WAN-1mm CHW‘Wemlondny, August 14, 2013-9 J I J ' i l I ‘v ' t ‘ ' >‘ i - O o . ssumo.)llll_(.illl()\ti.l_i. Flippmgthemthe J L . . Regional gonna] shit-ks ed the train has left the station. l mittee. Well folks. this group is bird f (hi d, ibili thought i heard him say his brain about to deliver one with three or en J respons ty again had left the station as well. humps. J egional COMIC“ C3!“ even Some Of his other statements. ike many parents, 1 worry about the problem of bullying Rorganile garbage COHBCliOfl SUCh as, 'we Will bring this project limWeber I among children. And i found an unusual ally: a one J without squandering in in on time and on budget' make Waterloo ed. foul-mouthed,zombie-clobbering redneck excess of $1.2 million in taxpayers about as much sense as his com- ,._W. , .., a .. :»-'. 45:4: in the popular zombie apocalypse series, The Walking J money; d ngents Unbfhe ï¬asco surrounding “E bl“??? if fig}? Dead, my favourite character, Merle Dixon, never backs down J An (Joun. Jim Wt eman's t egreen ins. _ ’ "ff?“ " -, " ~‘1"'â€"14'x"' ;,.' from aï¬ t. absurd Continent in the media is: g l for one am all for the anti-LRI' , fa; ' ’ . ' Pu: The 55?“ could be said for the actor who ponmys the ï¬ery "i don‘t think (council 1 made a mis» petitiogeand i believe it can and 4- ‘ f; and unpredictable Merle. Michael Rocker. who recently took J take l think that we made certain ‘hUUld SlOPP9d~ 3: 535?» an in the anti»bull hoto cam ai n “The New F Word â€" assumptions about what our ton, When we have something like ff“ 4 giving Bullying the gift“ in an e‘é'orgt to spark conversation J nages would be" "in? P9017 P P unging 575-000 990“ f . . f about the rils of bull 'n . the ed ads feature celebrities Well lim. i hate to break it to you, pie into this kind of reckless . , ‘ .-4 ;. like Rookefieann mug; End “3,913me giving the ï¬n. J but it is a huge mistake. and if you endeavour something is terribly 3 ’~ :’- ’ ‘ “1 ger. WW? 1" 1h“ Dim“? 501107 YOUU ht†wrong. "it ' ' “The ‘l-“ stands for friend." Rocker J looking for a job after this hoondog Widcman also stated that there . 4 , told me when i recently spoke with J Kl“ , Will he "0 fraud involving this PTOl' s - ' ' 1 g him for an article in Rock Cellar Mag- liut these same people want us cct. Well. something smells bad. ‘ . alum. “l was approached by a friend J to trust them with Stilt! million to The good people of this region 3,1 . . . 1_ of mine who wanted to know if] install an “ll system that the need to stop this project even if we If?" ~ . .4a."'.. . ; wanted to be a part of it and i said. mayority of people do not want. and have to go through the court system . ‘» f . "I f: 'S“t yeah! “I be a part ofm'" with thv cost of an underpass In orderto take our cities back from if? .;. . so may“ told me he has along his- .*. already wellover budget. this reckless and underachieving ',,4 <4 ‘5. tory with bullies. and his own ' (a, if this continues. regional (‘tiunâ€" regional council, who think the y “J M, . .:,’..x‘ approach to overcoming bullying (an _ Oh‘ (ll is going to bankrupt the region answer to their costly blunders is to A}. ï¬fï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬‚"! ~3 . ‘;;§.j_. approach that isn't recommended for M Q ~ can anyone on regional council raise taxes. (in? “it 53174; â€Tim-1; everyone), J say Detroit? There is an old saying that a 5434 iii. ( J???“ i ,". If" “i loved bullies as a young man. | When Wideman so smugly slat» camel is a horse designed by a com- ' ““‘h~“ , ~‘ _ g I- at} enjoyed the bullies ‘ when they _ J approached me. and i absolutely , 2 enjoyed breaking their noses." said J Rooker, “i understand some peo le - J BlackBerry’s end or fresh start. J y... a: J J J had as a kid, you know. but i had a very different approach. ’ ‘ is it the end of the road for Blackberry? (it maybe That's pretty much all i need it to do. Apparently . . "l did boxing 'cause i was a skinny little kid from Alabama. J J a new beginning? that's not enough. l'm told BlackBerry lost it's cool J J and a lot of people picked on me and bullied me when i ï¬rst J J The company has formed a committee to exam» factor because it missed out on the consumer revo got to Chicago. But little did they know that i had been bullied I me it's “strategic options." After a couple of years of Iutiort in the phone business. iPhone and Android J J and picked on all my life, and learned to deal with it quite J J struggles in the smartphone market. that could devices stepped in and ï¬lled a market, which all ofa J physically All my cousins would pick on me and bully me in ‘ include a sale. or taking the company in sudden was demanding more and more J J Alabama. so by the time i got to Chicago, l was one tough. J J to the private sector. Almost immediate- out ofits phone. J wuy. skinny little hillbilly kid. And man, they were blown ‘ ly after that announcement. shares in Something l've never really under- J . away and surprised by the outcome Mushy." J J the company jumped some i I per cent. stood: i can use my phone as a flashlight. i told Rooker that i too was bullied as a kid. spending many 1 Some people think that's a sign of conï¬- ! U .' l ‘ y . J . But i also have a flashlight. The number recesses hiding behind trees to wade the bullies at school. J J tit-rice. but more than likely it's an indi- of times i have needed a flashlight in the "That's why. with this campaign. we want people of all . cation stock traders believe the sale will past ï¬ve years adds up to about zero. ages who are being bullied to have this inner monologue of J J boost those share prices. § There's another app which will it‘ll me J . ‘l-‘"k you. l'm amazing. and i don't need your approval." said ‘ lhat‘s really not what matters to us â€" , the location of the nearest coffee shop J Hooker "We‘re basically saying, 'Enough is enough. screw it. J i the people who live and work in the last i checked. the location of the near ‘ no mom of this crap ‘ Everybody gets bullied. it doesn't matter ‘ J shadow of BlackBerry. IS it’We just want ' est coffee shop was on the next corner J who you are. t'veryl’xxly has experienced it in some way. Even 1 ‘ the company to be healthy and survive. At some point. the growth in the cell J . in the workplace as an adult you can be bullied" J And to continue to prtmde thousands of phone business will slow down. People J J Hooker and l agreed that. sadly, this message still needs to J good paymg jobs. while being a supportâ€" " will hang on to their phones longer. and . be ltt'artl‘ . J we corporate citizen. , k won't be quite so insane about getting J J “ lliat s why somehow. some way, each individual person J Analysts suggest the tonsidt-ration of k a the newest and the coolest model. it will. J has to ï¬nd support somewhere or ï¬nd a way to ï¬ght back." i a salt- is cvtdence the launch of i think. become more about a phone J said Rooker. “You're not going to do away with ll it!"lpl(‘l(‘l\. J lilat kHt'rry's new phont's was a com BRIAN which does what you want. when you t J but you can't give in to bullies and people of that kind. and J plt‘lt‘ failure . ' BOURKE want. and at the right price point, J they just have to understand it's probably a good thing I wasnt “fill BlackBerry be pan of that world? J J Hey. in my case. the bullies understood mil on" kiy when J running Blackllerry Or any other phone It's hard to say, Ten years ago. the idea of they tried that crap. S"t happens. you know?†producer 1 have a Blat‘kBerry 210 It nicely handles a tablet computer was foreign to us. It's tough J J Michael Rooker will be appearing as a linilliH'Kl gut-st oi J my email It takes pictures of our car It has an appli enough for us. these days. to keep up With the past. . J lan l xpo (anada in loronto from Aug 22-23 J cation “it“ b allows me to enter my golf statistics. lt‘l alone the future J t ... because that s the kind of nerd thin I do with my °°° ‘ , . , J smanphone l w also been toltl you fan make calls Brian Bourke. a memhero/Iht' In“? â€(I)â€! I'M J J “Inï¬ll/l “l‘m“ a ' L(“'II"n.u'aâ€'l mm,“ M â€m ' ‘ ' . . . . . . [or Rod (Illa! Mrtgaum’. PM†ii iwlumie at With it i dont mil... very many (ails. Probably a lot mormngcmu. (an hemmhadhye mat/oi J "10an, tmlehotrmu’m/n J like you. Mittrleï¬kmlfm com J J ' ' J J J 7 A g . l - _,.