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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 26 Dec 2013, p. 8

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a - WAN-£100 CHRONICIE ' Thursday. lkcembcr 26, 2013 M.(mw~u 3H3 b IE I» U I 1 “91862830 Fax “98869383 " "‘Mfiii ' Hm walerlux‘hnmule ca Purl WINKLf‘R PUBLISHER ““‘“"""L WHITE CHRISTMA57 C Bl*’vRBANA( I HECK I M DREAMING (‘dllnfldlm walclekthIIIm lc t .I I \rme‘a“alfr'lxlhhllllxk'\Il OF A HEAT AND Luna JACKSON LIGHTS CHRISTMAS IIMksImQI'wmcrlI-n hrI uncle In Adam JACKSON - REPORTER cu Il‘ I' _l|¢kk\(‘n@ WINCH!!!llllllllklk’kll \Il\ l‘RTlSIINII " lI‘Il »\\DFR\()\ (U 310 A RHIlIIVM '\l)\1‘\N'\(|l.R .. I IIIdcrmnlfl uJIrIlmxhrnlIulr “I m \\ll\RlPRl \l \l\ll\l ‘ \IIIIIIIIuI \Tl \l \x I II >3: "l\lL'\L'n\\‘7 u.lch‘III-I’III"III lI’ _1 \\ll\RlPRl‘:\l \l\l|\l \lll'NSI'\I IIK lL"l\l‘”“IIIL'Vllfll‘lflllllxll’ “I m. I l \\\|l ll ll ~ l‘) xvi <3 III I lR(l1-\l|(l\ \W Mm .‘MI‘IIwI I ‘~ I IInJIIIIII I‘IINIIIIIIIIII \IJII VII-I ’ ‘ I" ' ' ‘ O ’ mm I:I IIII)\I(,I I. I- l)! IURI \l Domg my best to save Santa IIIMIu‘u , , W 7 H I'III'I'IIJIIIIIIAI \l.:IIIlIIII‘I \(‘VlJl \II:II . . (‘ WON: ”I“ (10“. [0 play ”11' {”1ng hlan.” g“ "‘7 '\“\ ”M“ m“ Halloran gets It “gilt Wkilhng Sam“ ( lam rIt I ' I I he Inuldn'l figure IIIII \dnlnl\ ”mm” ““1“” W 3”: myh0us€lhls(.hnxtmas ' ' ‘ nuke! and Mn hr mu m m “5" dynr Brl'fldd lldllnmn‘x (in won ll) nut seek a '[)Im't worn Ihv IIlIl hm ‘I ‘ spot (In wnh hm gm» lllt'll‘ .. V Mthml ((‘rlll III nffiu' In 3014 IIIIIIIw III lhI- ugh! ‘ (luln't get stuck In tho I'hlm had [U he an Insldc mum III ‘ ’- IIIIII- UH mum Ion-ls I may and dIdn'I lakv a Iumhlv dad nn Ihv job {$0Cna Q l IN. II \ Illl IN lIIIIMlulgIIn-nl Ihal xhc hm fulfilled (hr ‘ nflllhe rImfhm-gmw of all [hp ” He told us th sIprII lth A * .1-"_ III.IIIIlIIII* IIl “hut \lll' \\.IIIII'Il In (in In offiII' Instead ()l I( p hUIldup VA hm wv wcrt' nun ((llnnlllldl I»... WWIIUIII III III II II IIIIIIIIIIII‘J [>11 IIIIIIIIg ()llt' III IIIIN- (Ill’l‘l‘r pulIlIcmns thI hangs on ‘ Rudolph’x l]I)\t' Norm-x In . __4 MI I send de. “ll \IIII [an - “‘51:"\‘Al:"‘l"““"]“"" ' l‘ w ”M“ ‘l IIIII lung ”Slldll‘. IlII- IIlrl‘l'll\l\ll’rl11\(’ll(l .II IhvvuIIng I d I“. ML an,” II,“ MM“: \1 ‘2' (hrIxIth .IV\(1\ IIIIIII \IIIII UVHRIIH'RLM (In M II hIIx III \nth \llllll‘ Hllll'l Illllll‘dHll n'qulIIIg lll\l hIM IIIII “qu lhdt‘s \thl m) ”mm“- I ~ lllll(' lInIIhI-L \sI- IIIlII-( hrIxI ‘I.- “Illl‘llIIIl IIII I II II I I I’ll IIII‘I IIl IIIIII h [hm hall hm lIllH' ‘-\llll \llll'f\ ‘ um [)Vlan mld mg as wr ; IIIIdewm from Hm I' lh "WW" “I “MI“ “W“ \he- d\1)l(ll‘(l lllt‘ IIIIldIl I)! \l‘Y\l((' III lhc' I lll/l'll\ at l wondt'n‘d what 2m ILK‘ slorm ‘ llv‘ WI-III IIII\I.III\ III \llIH'l ‘IIIIIIII‘II‘ IIIIIIQlHI’I“ II'j‘f““'V""*"‘l"‘ ‘I‘IIIII-IlIIII ll('( ””1ng “ll ~I'IIII l' In hrrwll as \hr ‘ “mkjdnmmnhlgplang ‘ BOB l lllI‘ III-“s IIIIII IIIII III \II I}, in ,;[I;‘:;,,‘_ .‘I ,V“\I‘,'I_I “y ‘iflu, II L'IIleI-Ilgt-Il llll'fl’ Illl‘ llllll'r\ Mm HllLllll haw II (llfli‘l Hm [hp “4mg “I” xx.” VRBANAC l I)l1(l\ lzIII-I m- llIlll hI\ lIII- IIIIIIIII II-II n I..I.I II III. :lt‘uqm I‘lll ‘Il\lllll IIIIIhI- I II\ .Ilv) [hv mun l' IIfmth I [II] - 7 , _,____l lIIIIIhI'I lIuIIIIII; IlIm II I'M I~I lI‘I‘ “1"‘3‘ “'II‘W'II‘ II" l' l IhIIIL IIMI II'IIII\ In IIIIuIIr WAN II vamI.IIl goal .IIIIl \[l'l'nIllIHll Il\ hr “an“! In hrn- now or \‘llll “(Illl ll\l‘ \IIIHN and IMhlllL: ll\ ll II “II 73:1" :gr;.7”‘:"“fl H" "V H" “ II “Ill hr IgIIle IIIr \UllH‘llllt' In I IIIIII- III mm gruxl lHNll qIIHIIII” lllt‘ ”My," (I In 1hr lung I'nnugh In ~I'I‘ ( llll\l Irm- IIN \I‘H IJ‘ lllt‘xl\Illlll I IIIIIIIIIII- III ”II“? 1hr I‘m lonsurIl \ht‘ and ‘ IIIllI (IlIl I‘ll and ”mum-“pd max " l~ n II.” IIIII‘I‘ l II IlII Il (Hm Rib!” \lll‘AlSl) {llddl‘llll'tll'l |\ll)l]hrl(l\~1llglll.llVl-Illl‘fltflll‘d In prH Ihv mag“ liQ'.ln\ In lhdl lllllt‘ hII IIl ~IIIIIIIl IlHHI lhlldllll‘. IIIIIIIIIIII; IIIIII ”l“ “"“‘”"" “' ”“‘ “ “ WW" lN‘lll‘r plane than \lM‘ luuml II Whalva IIIII (hull of llH’ l rm “,1”,ng “In I than and fur) wvnII-Il III Ila IhI- ll‘yldll hml lllxl \Hlll Ulll III “ LENS“: 2" ‘foflit‘urxfi :23: ;IIIIII IplI- Ml pmgrvxs. WAII'IIIXI has mIIu'Il Inward and I My Wm» lam and I wpn- Im II as Dylan 8(1erth IlIMII II.IrI-III\ "I ”WM“ V ”W W.” J, hm llllll‘ IImrI- forward lhIIIlIIIIg (we! llH' LN \(‘H'll vI-arx In1hrhawmcnlandxkclth lhr Hans III IIllI'r up ll|\ U'\n- In” III.IIII. ”III”; III I WWI .ml IIIIIII.II I..II N II pp» III lll‘l [PHIL .IIIIl Ilwn‘ l\ nu Imhcallnn Ihdl llll\ I IInIImI l mg IIIII somv of the (“Walk I-xplunanun mm» In” Illl17\\IlllIl““ IIII III IIIMI‘II lII ‘Imlr II I INN“ "I" "WI 'Ill‘. I» H‘Il(l\ III slugnIIIrIIr rm! (In Its Iaun'lx {or ( hrlslmIIs WlH'll up NOW, “VIA” hlIx lI.IIl lll\ .nlu-Il I-u ll('lll\ ”“ “" "““' "N 1»,an "" ""1"“ \HH‘I llll‘rl’ .III- ( hulk-Inn's UH Ihv hurl/rm llIIII RBI-In \ I Mun I- III”.- (”Imp II“ II ,. \1l\pll ll)ll\ lIII .I \\ll|lI‘ \‘t‘ll [)l.l\l‘\l l IlIIIIIILlII I “m M W WW " ”w “WWW,” ~IIII ' 'l¢'\ .lf!‘ \I (I -IfIh . H I ll -rI' .III' also an m l - . llIIlIk ' l1l\()lll hrllllh’r l LII l \ >lI \ \l‘ II I It‘ll IIIII luv lunhrr lll‘I-Yl'VlJllI'II mink-I Hub kk I“ I" ’ ( In U H H [MINI I h‘Hj 1” l' H ”ll ( H ‘ H \ l A \ h” “N,“ “Mum,” I‘M, “WWI.” Ill.“ “LII-«low .lllll Ihh rvgmn IN lat-(Inning II IHUH’ rnhnxl NHL.“ ”HI ”HUN!" lIIs lH'lll'l III \I \II holds how mIII h II I 1l\l III lIIII I hum-I It I“: “(NI \l N \IIIIII pl.II I' III.” lIlll hill“ IhI-sI- (hallvngrx III \erll' and llmln ‘ \lI IIlIlI-xI sun IIIlII' hi(l‘(l \Mixn'l IllspI'llI‘Il In \(H‘nl‘ [Manx \lll'lll r 3”\wm*f‘r0m-mj‘ ‘31 ”l" Inwards ll\lll\l'l\ll\ .1qu strI-nglh. I mm” m.- \Iulrx .IIIIl mm In wnnlx he H'dll III ”no (If h|\ But lhankhlllx llxlun l\lll :rmF‘LHJ‘II‘::1WI”MUM" lInallI. hI-r (ll'l l\l(lll vull lvad It) snnu- (It'nHM ram l Ih.II Dylan “I.“ \lIIHIHR III ldlhk'r‘s [Irmmus Inlumnx [WI pI-I II-III Illlnllllllt'll In In”, K m“ "I“ mm“ "M Mr H'lH'\\d| III II I!“ 1h.” W)” has one of [he IIIIM engagml I ”up: Illu' «I I.III.II\ ”P w.“ WV haw hlx Inmhvr III [hank gum}: up IhI'w I lIIlIlhImIl whim? numhrv mun-II“ Ind we I III/I-IIrv III the Hymn Hm Ian‘s mon- [N'lef‘ a (ham!- WINK II. [pH HIM” [hr truth {In ll'ulklllg llmI (Illl on lh(‘ III\IIh\ :IlIhIIIIgh hr IIIIIl llll‘ "I" """"""~'" "film" "' W" In gI-I Im'nlvml In IhI- IIIIII v“ and murv IIpImrIIInIst III ‘ IIIIIIIII m.- III‘III III ”IV “III \l.llr\ fur lhl‘ I hIlIl Nth .I ho kIInvu \l l‘.IIlIl\ \ lMI. “"”" ”'"fm" mm" "H "N N hung Iww lhIIIkmg and mm IIlI-as III IhI- IleIlI‘ lhI- sarm‘ I \llll (Ildtlt’ l" rIuIIlIIIg ll"-1'l In NH Iml I‘llllt'l ll Ill\l llll‘Illl\ uth M Wr Itv-nv- Ihr rIghI In nlII ‘ _ ‘ ”'1.an I. max IIIII IIuImhn-In II. Inn-x furl nun SI Ian and\\llnll‘r§(l(‘(l\lnl]k not In nIII \\(‘ll I u l)|\lll'll .IIIIl l WP Ih.II I II haw IIIIII \Ullll' Ulllt‘l Int-uh I. kw nap-NW Irma "w llallIIran has I'rvm'nlI‘Il hI'r lawn: and \hr Tl‘illlil‘il I” l \llllllH'd, ‘II\l.m )Hll \(‘ gIII \II H» Li“ I\ II llIllllldl II-.NIII III haw .I IlIIIIlI I N "'l""‘""“ M ““‘l' "‘ ImI l1!‘(‘(‘§\.lfll\‘ III‘Il In [Imuspt'nt but how II was spell! Ihn-I- an nnIls III I IIIm- Ilrmn \kl‘le lH‘l .lll\(‘ hr lIluw III ||I'\ gum my .l {on , mlIIInalanu-rhn hr'vw Ir In

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