stnktng of Iar occurrence lot a nvt-r hoat " how New tlrleans shop owners were fuelltng objects from the sea and they're often tn pmâ€" the l'ttantt or tf the hands of fate were at l'housands of shtps that have gone tlrrwtt the “1‘thva from the ( tvtl War wrth a shtp ttne cnhdttmn whtrh ts very different from play over the mtllennta, tnrludtng tn our own ment olgoods from Newlorltftt’y dtggtng them up tn arrheologtt’al sues. and He brought up the lmle know ch al story deep great lakes that sttll hold some lasetna "It was tarrytng a ll)! of household ttems the numbers ofttems artI eve popptttg " of the lztnpress of Indra. a paddle wheel non for people, espertally when they are able from the northeastern (I s to the south after For more tnformattrm \'|\|l steamer that operated on the Grand Rtver to reveal thetr secrets to our modern the American (itvtl War so tt was about poo» wwwwaterlooreglonmuseum tom 1 - t- .. - . .. ‘ , ‘. ' . ‘ . a t t . 4 my l t. “f - {a . , t sf. “it", 1 J r,‘» I, a. w ' a r, - W. .'~t - " v ,, . . ~. t,( P f "

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