K to - WAT Hill!) CHRONICLE -Wednesday. September 4, 2013 a ~~fl~Wï¬Ke O T ga 0a 0 O . Waterloo Walk-In Counselling ojfers respiteï¬'om troubles ,, BY [300me ’ Chronicle Staff \H is a mystery how people can be - ' [1me Market every ; more connected than ever through i A . social media and technology. yer a Thursday in the square ; growing number a: them. are experi- ‘ Visit the Waterloo Public Square every Thursday 5 enctn ater SOCI iso ation. “wigs; people who are so connect- for fresh local food and specialty items from area ' ed with social media. but who are dis- artisansmazhthe in??? midi-it from 3 P~m- to 7 connected to each other because p.m.un een ° 0 ' J they're transplants to the community," Nith Valley Organics. Arthur Greenhouses. said Maryellen Hahn' the parish nurse Soiled Reputation and Garden Party bring fresh I l at St. Michael's Catholic Church right PM“? dim from the farmers to the PUbHC- " across the street from the main campus ‘ Enjoy breads from Downie Street Bakehouse, of mlfn'd Laurier University. “They’re cheeses from Monfone Dairy. farm fresh graded living far away from home and they're lï¬ocal‘zggs antaevten glutenefree treats and meals minger when th come to school." om innies U en tee M- y Over the “saga“, parish has seen . , , «. , , ‘ There is so much more to do at the market than _‘ people of all ages come in for spiritual My? Mamet" ,, I, ' iust shopl for fojod too. It khasrpne-oggékind gltfiith ’ relief, or for some quite contemplation, ,._w°" ' r ‘ ‘ ), r "if lewe TY an 30599801'195- Ome 0' d" "9 ‘ as life threw challen es at them that ‘A‘ - - _ t ' ' a - they weren't quite prepgared to handle. ‘ ‘ ' "‘ » Bring the kids for facepainting, exercise in the I "We're so close to the universities .. g â€3 Tumble Bus. join in on various activities and crafts. and we keep the church open through- orjust sit and listen to live music every week. There out the day as a quiet place for students , « is'something for everyone at the UpTown Market, l [0 come and spent some quiet time," t v Yisu www.UpTownMarketWaterloo.ca for more said Hahn. "There has been some dis- fl mfo- l l tress noted, and we're often approached '- o i by people who were in a great deal of Derleen Hiscock and Maryellen Hahn are part of the Waterloo Walk-In Counselling Nominatlons Open for l distress dealing with anxiety and Service available every Tuesday at St Michael‘s Church. loam move depression, annual Waterloo Award l “They were dealing with a lot of single-family homes to student devel- Hahn. about making sure people get the ‘ Do on know someone who has fl niï¬cantlv issues related to school and their social opmentsv That transition is also leaving help they need. ‘ contribined to the uali of life in Watfrloo? If s†‘ life They're overwhelmed With every longtime resident with difficulty lliscock said it's a solution-focused consider nominatich (him for the C" "s hi he“ ‘ thing and then they have school on top adjusting. therapy. building on the strengths that l “vic‘ honour _ the Wgtefloo Award ) g ‘ ~ “fit,“ “There are a lot of seniors who come people bring into the session with them Nominees should have made a tonsiderablt- lhat's what drove the church to join here as well" said Hiscock. who work and building on that to help them l difference in Waterloo and <1.le rid Mm ‘ forces With liitht-rwood earlier this year mostly With the over 55 set. "Things achieve the goals they want to aChlt‘Vt' ‘ pos , .' ’ ‘ . l y p ‘ y . out thought of personal or ï¬nanctal gain, They Wlll , to prowdc touriselling sit-mites (int c a have ( hanged. and t hange is never through counselling l be 'ud ed on g“ criteria innovation im act on week at the (hiirch located at 241) llem easy" "Anxiety and depn‘swin are the two i Waferlgo l 3 "effect letters ofsu 'n lepn h of luck St in the lit-art of the Northdale The tllnll is open every Tuesdav biggest things people come in with service aha“: zonal laershi “flip" ' gt l neighbourhtxxl. from 2 pm to T p m.. With the last because of things going on in their life," Nominartheoh forms are agtailalble 0mm? H “We indicated that there's was .i counselling session starting at 5:30 p.mt said Hiscoclt “We help them work waterloo ca/waterlooaward The , will be i strong need. and were in a prime Ioca to make sure that everyone is out in through it " l acce ted until 4' 10 m Oct 7 ‘ tion." said Hahn, time for daily mass There is no The feedback they've received from (flintact volurriteer services it “mm [)elreen lliscock. a tlinit‘iati “ï¬ll the appointment necessary. and they can the people who have used the senate i ‘ ' t ‘ _ l . l teerï¬twaterloo ca or 519 88876488 for assistant t- mental health service at Lutherwood, help indmduals. couples and families has been glowing. mm submittin a nomination staffs the clinic flhc said the prtiyett is "We offer counselling services to “Our rating is 96 per lt‘lll satisfat ‘ g ' funded byagrant from the (anada Post anyone who walks in," said lliscock tion." said llistock. from the people foundation Anybody can come in on it “ flit-rt- are no wait lists and you don‘t who have come into Waterloo Walk In Annual mouth gl-lard first come. first served basis Io talk have tocall ahead Counselling "Some of the comments l about their issues and RN “Inn†ml in “We‘ve have families Willi \titlllg include I was made to feel heard and ‘ Clinic set for sept' 7 1 community resources. iliildrrn all the way up to seniors look understood l lhe Waterloo Wellington Dental Mu 11,“ ~ liitherwood was looking to use that mg for suppon in some way, “We rt“ trying to get the word out ‘ annual non proï¬t mouthguard clinic N set for i grant in a community setting and found People are given a chance to talk about how wecan help." Sept. 7, q am to ll a m l at RIM Park m the Forbes l a willing host as the parish poi-st llt'V about their issues and what they hope “The church has been a good setting Banquet Hall (ornelius (')'M_ahoney: felt it ï¬t lll mih to dfhlove through the clinic. and are for this type of therapy.†said Hahn "It's Have a custom “ml,“ niouthguard made the i St hflmhaels ministry , given session notes that they can take been holistic and everything has been l same day I“ highly recommended for hm (Hill ‘ That s "how Waterloo Walk in his home With them to work on including contingent on spiritual happiness. emu ‘ adults for all “DOV“ to pmw-nt serious â€WNW l tome to be. said lliscoclt lists of resourtcs and networks to (on urinal happiness physical and mental ‘ h" ml)". information email Dr Mln(l\ m", A, And If couldtit have form‘dl .i hem-r nut with _ and we re happy that lielrceii hes n|ph()@hp{nagpporui i a m Hm ‘ time said Hahn l‘he church is in (hr "No one loaves here empty handed. been able to ioin us in this setting h'll‘ li‘wwwwwds ( a «- middle of a neighbourhood in flux With wild Hist-och “We have something to "It's a hit non-verbal. but this is what l students coming and gomg and a gist-them ' the church is here for and what we’ve ‘ mature streets (hanging over from "It‘s also adwxaw in large pan." said been able to provide ' l