â€"â€"â€"Serving your community since 1856 â€"â€" 0.0 . C WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2013 - wmmwo. ONTARIO * st mcwomc HST . WW“ Hazardous l BUS'NESS t rim is Nice materials - â€WWW“ ' 1 season/Page 16 Chronicle identiï¬es 1 contents of derailed car 1 Br Innis liaison é (Throni'cleStaflr t K , he Waterloo Chronicle has identiâ€" ‘ i, lied what one of the rail cars M ‘ 3‘â€" involved in an uptown train derailment last year was carrying. After reviewing photographs taken Oct. 12. 2012. the day after the derail- ‘ merit. a placard on one tanker suggests it was carrying caustic potash. or potassium hydroxide, which has a wide range of industrial and commercial uses and is highlycormsive ltwasoneofï¬verailcars SPORTS involved in the incident. Sis/tins get ready for Both the City of Waterloo and the another man/W2? Goderichâ€"Exeter Railway have refused requestsbytheQronidetomviewalist of materials being moved through the city core by rail. The city obtained that list 1 from Gm in March. A- 1 - OnMay22.dieOironideï¬ledaFree- ' dom of lnfomtation request with the city for access to the list. but was denied on . 1 . , ... July 4 under section 10 (Nib) of the ‘ â€"ly Municipal Freedom of information and The doors are all that remain standing on the won side of“ buildng at the St. Jacobs Farmers‘ Market Protection of WWW A“ which allows a 1 after an catty morning ï¬re on Monday destroyed the powhr'local attraction More than 60 vendors were request to be refused if ,, reveals third, 1 infected by the ï¬re, wrth damage estimates exceeding $2 million. ' party information mm mo m‘““““*““°°""‘°““‘““" l S b M k d tr db ï¬r sion. arguing the public right to know t. aCO S ar et es Dye y e outweighs the railways' right to secreq. It ’ . is referred to as a public interest oven-ide- BvRom "M1 volunteer ï¬reï¬ghters were on of the ï¬re, said Pedersen. who under section 16 ofthe Privacy Act. ’ Alff‘lflflflhl’ Chronic?†scene but it was already too late believes that a sprinkler system “Section 16 says those exemptions to save the building. would have prevented the (under section 10) can be ovemritten 1 local landmark is no more Fire chief Rick Pedersen said destruction from being a total where there's a compelling public interest Aaï¬er ï¬re destroyed the ï¬t the market building was already loss. in the information." said lots Friedman. a 1 lacob Farmers‘ Market fully engulfed in flames. “Most No people or livestock were mediator from the other of the lnforma 1 early Monday morning. of the work was trying to protect hurt in the ï¬re at one of Water _ tion and Privacy Commissioner. A total 0145 ï¬reï¬ghters were the exposures to the other build loo Region's most well-known While GEXR and the city have blocked called out to battle a blaze after ings. because the budding was tourist attractions which brings b r‘ repeated attempts to gain access to the the ï¬rst call came in at 1:45 am. lost at that point.“ he said in thousands in from across the . or 6,- " list of materials, an independent invcw- that the 24000 square foot menu The lack of a sprinkler sysr provmce as well as intemation- gaoon by the Ominide has uncovered a building at the market was on ti‘m. as well as the timber con- ally. “It’s completely vendors and list of some of the potentially dangerous ï¬re strurnon. contributed to the food vendors.’ said Pedersen. goods moved through the city core Six minutes later. Woolwrch intensity and destructive power Wmn7 almost daily. Fu- ture-whit. . _ .. a ; a: £1 â€W’s ‘wrf- 1,7 ’ ' ‘ , - 1 i, ,' - 1,31; 1 . ~ ~‘ _tf' "it... 0 ' , C ': f" C5 . nan-unto. " 1. ~ 5 f -» w;- 1 â€"-â€" 1 _. % ‘~.~ ',- 20 \ 3 . «Thai 1/11 11 ’ . 1 ' “ may... but ‘1 0 ~ 20 D“ but, man â€mom-um Sq human-ant- . , Fri. 8 Sat. 7ui-tM 7 _ _ 7 i ,, g 7 '-: , s... 519.743.“ ‘