WA'l‘lzRUX) common; - Wednesday. September ill. 2013 - is What would you do when you get the call? ' ‘ ' ' " . 1-37.21 hat would you agree to go through with lwas told yes if g :5; War) if a stranger it, As to why they wouldn't honour my i - *‘ m andated to So why. for years now. request not to be contacted again, I was *2 tall by an agency of the l '\> i to has the government told the government isn’t subject to its ‘ r « 7;. ‘ lt‘tlt’ltll government" ‘ been wasting money â€" own Do Not Call law. No surprise there. " ‘ ‘17:; a“? ",i‘g'él minted to ask your 12 our money a on a sur- At what age WOULDl let my children ' ‘ . '3 {glycisg- if; year old a few questions vey that clearly isn‘t participate in such a survey? Not until 3 ' '3' “T A: ‘3}, over the phone? working? they're 18. when they are legally consid- '- , -. . 7 Would you allow the Allow me to clarify a ered adults and can decide such matters ' l . inten'tt-w to happen? bit. The phone interview for themselves. . ‘* . * f5}; “ What if you were told l‘m referring to is an Byall means, it is imperative that our \ - _,: "- ‘ that you couldn’t answer ‘ ongoing Canadian Com- government understands the health 1 . , ‘ I the questions on your munity Health Survey. I care needs of its constituents so it can " . ’3 child's behalf or even be receiveda letter explain- determine how best to meet those ' "' told what the questions . rm. ing the survey about a needs. were, nor could you lis- fl week before the call. but But until they ï¬nd a better way to ': ten In on the interview it's the information that gain that understanding. though, their a or be surveyed instead PENNY letter “didn‘t“ include knowledge will beskewed. Most respon- ' '5‘". oi your child? WALFORD that speaks volumes sible parents know better than to let 3:» Funhemtore. what it. From each household their children give personal information ‘ » 5 after politely refusing in the survey sampling, to strangers overthe phone. f“ participation and asking not to be con- one individual aged 12 or older is ran- Participation in the Canadian Com. . i; [acted further: you received a letter domly selected for the interview. I! just munity Health Survey is supposed to be 7 Challenging your decision and advising so happens my 12 year old was picked voluntary. but clearly Statistics Canada , that you WOULD be called again? in my family. doesn‘t take rejection lightly. ‘ ' such has been my experience with According to the individual i spoke Remember. these areer taxdollars the federal government over the past with at Statistics Canada while delving at work, folks. What will you do when two weeks. and to say I’m extremely further into the matter. the survey has you get the call? annoyed is putting it mildly. been going on for years. He couldn't tell I don't answer surveys over the me the questions, but I did learn they phone. let alone allow my children to do COW" tOISJlCS SUCh as physical and men- '0‘ 50. Every parent we asked agrees ï¬rmly tal health, health care services and Aï¬eelamwritenblogerandmmu- with my decision. smoking. m'can'onscomhanrbmaiinm Besides, even if I allowed the inter- When I 35de if "‘05! P811318 IEfUSCd WWMMM “CW. I doubt my 12 year old would to let their kids be interviewed. muflflmmmwm N W! we. r . 5"†a; ‘ '3 f: -9!†. «w A " i l V , \ ‘, g ‘ t r _ A i t \ \ l . _ l . 1 ' ‘ ‘ . ' . i I l " \ . . I, - â€" . ~. . x, . , t . x u 1* \ ‘ y '