n-wm'moom- .. . .. .. Ital: 8H0: .3. it) i I B kt h 1 Id , A; 1 LENuit t: Wt b k kf . is .AX FPCE' ac towor orparents -? l . \ i_ . be full chill signals for job leads, referrals and r ’ “i I back to school and for moral suppon, " some stay-at-home A common concern for . parents, thoughts turn to a v . parents returning to work is i . return to theworkforoe. finding a safe. nurturing ‘_ . , . if only it was as easy as "5‘ daycare provider for their ‘ 1 ‘ stepping onto a big yellow children, While it can take . bus and being whisked time. finding the right , . . _ . , , . _ , . y _ .. ,_ , awayto yournewjob. option for your needs. it will m : as “D To W I.†, ', _‘ .‘ Parents getting back into help ease the transition and 50%OFF reconstruct: » :. â€Warsaw multiple wvumepeaceormmd " u ,- . » . . challenges including jug- you need to focus on your sling roles, marketing their _ _ job search. Going back to C h a n n e 1"g skills and coordinating ‘ mm is a Signiï¬cant change >» childcare. IESSICA for both children and their Before jumping into the MCQUISTIN parents and it will take time job search. it's important to for everyone to adjust. spend some time planning, However. it can be a First, determine what the past few months or rewarding experience in type of work arrangement years have consisted mainly WhiCh both parents and (full time or part-time. of parenting responsibili- childrendisoovertheir inde- employment or self- ties pendence and savour their TA C O R I employment) best suits The functional or combi- time togetherevenmore. ‘ yourfamily’s needs nation resume formats can If you are feeling 0V9“ ' .: ' * Also, reassess what fac- highlight your skills while wbelmed Wilh the back<to- rs‘f' tors (e.g. salary, beneï¬ts. drawing attention away work transition, contact a ‘ ’ location. flexible hours) are from the gap in your work local Employment Ontario most important now that history. agency such as Lutherwood . 7 ' children are added to the Consider your skills and for the free support YOU ' * equation. activities such as any volun- need. q. Parents who have been teer work you did in the '" - away from work for a period community. helping out at [mica McQuisn'n ‘5 a" . * ‘ of time may feel out-of< your child's school. coacbâ€" EHPWWMUMFRI ' touch with today's work- ing a team or helping with Lutheruood. Where-the * [- plaee. fundraisers, Those are all 9'90,†h€Q""'8P90P‘¢ marker ' ‘ / For example. increasingly great experiences to high» thetrshlLrandflnd reward- jobs require computer skills light. ingwork opportunities. For ' ‘ and many companies A unique advantage that moret'nï¬x'maa'on visit: . expect you to apply online parents have is their comv WWW/WM- so a ï¬rst step in the back-toe munity connections: many This “MO/“MOI work transition might of which were formed from WWMWUI’M‘ include a computer course. their children‘s social activi» W004 MW’ISM “Iâ€! n KNAR Oaim‘le Wmdoo Any training that can ties. WWMM.W ‘ 12! Cornwall Pr] ‘ 80ng St Sam boost confidence and Networking is a key com» uawwdwomrs E W ‘ . t w - l “3031868777 tSlW8889200 refresh workplace skills can ponent in looking for work WH'SWUS 10?“ be helPM- and parents should certain- Ina wofodierservwes‘ Another challenge is to ly turn to their friends. other WWW by "'0’? râ€" r-, "‘- â€1’17â€; gf-Câ€"Jâ€"râ€"raâ€"T complete a resume when parents and acquaintances than 22,5“) mortar-malty. '( ,_ {__(.‘ dug .‘ i" ’8’, ._IJ }' .l . _ , I C l I - , i u \ ~ 1.2 , t~ MOHStCI‘CElt a hlt on mUSlC charts Continuedfmmm 18 music and coming up with calledConcertnini'a. the idea to collect the best They weren't be able to , BMW 'Everybody agrees secun- techno music out there and attend the company because . . ti ty is important but not a lot sell themasoompilations things have been moving so ,. -lu28TABEMF-mm -- _ ‘ - . , . . â€a 3 STAGE “UM" Fume. of people are Willing to do They ve gone on-to pro- fast that they had to open up m. I†'Mmmflllfl All 80"! something about it until duce the top compilations an ofï¬ce in Vancouver and I" Tmï¬ï¬‚m . Hm they're kind of forced to. It's online with singies charting set up operations there to be †W5 . GI: “If†just like medicine where its at No l in theworld on Beat; closer to the established _______ . “'10" mammal n...†cheaper and more effective port, and their albums hit music industry When you choose Rheem you choose your dream’ to prevent it than “K" the ting No l on ilum‘s dance lhc Al'ft‘ll‘lalliri t‘lllll‘ ' ‘ problem when it's lht'l'l‘. t hurts in more than lb (‘olm pmVidt's [Hut h more than . '9'.'I[1W l'he othci graduate from tries l'he creative team )ust mandatori networking ‘ At fl‘lt‘ralfll ('etitn'. Monster behind Monsterriit an- proi opportunities and fat IIIIIIN “gash!†l a (at lnt . l\ one of the first mg the power of itidcpend and services," Mild HIlllllHlt’H . mm . a stiirtiips that hm |.iiiiii hi'd i-iit labels in the digital age. by pro rt‘tttlllt’ll wilt-o ‘\\i~ Fl | I II II | ' ‘ spettfitulh Into tht' l‘lill'l and Will produtiiig â€limit of were dhlt‘ to lilt‘l‘l \lllllt ‘ , ‘ M ‘ t .A 3:) V] r} I ' :4 . , tammtmt hllSIntKN lotiiided thvii owniiithriit-arliitiirt- .iiiizi/iii); pl’iiltlt'. get in lllt'tt‘ ' ’ ‘ l _' ' by â€lll\l‘rsll\‘ of \\dlt‘l|(l(| â€in Will also ldllllt h .i right .i\\.i\ .iiid (ili'tllitll‘H _ t I ' ‘ ‘4 '7 I! 35f, l ‘. grads. .-\ri l‘.iiiiioiit-ii .iiid trtiwd snorting totii‘en ink suilt'iipoiitopvnitioiis , . Mike Darlingtoii, it was born t‘l piirt‘hasmg company that it was ti great [)ldl c lot UN . ‘ 1 ‘ , ‘ , 1‘ I . , .. out ofaii Itlt‘il they had tit will he developed out of the to start working (is .i ttuin: _ . their bedroom listening to M u-Ierator (more as well and niii Nth our ltlt‘d.‘ "