Serving your community since 1856 â€"â€" 0.. d. - Mud WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21, 2013 . WATERLOO, ONTARIO * st INCLUDING HST . , . "29 '3 Ll Basker Carnival celebrates 25th { anniversary/Page 21 Dairy Queen *5 painting deemed Q . I o \.. s . Inappropriate by x . -" corporate bosses a» ,, ' f 7‘ aluminum l , . . Chmm‘cleStafl' » 1 . ‘ 1‘ A restaurant owner embroiled in “A m e _ ‘ l ‘ a debate with the city over , -- ' ., , ...... ~ ~ - what is an and what is adver» t: ‘ ' ,m‘ir "" tising may have had the issue settled , . J." ' _ x; SPORTS byhisoorporatebosses. 'f" ; M am. «y . . SluwnCurmhmwhosefamiiyhas é ’ wwmmmngs operated the Dairy Queen at the car i. ‘ home mm from ner of Weber Street and University 3",: nationals/M227 Avenue since 1954, has been told by ; DQ heedquners to remove the gtafliti f g l paintinghehadeommissioned in July. â€they’re not very satisï¬ed with it.~ I. Camahan said. 'Corporate said they wanted it removed. unfortunately.~ He's been given a week to remove # ‘ ' ‘ the painting. but Carnahan has stalled V by requesting legal paperwork outlin- mum-om ing exactly why the artwork isn't Amund the baCR ‘1': peggsghan said a re resentative UniversityotWatertooiugglingclubmemberDerrenDonellekeepsznmtem' eyeonthreeballsashejug» - A from the company visi‘t)ed his store ; gles during a performance at the Open Streets event. on King St. last Sunday. Open Streets included many g ‘ 0h during Miracle Treat Day on Aug. 8 events, ranging from live mum to amateur wrestling. ‘ a; ‘ -‘ A] and took photos of the south facing , > ’ 4 wall. ' 0 ' made Reglon addresses $7.5 million shortfall hands of company president lean Champagne and were deemed inap» BY Mm“ Mun.“ Tom Galloway. chair of the admin- attainable. but you have to look at propriate for the store. ‘ ‘ I'm the (‘hmnirle istration and ï¬nance committee, what are you willing to do to get to When he asked for an explanation Keeping that targeted tax that guideline.†he said after last I“ as to why. (Zarnahan said he wasn't ‘ ith the Region of Water increase will mean cutting 37,5 Tuesday's meeting. given one, and a representative from Wloo facing a deficit for million from the budget. "It's going to be a difficult Dairy Queen did not n-ttim thetihron 1 2013, council is already Galloway thinks the target is situation.‘ ngg icle‘s request for an intervtew. looking ahead to next year and attainable. but it Will come at a ()ne councillor suggested the ' â€â€9 Just said '19 (1099M approve." ‘ kcepinga l 9 per cent tax increase cost to residents. shortfall could be made up ‘ ‘ ‘ said (Larnahan of the company rep 1 target of upcoming budget "’lhere will likely he some through a reduction in the num- who took the photos. discussions, reductions in services, like those her of regional staff. 5 But to do so will mean making that we saw last yeart and maybe Continuedon page 7 ' some tough decisions said Coun. even more,‘ he said, “Anything is (badlnaodmw7 “â€"'“H ,W - - “my-flue. ' 9.. . 1“ v . _â€"A ' ' . ‘ ‘ L ‘1: ~ .: ’ :- i"'-$- V > . :4 . I . . . 4%. . ‘ ye. - .. m . , "‘46? m ,- - ‘ , , .. an; ' , : _. 4,. . ' * a cam-unma- -4-â€""«’ ‘ â€avâ€"v . ;,_ . "‘ - .. 'v r ' ' . «1:1 ’ v v v , ,, 4 " ‘ .1? . . AL“... 1... . .. ‘ ' {i‘ ’_ N. GEMINI PW; . ' tit“, . . . A. o -, m ' i “0 id (519 â€â€"250 -Im-a-uâ€"IIIV l-QIIIID‘ _~-‘I.-_ min-IuI-uflpi_~mvuo-râ€":W'I-lhâ€".§T: ‘ sat-1152519:- *':-='€=-_‘}=;:-:«-=:=W-_sa=s.â€"=:m==s-:.=:s--â€"-