I a - WM ERIIx>cun0NIct£ 0WMrMay',AugusI21120l3 Z79 Wet-a St, N.. Sum 20 ‘ Walaloo. Ontario N2] .‘HS ' ilqu-ZXMFu mammal “ ? MW walerluthmtlc a l PemWINKIIR 1 '1 - wa’w 15- t PUBLISHER .9133 it . “(If “‘ I‘ I , .1 . .. ‘ Ern- ‘ A. Enrmt-tIAI " , ~ ~ ‘_ â€" ~ 7 5.1 "4'33“?“ , .. page... ‘* , , .$,r7:§'13€ ~r _ r l “U†“BAN , .. I“ ‘ 5‘ ' " I I , 1;" a l EDITOR ext. 229 ‘-‘:~’;â€â€˜*tr_;i2_ . .. you“ /. 4;" ‘ '54,; 33 ‘ “I. . txtIIonal@warerloochmnicle ca ‘ l“ 7 ‘ 3, t." (3",. ‘5’ 3", ‘ “I“; ’7ht‘“‘;;v¢iz "5‘5 -.: \ptIftSQwaterloochrtmIt-lc t4 1 “f _ a " -_‘ 2" a} 7:"; A‘ " «'r‘v 7‘4â€â€: t4‘f‘g;f,:%g *7 7"“ 5.7.. :5,"- ’1 Us“ 1 . ' it; ' ""1" 24-3â€"3 I ImnoIACKSON ' ï¬t" a: f1? it 3" ~73} . { 5121.5: " 5 I: Mfr" .' ' ‘ REPORTER ext. 203 a" we}? ' a†. , o 3†~ , t A A: 2H6. l UackstmOwnterloochrmIcle (a â€' éï¬ï¬g 9.3131,»:5 ‘..__~;.W>5 7v _ _ .' _ ‘ _‘ - A ~',.I.'v;-;f“ ', Mun JACKSON " $3, 5:"; f1“ ‘K: It, a ’ {3, :5 2. ,. . -; . . *- â€.-’ z " £3, ‘. RERmERut.Z|5 ‘31:.†:21â€: €41}. . â€it ’ ,. I _ _. 5L" ‘ I):~;kwri@walcrloochnmick ca ; l; - .2? "= ,‘z-gf "if: \ -' . I . 1'5 - 7 34: , :1. I 7 I :1 xi" wï¬t't‘tii. ‘ ’5’ 3".) . i. It ‘ ff? 2 ADVERTISING "‘ fâ€Â§3’2:~‘~9 "v-‘Tf;_.f..L-,~..__I-' ' ,4- ’ hf red ANDERsoN ell no 71" 1"“ ‘ ." .' . ,3 ., . a I. " ‘ ’ RE(;I()NAI.AI)MANA(;ER he, -' ~ ‘~ ‘ ' ~ " ,3 , “I ; 1 u. , I} tandem“ walerltlrhrmwlc (a {f‘ " “ii-t ' ‘ ‘ ' i H; , 3:1 - SAILS REPRLSEN'rAnvt gaff; at», .2, , 3 A. 7 a. I 3:41 ; r . , ', ‘ Michelle STEVENS en. :12 _ _- â€â€œ35 Shih‘ 5:41" .1 f 2' msIevensflwalerloochrrmnclc ca ‘ w «"1" V“ cal-'3 '1’ LS 3.45: , a“. ’ ~ SALES REPRESENTATIVE ' ‘ ' - Hill BOSHARText 22x bbmhartOwnk-rkxl‘hmmcle Cl \ALES REPRESENTATIVE AllENStxt 228 1. . a - t , H ‘4 W a.» armflwatcrlrxichmniclcta ' ‘ I I. , , "g , N _ IV K. , V 'i .v ‘ a , CLASSIFIED 5. ï¬lU~R95~52XI a (‘lRCUlATlON ‘ ‘ <19 momma“ :11 . , Cam-n Publicaoom Mail Sales 0 | ‘ l ' I Pam-nmmmw I MN I \II I I I III HIM \I Rollercoaster no cure for vertigo 2 #050478 B lnlcmauonal Sllndlrd Serial Num~ ‘ o 0 we discovered the one balked at any challenge that ' became Garbage docrsron Mwaytovemgo We mmhswayâ€" Andria! (‘Imulaum H.292 _ ‘ . . . is by not riding The Bat at So why should I be [ht- m ea he Region ofWaterloo Is stanng at a $2.75 million Canada's Wonderland. last obstacle to hIs happI V deï¬cn for this year, and regional staff are already Here’s the description of ness of course, my Wife ram ~'â€"-/ projecting‘a $7.5 million shortfallfor next year: ‘ the ride right from the web could do it but she is wax 9m , One of the human drags on the regional budget this gilp of Canada's biggest I"! smarter than me when II _ year Is waste management with a $1 million deï¬cit and theme park; "()n’lhe Bat. rld- h comes to listening to ht'r ‘ the WM“ “mud“ I‘ WNM’N no clear way to address it going forward. “119d backwards d r ' Stomach. She tust had (I) look each Wednerdav h Mainland I , » ~ ~ ersamp an I , \lt-duC “d V (ouple that with the fact the Won Is payingtheCiry launched through an .. at the ride to say" “I m not 0 I Ks («tttwt- . of (;uel h more than 51 million a ear for waste not un ' | i cor scrpw an a i on that†N'nluo nu. II P y Y we d ng k d 20 n8 lhr w-utm (Mn-tie It . "rather processed through the green bin program. and we can breathtaking loop? 4 Plus she had already dom‘ ‘“ â€I â€'7'“ PR“ ( I“‘“» W“ agree that all options should be on the table when it And just when you thInk her duty byriding'lht-Vortt-x. Azt‘ï¬pe‘r‘m'f‘ï¬zï¬ï¬mjazz comes to dealing with the regent waste problems that stomach churning expo BOB The Great (,anadIan Mme my w amm‘t, “I,“ But when a local company named Lystek came to “‘9th is through. you have WC Wet and The Backlot Stunt would ï¬rst be men In the m~ regional council last week with a pitch to deal with the to do It all over mm. back (baster. l: llnnuï¬mt I:Imp|--r(II- unit-f biosolids created after wastewater is treated that could wards. at 75 kilometres per mupk ofmonths So with a great some nt “3:: s“ "a; a?†‘;('2;": save the region $100 million over the next 25 years. the hour. But I thought I had sbak foreboding l trIed to \lPl'l QM I use In ‘ ' PWW.W§W 9‘0" shrlft. ' _ . It's not a new ride In fact. en it offenotdi to make stue "1W8" as we wound 0‘" W3“ ‘ (on/min Thais rust not the way we do businm said Conn. "It been around since 1937 I wouldn't disappoint my [0 the front ofthelIne. I 11.: “mm“ "' m" "“9“" ‘" lIm Wtdeman, about all the work that has alre gone But it was he ï¬rst ti 9 4 l kc t u a brave law for ~ met-led by ct right and may he I . . , t m my MW Child. I) P I fwd "I" a, '9‘ "I'm Into a future blowlids plant that neither the cures of Six-yearâ€"old. Ethan was tall He‘s the one who has Rhan. because at this agr- hr- l (Ill purine" All an" who. are (ambridge norllVaterloo “'3"!- ‘ enough to ride. 'and it waited patiently behind “in conSlders mo V‘V'mld“ I W at «mm the u pm We suppose It's the regional bustneï¬ model to keep required adult accompanl while his older brothers got Instead ofh‘rs old man. hm TOM'WIKII‘NM throwtnggoodmoney afterbadllkelt Iswnh the green mentforhimtogetonboard to ride on all the hi8 boy But when the ride wax n“ y" ""‘ 6"" â€N†"" W bin deal with Guelph. Wideman couldn't even brin him~ ' over I was leanin on hIm for not! of It miner of the uupynghl t , . 8 SO what Wiï¬ Supposed It) â€09$ 8 In. humanitarian: com-.1 M ï¬elftocallttamrstakebutamlsakulation. . be a day trip during my The magic mark of 48 WPPO“ ll "3‘ ‘0 he" ' vm. Mm Fm, Wm.“ Die hegion ofWaterIoo has committed Itself to pm~ â€went summpt holidaye â€Kt,“ had pm" to be oh, couldn't drive home as tht' ‘ (‘hmmdm 279 View?! NI Sum {1‘85"}qu waste locally after W18 Its ï¬nger at com- almost turned into a trip to st“, in the last yPar. and M" world spun and I held onto t I?“ wwmtu ma munItIes like Toronto over the years for shipping "5 the doctor in I Left what was with m on it was tough to the dashboard of the lamb ‘ ILL"; h “in M â€ml" a, garbage problems south totheU.Sr andnowtolnndon. left of my stomach some get him (we, the arbitrary vehicle, my white knuckle-x unter't run nume. “on“ ma we 3‘" hopefully ""5 isn't ““0â€!" case 0' â€â€˜9 â€1‘0" where midair. And what was cutoff pomtr holding on “I 3 Wm†“did | hm." number Addreuel and we priding Itselfon Unmmple it mat the cost nflrwal tax wane than thr- nausea was It isn't for lat k â€t Courage "That was m mm it fun I it; ""a'rm'flj‘l'nf': WW'T‘ N?“ In†W «honfall W" "‘9'" '5 a k" the feeling that my world thS kid is afraid of nothing. â€3"de "31d “ban would We have the my: lo «In â€(pride â€â€˜3' Iagmngbdhre 0‘“ fall, was spinningout tifcontml much to my chagrin, I don't know how I ‘ â€an... t. "I“ my “more". k- lhat‘s why Waterloo Mayor Brenda llalloran Ls nght In I Should haw known hot Anything ht: older broth rrwpondetl ltt'fUH‘ almIMI i may or legal more: In": mm tailing for a pilot pmtert to Check out lySth'S claims. ll It te‘r r". been battling a per t.“ in" and â€we" ran do. [>859an out In 4 pool of told l I In . - . - , ~ . :jmï¬zmum‘m h": “rm“ taxpayvn "WNW â€â€0““ " make “'m“ “"1597 «Mont raw of Vt‘rllgll for a he can do too. and he hasn't WW2"