l ’ mm- .. ». ems-7 6: ' ,_ > . s. k & . z; . 1†_ ifâ€) xi W (._'>1'. . ,. faéf; ‘ v,» [a "1-57â€? 3?“ a t, a ~ ~. 1 a a --‘i “7011! "'----B\\IBGE - S“ “A 1 o All )‘ ‘ K-w c l ‘xpfl Â¥ 1 ‘ l A a“ .’ S‘} u. strand“ I---- ,. ‘ “Ema-ill. , BACK To "I! . SCI! i 2 ~ w ray-pm w, ‘ > 4 ., ‘ ‘ ‘ . i ' ~ 55. , s a . t- Q . _ . _ _ 3 l%&b%Â¥ ï¬les-sit, 5 A volunteer ï¬refighter from Wooiwich Township looks on the charred rematns of the St. ~ a if? ‘ , ,, “3, Jacobs Farmers’ Market on Monday. The structure was still too hot to start an investigation 5, ‘ ,- l into the root cause of the $2 million fire, MmmYO 5. _‘ i q l t o a W . Suppers vow to rebufld my , ; . i. s < k t soon as ossible 5 * °"""' " “ ‘“ mm ' mar e as p on.“ v m m , Continued trompagel munity was quick and sym- harvest season, which is a ’~ A . i y - "PER SURPLUS pathetic critical revenue generator ,_ p 1,†. l ‘ , ~ APP'UXimalt’lyï¬o market 'This is a devastating for many of the market's , a. P : CBS vendors were affected by loss for St lacobs, the Town- vendors," said Dowling. ' the blaze, Damage esti- ship ofWoolwich, the region “They can't afford to be out ' mates are pushing past the and the agricultural com~ of business for several at max "UPI. â€I? “B M! 52 million mark. munity,†said Woolwich weeks at this time ofyear. , mg 0.8" As of noon on Monday. mayor Todd (Iowan. in a “We all need to put our m - . the investigation into the press release. “The St. heads together to ï¬nd alter- .. .. A T.snlm cause of the ï¬re had yet (0 lacobs Market is an iconic natives for them to sell their '. begin The Ontario Fire site in the township and is goods until the market can â€" w w t . ,_ Marshal was on scene but an established. well~known be rebuilt â€" hopefully at . . the smoldering ruin didn't destination for tourism lightning speed.†we“ ., allow for an up close investi- across the province. The Dowling suggested that 2 m ,- gation Township of Woolwich will other sites could be tem- », ‘. ‘We have not gone into work with the community porarily be made available m f v the interior to look at any and the owners to help re» during the rebuilding phase. , thing.†Pedersen said. “It’s establish the market as soon According to representa' 0 312.“ still pretty hot in there." as possible," tives from St. Jacobs Coun- Waterloo Regional Police As early as Mondav try. the market will be open I “I“ â€343 detectives are also on scene, morning. there were some for business this Thursday ~ . n "H" _ to determini- whether the indications that residents and Saturday, with the Ped- of h“ , fire was t-rllnll'l'dl. although were already thinking of dler's Village building and V mm " . the fire is not (lilhldt‘l’t‘d ways to help the vendors outdoor vendors there to . xllxplt toils With the devastating loss serve customers. Polite MI“ he rent-Wing lony Howling. a West No plans for rebuilding CB] NHL A!“ the footage from numerous Montrosc resident. semi out the main market building wt llrll\ l-illil'hiN l†00!†an email suggesting area were l'iiirili/i-tl. its til prt-w NAIL NUS“ “MK“ TABLE lllllll' if anwni' was on the leaders needed to pull time proper“ tit-lore llil‘ lirt‘ together toht’lptlie farmers‘ started market rebuild With ï¬les from (at! Response from the (min “We are in the midst of Martin 1. ,‘,._, wiiiï¬ W ï¬n? â€" k, , v 1 - . ‘ A fu:0\'_¢'|§f ' ' a ' fl ti , . A l ~ A - war a , “f {A . i . ~ . a 1. , "3 " ~ .. Hm Quality 1,1â€) » NEW â€" . f,()99 15nd bottle Q Q Q Q ' - “an,“ (ID MH.MSAM&1N “alumwmwm hittl-tmlhu Mums-m u-uumamnuuiuiu , DmuMhH~~_-â€"hâ€"-~h--huln ’ _ _ . __ mm W An excavator from Kieswetter Demolition was already on sceoe to begin work on Monday. 7 “1A“ WlVflMiVfl t