I ' WATWCHWNICLE-Wednesdayi Jul» 17 mi 5-23 h“ h“- HH _ .7, 5 3 IE w ? , i i WM" g , E AVAILAILENOW! . ' mt: “ mm»: j i» , i - 235w r i . -â€" w "a: 1 An. 130/140 Lincoln up} be". but. , “than we" M W“ Utilitiusmcl.CIrm Mun-I “Egan†.. . m“ m '- J. mammary 00.3mm. “In“ 30W- 30 885mm m 2 Mir-m sane} Pant-muo- ' “mm“ "‘5" “w" 3‘ "1 i ' ' ' Guam lwlng' mm 519-650-3294 Willi: Hm I mmttmdldmnnl Mat and tin (mom u.“ ‘ ‘ H . incarnation†Mama â€$524â€er _ ‘ “ i “WWW†gwmrmw’w we? E mm" '* ,, “a ti ‘ ro . ' "‘M‘ '_ Mal m V 29’5“ in I i "â€"W' i , _ at in air 0 i wmwmn ‘- “ “is: "3' 3:" M a“ i a 2 bedroom Suits. ‘ com ‘ ° e i » a, i mimics mm, “mus m0“ ‘ q .v i mm: mm a... 3" "' 1283hdnuuuiu my India-Aroman $531523 “:0? MW! MJ‘Iâ€" massage a customer / sauna mu room' “mink-Md: mm um MOI. new W Nov: Hiring was; "I" slur mam-aucisemom, %‘ built snare bath and â€0'90!“ 140m» ' 1 who mu. â€0“va was: in imam has Wty/ Drm, n9 Cambriooo I WW3 "a," mm 2- sunsSttm Erma. am area. Simi } ‘7‘9"’"°'"â€352‘ W'm mammary Wï¬ï¬m “mgâ€"m 9 own mm 7 , , v 43",, ï¬â€™L"m â€NW Lam/{ma mm, “mimonm ***** Other imam; Sto- bun Excuse mi 5192799515 ‘ mm monolam â€m " Whm’ WMimmSt W“ i ‘ mâ€""°"mw‘ - r “em 513.115. me it w WW 1122 a. R we: space I'lea [ mum-an ‘ uo bum. tea at i m m» um s i 2012 2 harm bar it“) not. plus HST, "I! "mm“ in! ’ i "will Ill-031m. { i I I 5 o i A 1 2/ mm “It?! Mr arm a. no: “a, The Chronicle team of the week is the Middle: Tyler Kueneman, Jonathon ‘ ï¬rs'lyvdw‘ ‘ â€an W'ciu‘f'ou‘ an M m'“ "mm'u'm' to" he â€774423032 Red Team from the Major Peewee Diviv Polach. Jaron Bowman. Malcolm Brown, i smug 39% Mm W‘ Wm my Writs Ind wuss mg.“ mm†SlOD in the KitchenerWaterloo Minor Tyler Carton, Michael Donirn i "in. My“ ‘3' Pl l rem includes nut W†â€f Baseball Association Tommy Kueneman. Dylan Ward. lheu MSWWZ ‘7 52. mm Dr. mm an, "a m 5i m rm _ , . _ i mm Event A W“ We: Dan- The Red Team was Victorious during Jeweri mm mum“; UM! season or a in ¢ WWW H.'"." the league‘s year-end tournament. Front: Bailey llehn, Alex lacroix. 5mm Moons Umnls' NI- mxo‘w- “I “9753ҠBack: Erick Nessel iBattingUiachl, [an Absent: Kristian Novel. lefl Ward mtlfln 2° Pa: mm.“ a?" N.†f" a. Brown rassistant coachii Tim llehn thead idsSlSlanlCOaCh), ‘ 31m. Putin (mi mm mm ‘ coachiv i -Lzrouamm- Bus mi 2 new {Mimi A'â€... m ,0â€, mm mm 3 m m l , mama m mi sinuous; Irom woo . 35m ' 661W» 4 H E_Â¥ k,‘_‘e,,,,, , EM 31 M1 his†0': 500.0" I .m'". ‘ S d ed T 0 «WW 3"“ 3mm w" M New"? ii . i J JAM stu ent 11am to eam Ontario m alumnus i421 ._ ,, We, , . sum W 51 2 ADAM Jason rugby head Coach lim Mont Vancouver for national i win Chm'flrllSIafl >7 giimeryxawaltit of potential petition from Aug t [I in in Hates With the way he (arr take (in the rest (if the iiiiiii . , , A», ' 4’ I - _‘ > _ ’ H h . Cohan Bates may be new tied the ball his aggre'esm' tnt L r: "“" . a†A" “A" 4“" ""“F‘M‘ ‘ at mghy. but he's quickh new and his .‘lhIIIYV in mm Unit! the lidlltil1d| i «int ‘3"; â€a V earning recognition ax vine pew With when within thi' [H‘lllllin Haiex will pun In I‘ a»? ‘ ‘ ‘ _ ’ a f ; nfthe hextintintariri ilixiriii every Sunilm in inrnnin ini -" 9} ' ‘ .. â€a I O The ziitl than “hm W1“ lw \1\ hours ‘ { A37} 1" e ‘ ‘ _, ' playing prim liii Ii-iini Whiletheiippiirttiiiiu ;\ ;_ , ‘ ‘ a - J‘ ‘ ()ntariii til the â€1"» lt-xel iii great for Hale-xi the l IJ\T is m V' w " L , :' iiziiiiinzii iiiiiiiii-tiiitiii \lil†will \iiii-n eight per i (“ll iii - ‘ ‘ ' mlthiwpuit.itthehi‘uiiiiiiiii; Illl'l(l\l iii Hil\l'Hi!lL{ illilj I i i . \ i. i u ‘ t ' - ~ . i ' i ‘ . illllt ‘iNl iliiml M ii iiiil ...()ft(â€l, I“, ll'aé lit Id rtnt il~ HI iiiiil M iii ’ hm \lHi l‘ .idHl‘Ti iii ivm‘ with , pluu'rx nit-.iiiiiig [fll‘ iiiirilwii - ‘ thiwimii (HIV 0/ [’19 I795! i\ viii lil\ t.iiiiii\ li‘ in» [Mr i ‘ xi l. r \ t ‘_‘ ~- 4~ . ‘ l iii 1 il‘ iiil } it [)[UW’I'S 0" III" \ MXlliix ‘3‘ - uh: ii ii~Li*i1 in“ 'H‘ Tr‘t“\ - _ __ Hie fem i im-i ii xix ii ii i ‘ .itwi;t l:i~ HI’\\ \[Nil: [IV/(1 in iiiriiin‘ iirilviiiii~ p xi i h ‘ . ‘ § ‘ iii~t lrlll with iiiiii it inmhlim “mugmm‘n ii\ iii: liillilirlL, i i i i i U‘i?il"li1\‘il'ili :iiil MIA it H‘lildl that mi xi" '7‘ i w l , ‘ _ incur; Mum ,wmnniiuiir , ’ iii\ iii.iiiiw ‘HH iliiii my; UH Viv i ‘1 i i b ‘ â€Miami iii rim“; it“! lH ‘ \.. ,., ' giiilii'it iiiiii iiir tit ii; till W iirtniiitiiiiiv‘vi ‘ ’ ‘ fiiriiii~iiuiiii xiiiiuiiv i 1 n ' iriii'iiiiiit fil“il[1iiii‘ ‘ \hlil NIH, Harm lie-i ilil\t‘ i it wt 4 .L‘.l i~ MIR ‘ Hilli‘\ ii iii\i‘iii'il ii: iiii tlii‘ i‘ir‘ii L"‘iil}.{ ii Markham iii 1 linlpl‘ll‘ int .i iiii-iiiiii in 'v\ i‘iii Mliil ' , spot iiii the innit alum: uiih \1HHlkltVllH'T\ it in: \llit' i ‘ h(ipl‘flll\ iiniii in l1)\\ When we git and play iii ’iiimii'ih this! their Air iii‘ii Uiitiirin illlll’il‘lll iiiiirnamvnis and ,ih‘ Mm i «it? il'l‘ll'v'iii rim: ‘Hivni ‘-\l‘[i‘IH ii int '1' hit: him against \( hunk lrnrv iiiiuiiii w iii-i ii zw 2' Mini! w kitlx ‘ \llll Him-x “hit illltlQ'Il vll in“ l)l]l.’lllli \iiii get iii UL: . that .ihi'i the ï¬rxt in mil NW idea iil him he lili'flKtir‘ ~ ‘ili H iIHU‘Hl ~ iiif: lt‘\lt 11 iii sum .i i “in h (llipllltll h('(1 winiiii I.Ill\ .iiiil tilt. i lit ~iniiiwishi|i iii lllillillitiii Hi _ A1,\ Kl Qfl, WISH hirii Htlt'†him hl‘tllll wr-Il HAN nuv iii the iii-st it NWT 3mm in iirtli'l hi i iiiiIiN'lr -“ \lti'r that [played uitli .l till thi' tirlil '\.iiii ‘1 i ‘ mm id†«in w m "IliriilHIL' Int iiltniit'iilvnu' HHâ€)('T\ ‘ilK llllllhl‘l Mimi“ Rah-x .il \ir iiilin \ \1.uiiuii.ilil ihv tiniiii “i“ i ii‘i i,iiiiiii\ h.lll‘\“‘li\l‘iiiili