i2 - warrant“) cunemcu - Wednesday, septcmbcr t, 2013 Bik d â€" h h th ' f ? es,carsan runners W 0 as em to way. , - “ runner. a cyclist and a driver are Highway Trafï¬c Act and our region's Trafï¬c can ride in the middle ofthe and without the ambigurt) Aabout to pass each other on a my. and Parking By-law (06»072). right lane for safety reasons. that exists for other road row road.,." Let’s just say that exercising one‘s legal such as to discourage areas. For example, can run l'm guessing it didn’t take lung to realize rights isn't always the safest way to go. motorized vehicles from . i ' . ' ners use bike lanes or not? that while many jokes gran out in a similar Major highways aside, pedestrians can passing if a lane is too narv ' What ifsidewalks exist? way. the scenario I just described is no travel on roadways provided they use the far row tobeshared safely. In the meantime. some laughing matter, left side of the road. While many assume How narrow is too nar- thing has to give. As a run This is particularly true in areas of north- pedestrians MUST use sidewalks if they row, though? ner, I'm willing to step aside. west Waterloo such as Laurel Creek. Erb- exist, I couldn't ï¬nd evidence to support Local bylaw defines a V After all, knowing my legal sville and inure-mm, this. shoulder as “that part or the ' rights will stand up in court For years, the vicinity has been a Nor could i determine whether pedestri- highway lying adjacent to ’n is a moot point ifl fail to favourite training ground for runners and ans can use bike lanes. i know many folks the roadway that is stand up against a car. cyclists. but as more and more homes feel runners shouldn't have a choice. espe- improved with granular or “ 7 Let common sense pre- devour the countryside. road congestion is a cially sincecyclistsdon't. pand surface and is not " . Vail when you're out on nar~ , growingproblem. Only bicycles with very small wheels intended for the passage of 1 = ‘ row roads. Challenging this ~ Notably absent in northeast Waterloo are (50cm diameter or less) are allowed on side- motor vehicles or pedestri- instinct may be your legal j sidewalks and bike lanes. As well, shoulders walks. Even the one my daughter has had ans." right in some cases ~ but at f are often narrow and flanked by ditches, cre- since the age of eight doesn‘t qualify. According to this deï¬ni- PENNY what cost? ating a tight ï¬t when runners. cyclists and All other bicycles are oomidered vehides tion, runners can use roads. WWI“) ‘ driverstopasseach other. and must use the mad. staying as far to the but not shoulders. Then . Who has the legal right of way? For rightaspoestble. . again, I'm not sure l’d use ‘ \ answers. I recently consulted the Ontario Narrow roads are an exception. Cyclists the word 'Improvod" to describe the edge of no 5 __ roads in northeast Waterloo Being a lawyer Aï¬velanawriter. blowerandoommum’ca- f 1'“; [fl,\\‘ 1‘ ii. {1 fl ' i :3. < mustbesuchfun. nons' WWinWazertaAPenny t " :â€"'_‘_â€"_<_:’ ,Ik:â€"i“i.â€"'“,"’" jg :_, V l'dlihetoaeethedeï¬nitionofabikelane Wmlariymnrblaonaboutlifeut ; q ' .fl‘ rug t,- ~11 at? V - addedtoourlomlbylawassoonaspossible. wwsrucbtwordwom ‘ ‘ " †t ‘ Profh 1 IV 40 Id bl ‘ 0 A team of mathematicians has solved a step in their epic project. ’ . ' - m problem ï¬rst posed more than 40 years ago Rota's Conjecture relates to a specialized Mm ' In 2 STARE “7- PM that has confounded modern mathemati- area of mathematics known as matroid the» IO- . I“ 3 m It.“ Fem clans. until now. cry. a modern form of geometry, which was 1m ’Nl‘ W I" 30." Prof. lim Geelen of the University of pioneered by the world-famous. Waterloo 0 “as :m Waterloo and his colleagues. Prof. Bert based mathematician Bill Time. Gerard; of Centmm Wflunde & lnformati- The theory investigates the embedding ' ' ' .Mlmm w ca and the University of Mantricht in the of abstract geometric structures. or M you choose "‘88“, you am your (fun! Netherlands, and Prof. Geoff Whittle of matroids. into concrete geometric frame~ Victoria University of Wellington in New works â€" namely. projective geometries over W Zealand have proved the famous Rota's a given finite field. The conjecture is that. for m.- .- .‘ a Conjecture. each ï¬nite field. there is a finite set of “u I g The three men workzd for almost is obstructions preventing such a realization. . i _ _' m“ years to solve this probl m posed by the The conjecture was posed by Rota at the ' ’ 1' ' r, , 3â€" _ _ ‘ famous mathematician and philosopher lntemational Congress of Mathematics in . - ‘ ‘ . ‘ - V †r l Gian~Carlo Rota in l970, Earlier this year. in l970. serendipitously, one week before (lee . 1 * '_ Waterloo, the trio completed the final lenwasbom. .. \ \ \ ~ ‘ W 2 BlllillS Ham †H 5 ll gamut ~ , t it! at] Tm m ' . chantâ€"a- , . RF†JP .3 .. mount-unannouncâ€" 3'9 N7 2227 will 3 35 eta-unnatur- . j. _ “gunman“, ...t...§./Slill.C3 We: l()l l’()\ «tam... Wag». , . ï¬awdvg-‘lkg ‘2'?†â€3%: at†m m â€it. "‘ """r‘ 2' 2"" ' - .51" . 7‘- .. ». I V t . at". y f 4;; B ‘ ' a .H ~A - “flaw“ “'t if. _ I an†“ - - mm - m - -‘ saws-â€uh.- â€lm I ‘3 . “‘7 a {a ' ' Readers Choice Kitchener ‘ m _ ' l , ' 20.1.3 BestVFar/nily Restaurant I â€by a u“, ' . Readers Choice Kitchener I '31:. .. 1 ' " “r. a - ~ i. a. i All Around Restaurant I v . j, . A“ ‘ ‘ » '4- . l ‘ . ‘ .1 ! Readers Chance Waterloo I 9 l "9 Favourite European Food I - 1‘-..‘ - -411