WATEIIOOMB' .. 2LN13-13 + f“' ' "‘““'““‘ " " " ’ ' ' ' ' " ' " ‘ ‘ â€â€œ1 Practicing random acts of coffee i ‘ , ’ r «2*: andomly purchasing , ' I realized then she wasn‘t my 1 V. r . a .. ) coffee for Strangers is a neighbour after all, but I r ~ ‘ .3 £4 ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘1 ‘ v‘ . ' trend and 1, for decided I'd paymnethelem f ‘ -' one. coukh‘t be happier. . After several umutmdul i Stories are surfacing attempts to pay. the woman 1 1 across the country about eventually insisted she be ‘ , _ ‘ ‘ _ ‘ folks who've purchased cof- allowed to pay for her order. . . m “KT. ., f fee â€" sometimes hundreds When I pulled up; [was told {I L- . . m if." I - i of dollars worth ~ for other she didn't feel comfortable ; , ' ; j “3Ҡus 3 customers. takinggittsfrom strangers. \ ‘ can mm A recent media study out My attempt at an inno- ; ‘u ; ’ of Toronto suggests folks cent gesture ofkindneas had i i P u o ; ‘ ; . . aren’talwaysasappredative apparentlycreepedherout. i r _, -.’ .,Jl . ‘ ~ _[ as expected upon learning ,3. "YOU learn nothing else 5 ' ’- M v - . - 7- I * ' V - , ‘ 4 theiriavawillbefree. m fmmmyenmionarymï¬eine i ~. .._ :.-~.~ “um“. . ‘ 1 [don't think they're inten- . tale. let it be this When placâ€" , ""‘M' "â€â€˜W‘M M m y < "“‘ ““‘ Ill-'3'- 3 tionally acting indifferent or PENNY doing random acts of coffee, ‘ nous W “4‘7â€â€œ ‘ ungrateful, but simply WALFORD anonymity is key. Be sure to ‘1 . m 3 man-g _ Hie-H. caught off guard and unsure , buy for customers BEHIND , ' '33:: , my. «a» in†‘ ..:.‘; how to react. I certainly felt to pay it forward. picking up youin line. not infan "u g 5 that way my ï¬rst time, the tab for the car behind me “’5 hard to remain anony- I . . ' ’ y l i recall the woman in before driving away. mous when stuck behind ' hr .- ‘ , w... . , ‘ t . front of me waving before it may seem simple other CHIS in a drive~thru I ' - » '" . a..- , - , , . " . War-Tr ' ‘ «. driving away from the driveâ€" enough, but practicing ranâ€" line. unable to make a 9““ z , _ . » i w _ 1 thru window. but it never dom acts of coffee isn't nec» getaway ‘ r_..~-__._._.. ' 5m..-“ flawâ€".1 . . . ~. ‘ dawned On me why until i essarily easy. The second In my humble and caf- i W 2.. . ‘ " ; pulled up, was handed my timeldid it. 1 messed up. feinf~addicted opinion. you ‘ , ‘ . ’-.... . ‘ coï¬eeandtold she'd paid. Thinking I spotted a CO“ d never put a price tag 3 »- -- . 1 '7 . . ! By then she was long neighbour in front of me in on the true value ofooffee t0 â€3%: y r m r gone. so in the end I simply the driveâ€"thru line when l 0mm Casein point. my 1 9" 4 ‘ thanked the employees and was ordering at the speaker. I husband often delivers me i F i l l ‘ j l l drove away. said l’d pay her tabas well. one in the morning for rea- 5 ‘ . w; Wk‘kq ‘ I never saw it coming that It may seem like a minor 50113 1113‘ I 5115!)“t are "0! i ' ‘ 7 ' 7 K I ‘ ' ‘ ï¬rst time. and I didn't see it technicality that the car was entirely selfless V coming when it happened in front of me instead of Experiencingtwo random \ again last month. I'm not behind. but it was actually 3 acts 0f C0386 kindness has ‘ ._ ' " ’ “fl" " ' ' positive it was the same big mistake. helped me to realize What he _ woman, but there was a tell» Upon learning I would apparently already knows â€" ' ' talewave. pm up her tab. the woman coffee can be priceless in W. wate DOC rOHIC a.†This time, I remembered looked back to see who I was more ways than 000 , LEISUREerCTIVE Wemmn j BALE T - UK.†- .7313: -(VOT‘r.T't.'1.W"}‘<ARi - Hi" NET} - ’.M)"%4(,râ€ti WHEAT†‘L‘JA . LIVING PROGRAMS ‘ . TlmeOutforMocnsJ’ops‘Tots I Q‘ I. . Drop m program lor parents 8 caregivers of (hildren aged _ ‘ ! Lug; newborn to 6 yrs Let your kids play freely or pm the fun' A Dance Craze ‘ V. ‘ Recreatronai co ed dance classes introduce Children to g 5“ . g ‘ various forms in a fun atmo re. a _ :5 . y ‘ ' ’ , who . k . for N I J ages {a \ \ t-xprtx‘nr ,: watt riwur.r No.8“. H17 ourwebsitetoseethetoplOreasonswhyyoushouldchooseCSD I I \ - dance studio! We‘re voted K-W‘x Ion Dona Studio 2013’ ’ Great Big “a": Company ' ’ techmcal classes [or boys and girls in an enrouragrng ~ . , “WW .1 ' ï¬rmware» . _ _ , , r and ISTD jazz and tap exams f Uk. .5 on FM 0 0] $2014 Chain-hm ' Fcbrmry-sz . spacious facility featurlng 4 studtos Worse F" '8†6 '0 '3 ' Enioy two large comfortable waiting areas, A N MM and .A g: .. ng windows. playroom for siblings and free wrï¬ â€™ N ‘l h f H I'd" “a†.xMM! 0"†- “We“ :1 Perform wrth our Dame Company†wéEgrrbgrjgijwwgfl‘ WA" m ' (Mm :61;th W a .t. ~ ‘ ‘5 Win-d dame programs for toddlers to 5 years 519 729614 3‘ k 866-864-4282 (arr...) it ' M °“' W W M â€m a“ m" "3““ remembered" - mib‘cm . mwflmm .. es s. . Stress-free recitals with age appropriate costumes and rhoreography www.csdpnc¢,¢om To book your Fall Actlvrties call Matt at 519-623-3050 ext. 208 or email: mmiller a cambridgetimes. ca ‘