WATERWW‘WWILQDIS'M ‘9“ PM “ . M '. c Lrisac “a [xi-‘6. UK! )1 3 “' 75 .. , , N, g..- k ‘ memos? Woofhr: ‘ ' Fall 8. Winter 13/14 Programs IO..bHOMn-Mll.floytlndm /.- ' "I I†In "I "In Ouch-r «mmrmmmm " . h (Mum-WWW! , r ' (me . . Visit our website to learn more! ' J . ‘ ‘o S I i .36. " '5. more»: . , Classes‘sï¬â€˜?†,. 3 ' ,‘ ' ' e H . ' J; '5'“? , “FEW opens : 5 ‘ ‘ ; éï¬. &. F mm was ' \ V . ~ "‘ â€mumnsim-nu'yzwmo "a“ .7 W I V :rrw.ix;__'e. 1-510 Donor! Cour! ; r H Walorloo 0N ‘ ,‘ ‘ ‘ no" Corrosion. In†I" The Zorn ‘ 519-886-8600 ' "at, “i 10 book your _ . . . . ,~, ' "3531;, 9 .. v r I . , r - Fail Actrvrties mg! g,.:_ 1.; . way»: ‘ I 3'1. ..‘:.;>"; 5‘ g Matt . .- at 319-523-3050 ~ it» : ext. 208 "w. A- or email: , ‘ . . : ‘ , , if - ‘ , mmer :Camhrrdgetimrrsrn â€f maï¬a/1; ' ' BALLET-TAP-M17)-(ONTEF‘.H‘C)RAE«‘: ~‘MHP‘HL/F‘-C’cV’Uli 7-:E «WE- ~ A .‘ :3, ~ . 31/106 . 13 SURFALt TtNalON ,2 . f 5 20 -- u ,_____.___A-_ _ . H-.. ' .7? 01'" -ALL (35363 , , ’ 3 Mn our website to see the top 10 reasons why you sh70u|d choose ( 50 your dance studro! We‘re Mod K-WIMDNK. Studio 2013' ’ ' mg mammal deï¬es for boys and gids in an encouraging j . atmosphere ' gNTEMF’OKAKY - "or and ISTD yin and rap exams W In on F HOOL OF I. spa(ious faulty featuring 4 studios f Worn/[MISC c s! Enpy two Iarge (omloriabre waiting areas. 'ng Windows, playroom for siblings, and free wrfi ‘ ‘ v ' Wu Perform With our Dance Company' :;;?:rtlgr?)rgmrï¬vl 12:9,“ [4 n ( 1 i ‘ Walked dame programs for toddlers to 5 years $19 725014? v ,- ‘ . anthem oormmbostndeasses daniemrooodarxmom - â€"vp~. - Stress-free recitals with age appropriate costumes and choreography www.csdoncoxom