WATERIDOCHDNICIE' .t . ., , . . ingots-23 - . ‘ 5?; p, r . ‘ L ,. . i ‘ is thoroughly clean. The furnace fan, ‘ M ' ‘ " ' ‘ .. ' ’5 i a g “a 1 heat exchangers and air-conditioning 7 V s.» a 1- y . , - Ԥ"1“*?‘%,.7‘v :1 a .: ,os x a )i I , ‘ coils are cleaned too. if required ' $331311 65;??? .12.: - _- g s a F . f ) No chemicals are used ~ the entire Lifebï¬téw. 3'; 3 1 r ’1 i | i , ' f '4 process IS very effective and safe. and ngg‘eF 3 flair» a...“ - 1%.; . f takes approximately two hours. depend- ‘ “L‘ Li 5 L W,“ ‘ 4;" 'L Li“ â€4"!" t " r W 2' mg on the size of the house and system. ;; “'59:“; l ‘ ‘ t . . I . r‘( . ‘ ‘ nn 1 A t «1 . g, ’ (‘ommcrctal properties may take longer. L" ' , 7' L Eat} ‘ ' In the end. you‘ll be lefl with a furnace 3A . t ‘, it. _ V"~’\r\/\ A 5 LL that works more efficiently and air-flow "#515391331 ff LL 1' r 1‘ I, t s ‘ L j (It I I\ J‘ . Li x A. » with less dust, Allergy sufferers will L , gnu-m»... (IN , ‘ ’.«-t notice fewer symptoms, and your house ‘7 Q! ~ ‘ ~ 1 t .‘ ‘ e v 3 ~ ‘91-? _ «t ‘ Hr, “ . WI†smell fresh and clean. Enjoy less ‘ .‘ ' v, ,_T ‘. L , -_ "a : dust accumulating on your fumiture! ‘ é, m L M ' \ Between cleanings, you can help opti- 3 ‘ 4‘ t .. a ,' ,.‘ L“ "7“" w my.“ mize your heatmgi‘cooling system ‘5 peak I“ ~ LL ‘ , . V L performancebydoing the following: 7 . »- .. V V 2‘ .. ' 3.... r... ." - - Never vent your clothes dryer into 1‘ L g m mnwwm u~-m~ the house Dryer um will contami- 5;†.\;,~:‘_::3_,_" m - In.“ a nate your furnace system and spread ‘ , i "L “â€493 ’ ‘ I , y... ' throughout your home. 7" '7 ' L L L__~‘. 3‘ y L : L - Do not keep kitty litter near the ' __. ,, - *' - '7 ' ' ‘ 4 :5 /' if, i L - _ ' furnace dust floating ammd in your home‘s heating ; ,' ' â€L . Keep the area around the furnace clean and cooling system now! You’ll notice the . . V /‘ " , and free of obstacles, difference immediately! ‘ ' a; ‘ H}. A ' Clean andr‘or change the filters every l ' ‘ f W§é 1‘ ‘ ‘ ' 2 M" = d, .» a ,, Bestdes spring. the fall IS the most popular '0 : y . 3* ;: time for duct cleaning. simply because ofthe ST a ,_ *' * ~ ~ ‘~ 7†L ». "1 seasonal changes. but anytime is a good time ’ ;b i L; -. . to clean a dirty system 7 so make sure you J _ J call the experts! ' ' "L L LL Steamatic has a long history of guaranteed M M Ԡ"b L "I A â€tweet? WWW 1 7 . your home or workplaceThecustomer serv- mmMMWMt ‘ i Health Sutlles Yo! the Whole Fulï¬ll . a J y y ice and satisfaction levels are second to whawmdufl'ï¬damm ‘. ’“ 7*“ No P do ‘ Mk none “Hm L L W . n ‘ m‘ Just ï¬nished renovations or buying a new “Slen'dt . 1} l DE N “'6 TRY (cl today! 519-745â€"7333 '7 ' 1 v home"! Expecting a new‘baby, Dont forget mien-flamingo. ' / magnum. “mum, to clean the ductworkl (Jet nd of the excess k / VOL.†world needs your sumo. WWW ___ ____V__~_.NH__*_-_‘V___M~ _ ____________:_______: â€â€˜1‘,†â€vii r ~ 0' R! Li ; N Putsyoumconlrolof The G" y All“ 9:9 Ine L FL your digital world! that uarantoes esu ts. a «. DlOlTAL SOLUTIONS ,2 wpbwuï¬qhï¬qunhâ€"iâ€" â€I ammoâ€"um ‘ ' “.hsuma.pmusa~muflutm i bhmuu _ , *hhflhhï¬-uddlflï¬ï¬-ulm . 5 '4 in“. L‘ 3,†56.9 E Wuhflnw-‘ywmmhlï¬ ,4. 0" .3 a ï¬bï¬hphdH-nï¬dmï¬-m A 20 x0 \ ~ 3 i8.“ ' ‘ 7» OFF ' rrhï¬ghwnmddâ€"ud ~ g ' ~ . . \-V -. \W hudhfldwmIqâ€"hphil‘ï¬d-unï¬ "' W $ 5 " , » alflll-U l\ . ~â€" - 3:. a “was. Wuha'nmdl-M‘ his nor-1: rum-thin": . , 1 ‘ . , l . ““W‘Hhu ‘pMWMIl-h , ' (is: he. do. V_-,_e_-__, _ â€ï¬lm“ 'I‘ . ~> , , _ .? . .omw- \ u y A - mam .. a. k mm tâ€"nâ€"WMW .. .7 my __...7 .- , . ' s V ' h- - ~ , a t l v ' 4 2 . 9 a : l r