h WAmlmC-llm 'Wtdnesdi|)‘, September 4. All i- B .. . . “v- â€- y. ’ third . [1 , . (“a w |\ Larson opens Jazz Room s season ‘ M‘“"“ a th what has become ‘ ' ' “' 7 .- ~~....-~.â€" s. .. A" MUMIMS Wannual tradition trur‘rlin $855!“ ling 9:81 Alppa ' ' ' ordlblu downtown 1 ‘ ' ee ravms y ce. whar-~M~Mflon living' Feel at home in WWW "CW peter [any iarson opens the Although WT“an in Odd lob Mishaâ€: ma Aï¬fd'ybrogm ilwtmm mm; Meadows jazz Room S~thlrd season time signatures that are A†Tm 1,1. â€a"! marina mm â€m m Gait Martin 2 Sept.6wnh his band, Larry's meant to challenge both mm mm of downtown Builqu newâ€? "m lanGuYs l ‘ ' '* '~ “chem; Enioy a“, m p ayers “and auditntt. “Whom" “an“ m 396-025 : The performance features Occhipinti performs With a BELMAR ROOFlNC' comm“, “we and 1 bedroom 1 w A“ sum guest gunarist Dave ihomp» delicate touch that is both ’ meow exercvse some 60mm" cf}, “Cm "m Wummw son at the an hot 5 tlocat- ' ll' ' ' rm 7 ‘ 7 1 ‘ 1 menu games room. am “we 15 no ‘ y. YMCAMWS . l _ ' po inte igentand relaxed. â€mu,- ‘ -_ com“ 24m laundry. . hml‘tu (I on M ed in the historic iiuether His mentor and hero. guiâ€" . W‘Fbofs as l E “gregwuï¬oiigg‘isogug Annull'xfe Immdw From "mm Hotel. _ ‘ and performing at an Ocean tarist lim Hall. describes ' ,M “a, was nSoflt. Fm. 1w_a12.52“w new Missal; ted n , Tow-veal! As prinCipal trumpet for City Pops series in New lerâ€" (lechipinti's (Jamcra album l zCormzrmouanai roses zmsm mm†_ m“ “Jam†“um, the K-W Symphony during sey among other projects, as being an “absolute gem", .’ .MM . WP.“ . W FREE “duoâ€"RY“- smut-4533 the past 20 years. the enor- [arson is primed to geta new with original and stunning l E l‘ 1 flit; it - .» ‘ FOR ONE YEAR (Up to mously popular Larson is season at The Jazz Room playing. $360) w" I} 2 E . well known for his two-sided rolling with his captivating Returning to l he la/z its-arm Csmmttrswwui‘ttns career. _ ensemble. Room as headliner, Occhipâ€" E mmonnmd “Mrorowf‘td , i, Mi a†1) His hand includes Chet Saturday night continues inti presents a celebration of , â€a†24 no“, on“ m "t A Baker, (luldo Basso anti the Jazz Room tradition of the combination of content- ; r W l l ‘ til) \ at“ 525ml rm. -â€"- ' -â€"-~s loshua Redman as pivotal presenting the best Canadi~ porary music composition ‘ b d I ll l 1 l" 5! _ I\'\ It i†â€my sum “a" m' Uti-Itt‘ie‘sm w influencesto htsiazz sound. an and international per- with improvisation. lt'sa par~ . ' w' m . i . . ~m ' , i syeaiaaizmr'y a; m me'goacreeme HADES Larson s approach fea- formers, with the inimitable ticularly innovative formula Trimming, Removal of and g“ H "up $835 2‘s $130 _ $195 ' swmnm lures unique arrangements â€and Occhipinti and his that has won him many fans. Oman“! Br “1 “Hamel; I, ï¬g 227?“ agnggas 519-658-3294 ï¬mt1mn~lgnf of tau standards. creating a recently formed Camera For a sample of his work Sam: the New“ for 11 Ya." Otter Mum,†519mm“ Hm new tune during the impro- linsemblei on his (Ii). Camera. Visit his 4419} so , 4-43 | H mole TO‘bg: a tour E 2271 (Wit? Vises solos while staying true Occhipinti has been nom- website then come watch H7» WWW“ tot 0 sense of the original mated forthe ltinkoard for him make his mark on the (m cm ’ “Gloom? A meE ROSE melody. Duologue in 2003 and Forty lay. Rooms season opening A ï¬lm Well mmmd BuutEiEi7GirEbom calls Based on this approach, Revolutions in 200? The weekend. loininghim Will he â€k N was; $3231? my. Zita-789553; one can look forward to a loronto horn gliitafisl~c0m~ Michael Dennison on é . [T a“. am gazebo m mm W mix of well-known melodies, poser presents strong and marimba. Aline ll()lll/\ ltrl SMCWIOtS ‘ Mw’m {stumï¬â€˜miye'rgï¬ $3; I“ an, ï¬lsm as well a‘s‘a few less-known original writing, and violin. Peter ltiti'k on t tanner starting a, 5,003 m wt “no“ parts and “an“ 57972278002 gems at ljriday sshow. unprecedented style. which and bassoon. diltl Norm \ls Rentals sgztgioger’isut‘zwng’agg 23“ MCtedliOK 24th gummy stem-2332 Having spent a busy will take you through a sen on bass. “up! “mum's i.§§§?3§ssm W "WW summer inaching the unique blend of jazz. pop For more li‘lftll'll.ttlllli‘l I flux/{3&3 EV. H“ M“ National tooth Orchestra, and contemporary clasSical W'sit wwwkma/Jrooni i om Email aimigafmiace â€in“ Vi arrcnwoou mimic com [0 . ~ , . » E I Quacicus mom 2 my ‘Seiectao was â€Me, New Serum your community Since 1856 mag in Belem 39°91.th somermdrtions mow HUM)“ wVILLAG’Jl! 200 yawlnmmlem WA RL 0 CHRONIC fui ll'lQ rime » NC! I I: I II : i wot: West Location. unit minnow 3 Bod- In mm! eggs $353, or. “minor reaming cpfig'gasmst meshed Rec Room and ml; 122,33"! m ‘ it M e m i 0 a c ._Q“ . ii . "Maw? ‘“ We ATTENTION WATERLOO CHRONICLE READERS: lean ulet , rmstrostr “a, Lamonmcm“ MCiemOK‘ BSSCGWNSSGOECG Along With today‘s Waterloo Chronicle, your Carrier Wlll be one“ two room K 2311? am“? â€ff M m RENT TO OWN 19-57-4795 deliyeginq the Convenient Pay Envelope. if you have yet to u ‘ r n r- “ 53m it.) an Scott-aw 3M? hmm,‘ con ri ute towards the delivery your Community Newspaper and S‘litimggig'i‘“ mm mm ransom-5575 2m have been intending to do so, please mail your envelope today. > . 0, â€aw†- A! credit more “95463105 ' ll WHO†m ‘ awammmmatnaa‘ , A." . ‘Smm m 1353334333440: For further convenience, you may fill in your information beiow rrm Cam†ï¬glmï¬ Miami.“ mamon SPA and return it to our office. 7 “W tum Library U 7- ehâ€" rue- in M. has m â€Nun“, "as,“ a, may“, For those of you who have already made a contribution please w Y Rooms Pumice ‘ "‘ ‘â€"_‘ sum flit-Man's acce t I News†â€mlflhlll 9mm, “cam,“ D our stncerethanks. minim; Nonsmokmq Drive 019 Cambridge was WM 1 Mic-tint â€650m 51,7252.“ . mmmrisoau Now is your chance to contribute b usln th hrs-i- ins-i . â€a.‘ f y g e a... a "W imrltihi * c i t P 7 “7 H--. 7 7 E ***** Oliver! en av Envelope. WSW P b | i on“ win/must ,_____.._______.______ , a moment nunâ€"us..- m " 5'9'57m i ----__â€"“_'-'_"'"" but.“ lmellllO‘BlBO'l | ' ' ' ' ' u h, a. h M ‘ m m g. l l woul, d like to contnbute to the Waterloo ( hmnicle.’ : â€I. d ‘ v _ : . ) “use lintl ti rheutic tor S36 enclosed tor a 1 year kttlllllhttl‘i iii l \. ""‘ h“ , f m , i'ti llLt‘ iii pa» h) ) Visit ) MASTi<,R('-\Rll : Gresham Place l mater; in: : it.“ , in it...» ' t t at Vï¬" ' 7 77 7; ' From $960/month . %:â€'lfa;l 142 3032 : gig†illlfl‘ : imtrue ‘ ’ ’ ‘ï¬" ï¬" “ "‘ ’ "ï¬f ' “Om A" “chm" l 1122“ it om“ mu, availablein â€ï¬fty“ i Mine . 7 . 7 7. N, ' W . P storey wall no building located at 7 | 7 7 7 77†' h - Across lrom Fain/tow Mall ‘ 119 UniverSity Ave E ( " ’ ' | Andrus . , _ .. : ' ndoov pool ' Fulrnuymmum l ' m ' Germ. you Si 206 rent mus HST includes utilities 1 What didyou l ( it» ,, Pint.†( “do Minot a : AdditionalieritaiincentiveionDustin/tea. mwdzy? .--_-_.-_--â€"_____-----_-____-_--â€"â€"__â€"---‘ (all New! Sl9-894-0830 ! rm m mum,“ m, norm way ii. For more initimiation (all f mew» w" in“ new a! MOI-51mâ€. ‘ ~ ' , . 8) , M...“ MD, l M The ( "iridium Demmm WATERI. O CHRONICLE -....._.____..- - ‘ 1, ‘ “MM“ LA-A--“.__.J SNMï¬â€˜OCXHZXi lalil9~88f>9383 279 Wchcr \l a sinii- so “iilrrhni ()\4‘ sin UM