s - WA'rERuXJ CHRONICLE 'mmy. iuiy 17,2013 'bii'siii'rA"vir‘ré‘ - - - g : List 18 secret due to potential for ' . dali t ' I ï¬g Q , van sm Ol‘ erronsm mmumnnmmmmm ‘ I L... DH!) 0" Spraying I Continued from page I - request for the list. for an idea of how to respond. I mm magma-w I Neither the region nor the city was Quan also said it was too early to draw I 1420V|ctoda St. North W7. Kitchener I or commerCIal Information supplied in Informed of the derailment when it any conclusions about railway safety or conï¬dence, occurred. and the train was headed for the the way the Industry handles Itself. I “‘ ' ', ' . | The Chronicle is appealing the decision Chemtura chemical plant in Elmira. Ofï¬- “To me this seems like a very isolated I ' I with the provincial privacy commission. cials from Chemtura said the train was incident (in Quebec). and in all honesty I " a u 6 II T 0 " Waterloo ï¬re chief Lyle Quan, the city's scheduled to be carrying a non-hazardous I’ve never heard of a train getting away like I general manager of protective services. oil additive. this I'm sure the industry will review it in I 55"1970 ‘ . I acquired the list in March. The F0! was in May. Logan told the Chronicle the list great detail to ensure they're making their I Git: submitted to the city on May 22. a few days of materials is not disclosed publicly due mode of transportation as safe as possi~ Iâ€?! 519-579-3320 I after Quan and Wesley Logan, general to the “potential that there could be van- ble.†he said. I Emu-«Man aim | manager of GEXR. denied the Chronicle‘s dalism or some kind of terrorist act if they Uptown Ward councillor Melissa Dur- ._ mmv_ J knew what we were carrying." tell wants the city and the region to discuss ; Train safety is front and centre in (hna- ways of getting trains transporting haz- da following the derailment and explosion ardous or potentially dangerous materials l I >- r ) ~ , { x > ‘ . l t l of a train carrying crude oil in the small out oftheuptawnoote. ‘ \IN‘ I l\ l ' /\ I l\‘ ‘ / \, i =3 l j g 1 Quebec town oflac-Mégantic more than a : ‘ ‘ K ' a ' ‘ ‘ ‘ week ago. . ‘ ' All but one of the 73 cars were carrying ' 3 crude oil and the last ï¬ve exploded, incin- ‘ . l l crating much of the downtown core. As of 1 Tuesday morning, 37 bodies had been ' recovered and another 13 are still unac' 1 l counted for. About 2.000 people were " S .- forced from their homes, †‘.j Brault said it was too early to comment ' l l , on the crash or its cause. and disputes alle- * ‘ v“ 3 - .,-. gations that railways do not have enough - ;- ‘ 2) . :43. . g a: ». faajzfig; . , H. it. _ 33:; laws to ensure safety. ' . r ' {‘3‘ ;ï¬"’-. , 1;. I; .. t ‘ ‘ 4‘ _ ' . ' i “7‘ L. ' up . ‘__ h “'l‘l~:jere(ja(i;e lotshof rejgulatiotrilin place." ’ ““5 r " " a†’ "‘ " “"3" 'v *1 ' >.. ‘ e sai ,a ingt e in ustry ieves it is "m1" â€"0" w ' one of the safest transportation options ; ' available. Co. now ’0 w you w four, Brault said a similar accident could not happen in Waterloo because no petroleum and 10'" US for a d9“C'0U3 complimenfa'y "190'. products are carried through this area and due to the low operating s eeds of trains 519'620-9999 moving through the city, (3‘1 has said the _ maXImum allowable speed through the corridor where the Waterloo train derailed ._ ,, f l\l()n1phllï¬kmfl’ll ] ‘ "I “‘9 7" ‘ in addition to the set ret list of materiÂ¥ ‘ ' als, the t’itv's lire (hit-f said all vehicles transporting dangerous iniilflrliilï¬ are ' ,. required to have placards or signs on their _ , , ‘ .t ._ t . exterior indicating what type of materials Repair crews work to fix a section of the _f g; tire being moved In the event of an t'mer- rail line near my hall last fall . gt-nu. ï¬reï¬ghters look for those placards We... '~~‘>'->- is l ~ *~- . a .90% ° . . 36 Month rm l 'MF'UAM’V‘ ‘Ii'u/ l Heritagé Meadows ml“ ' l " a ' . . . . s ‘. . ._ GrOCIous Retirement LiVing Church BU ' ‘ .i‘t’IE‘. Hespeler POGO. Cambridge, ON NH? 0A5 ‘ z . ‘ . P ‘ W'ï¬mm of}. . ‘ 4w . ' 13* 1'3 1 I ' s"? I