, l u - WATERLOO CHRONICIE - Wednesday. September 16, 2013 rg . I . I O O I Doors Open Waterloo Regwn features organwfarmmg Site Sept. 21 _ l BVMAnsmuWnn 5â€â€œ '0 "" Chm" 2013 Hagey Lecture a“ O we farming for the laepelle .. . features Margaret family is not only a job. it's a , . 7 . _ », me" way of We. in, .4 .- f' his» McMillian Sept. 1 9 "We‘ve been on this farm for 14 ï¬g; "9 ï¬gï¬f‘ï¬???‘ gâ€, '3‘ ' " ‘ years. and before that we had an organ- ’ â€3117:; “if. ‘ - I: The 2013 Hagey lecture Will be presented by it farm in Germany," says Linda me. “ historian Margaret MacMillan entitled “Choice or pelle. "Farming has been in my family Accident: The Outbreak of World War One". Sept. l for 400 years or so." ' 19. 8 pm. at the University ofWaterloo's Humani- . Laepelle Organic Farm. located at 085171839158! HageyHall. . ‘ _ ' 2296 Bleams Rd. in Petersburg. will be MacMillan lS regarded as a leading historian of participating in the 11th annual Doors the British Empire at the turn of the 20th century. l Open Waterloo Region on Sept. 21. She is an ofï¬cer of the Order of Canada. a member ‘ Established by the lutzi family in of the Royal Souety of literature and a professor of 1848, the farm is still a traditional farni- history at Qxford Untverstty. . ‘ _ ly farm producing natural. wholesome In addition to numerous articles on (,anadian foods: grass-fed beef, grains. potatoes. . and world affairs. MacMillan has written several _ eggs and Vegetables The original two- award»winning books. including The Uses and . storey barn and farm house are still in Abuses of History and Paris 19l9: Six Months that l i use. Changed the World. ‘ Other sites participating in Doors The Hagey Lecture Series is cosponsored by Open Waterloo Region exemplify this the UW Faculty Association and the University of l . year's theme. Waterloo Region Modern. Waterloo. , ‘ . ’ ‘ having been built in more recent years. Admission is‘free. trio tickets are’required. Pay ‘ such as: The Mike 5. Ophelia Lazan'dis the handle Organkhrm. touted in W is one of the «mam n the and display Perkins will bendable In In! H. Quantum-Nana Centre, the University 11th ml Doors Open Waterloo Region event this Saturday. Munro For more meWDElUO" V15" uwater 100-0“ haRC‘Y' ofwaterloo Student Design Centre. and lectures/. email itigwellï¬uwaterlooca or call ‘ ()penText. mones. and our chickens and pigs are consumer. Our local customers help us 51943884567! "1- 35‘58- ‘ 'High-tech companies and organic fed grain â€"â€" all grownon the farm." move away from a food system that is o i farmers. we can benefit from each Their customers come from as far heavily dependent on fuel consump~ Royal Medieval Palm l ' other." said laeppele. â€Right now I'm away as Toronto and Mississauga. said tion.‘ designing another website with some laepelle. â€They’re quite often recent Laepple. along with her husband sept. 21 at watedoo Park l body and it‘s called Adopt-alarm. immigrants fmm Fastern Europe." she Fritz and their six children. are all . .. J . _ . , We‘re doing rtowdfunding. so people said. â€They really appreciate the good involved in the day~to»day operation of l TheJSth 3T“? [:33] Med??? [amiywéaï¬ l can adopt a project by either volun food they had grown up on. and they running the farm. raclsaokwsgl ' ro U"- ‘ pm, a " teering or givrng money. and farmers long for it. They are grandmothers who “The way we farm developed out of 00111†. i, , p . ti da si ti of yen can post their projects so we can con still know what to do with the raw a need to provide our family with d eh all: sari Id". â€l": :ef ydcondshnf‘r ‘ ‘ l nevi. People can get involved in several materials. like fermenting and all kinds healthy food in an economical way." ors.~ a ".5 on ,ilsenay ' (5):: rtalnla :elli‘lgld‘: , ways. like planting trees and shelter of things that have been lost. I hear she said while collecting a bushel of $2205. fï¬sgcdmusef' is?“ 00 [p )2 ald a?" ' belts. I've had a lot of people comr- out people who have tome from Russia, or Yukon Gold potatoes with her d â€'3" l ancm. at: n C c 5 â€me n to our property tell me they want to wherever, say, ‘We have never been sick daughter. Rosie oral/“1:13; pigs at?†2; re. on 3" 50 for hildren grow their own food. but it's not pussy until we come to (Ianada. Going into Sadly. little support for organic '0' (1 Us; n ‘ ‘ l pets ’ “ L I ble because land prices have tripled the grocery store after two years. we are farmers is offered from government, a?“ n er“ s ‘t bl _ f0 'll , , l has n 1 . since we came here, We could never now mnningto the doctors†said laepple. 'l‘m involved with the thi [5 3;; sew 1:] L rd d3“ “m “l l ‘ af‘brd to buy this farm now.†The family's Site. laeppelorganicca National Farmers Union, and we ;% oadmirgi rync ‘1"? S vet 1h. I th m k Organic farming is a naturefnendlv states: â€It is a fact that this region pro recently discussed how Europe and the _ c [CV d r on ht? (li C fxld '34.): r: L ’11 way of producing food. Lacppelt- vided healthy food in abundance for â€.8. supports their farmers. but here in ex ep :3 0 {meg ant. 59'! ( l ,and my 1'“ I†explained. â€No chemical fertilizer, pox settlers and natives hundreds of years (anada. we take everything for grant; l Isfgfahijy orndetï¬n "9 in" ‘ an. . l se "I I ticides or herbicides are applied to out before trucks made it possible that ed.†shestiitl ":5 e in f ‘2? a, l 633‘ W "m†'n (â€â€™de m: Hops." she said '()ur animals are every bit of food. on average. travels (mm ml â€â€œ1235?“ â€V" “â€0â€â€œ r" â€" raised drug free and without but more than 800 km before it reaches the (manned on m 15 WWW-“W3 m ' aireorg. - “rt-.1", Busty. : .- L 7‘ . ‘ â€:3: {fl ' i at“? '5' ‘~, is: We. 4": . * ~. ‘ '. I, ’ . $31.5? ' ;i.;;"n;r"'t‘o's . A; - 12m. l .. .- , m we we .w;;a"-m- ‘ . 5:595 ,« t L. h .. . ‘,. ‘.:?v" .r‘, . ‘ .r agony†may? .7, ‘f’;,;.‘.“' 1'. '1’ . ‘ _ a. 3mm; ' -" “We a: 3' ‘ 5 = "3‘ ‘-‘:¢§~1~:‘.' 4 his? 9 ‘ , g . if"; .. 'A . 4. ' ' . .‘ . . ' 3 if? ._.., ; «‘5» ï¬rm .