“W',Myw.2013-7 Beer bandit makes amends with family Conunuedfmmpagel -», i 1? ‘a‘ ; ' f; -. > After noticing the open f, ï¬g , f T 4 '» Q“ S 44 < - ‘ garage they “seized the ~ 5):- “ x ' ~â€",~ momeiit‘and gave in to 4 ' ' " temptation and stole some my SPECMLS brews". _ ML After realizing what they ...- did was wrong. the thief i.- 4 Strum StoreMadeinGoz 415 49 vowed to repay the family 2 ' . SlRLOIN BURGERS . ea once he or she was 19. . " 3: . NW. \ “Today is that day," the 3 - or IBIB| Fresh 90-9595 ExttaLw . . M ' letter said. Included With ;4 v ‘ ’ f 4 f m GHWND BEEF $8 t3k $3 69 lb the apology was a $40 gift l w“ w m g . a . \ card to the [CBC Hopeful- 1 SAUSAGES BACON Store Made Deli 51m ly this is enough to bury the $3"; $191 to, $13.21 kg. W a. m] hatchet. Again. from me and ' 3: ".‘£¥: 85 99 m“. $3 19 my buds. sorry! Sorry! l . 4 “éï¬wg, M Bu $703ku. ' lb Sorry!†‘ Y'- ~.‘~'.**i ; " °"’ ' mm“ ' "‘"“’ m Looking for “No Mam" products? The letter we" 5‘ ed ms4. meanings-aim“: . ' "From SorryDawg: lg“ 5355 via Wexnozyxn “(Sn-Inner lit-"is“ - including “Obviously they had L": 4 . w’ -. u been thinking about it for . ' ‘ ‘ h ‘HJ â€FUJV‘QO‘ years and waiting until they ' . . - ’ ' ' l"“' ‘l “ were 19." said Tanya. “That's " ‘ ‘ ' â€19 be“ “r“? in â€19 101W“ ' Tanya Hunter stands besidethebeerfridgeinbergaragewithbermlod'iildren ‘ today is that day" Caleb, 8 and Emmaly, 10, who is also holding the thief‘s apology letter, LV VV W. Vii/(3 fer/OOChrO I7ICIe- C3 Sure enough. when Todd mama-mom . - went to the liquor store the appreciate the gesture and about in the meantime " ‘ L'dld was genuine and he have tried to remember to “It's such a great story. It A â€M... used the $40 to buy a new always (lose their garage brings back your sense of 175m annm (aseofCrecmore beer door. humanity that there's good â€Mammmï¬xmufly lhe couple has no idea lhey realize not every people out there." Tanya meWdMFul-h who stole the beer or might Wtillld-hl' thief is as gener» said. nCaM.Wm-memm have been plagued by a ous as theirs, but it has “That‘s why we live in a * MUNWMMMHNMWW guilty conscience over the given them a great Story to Waterloo. because it is a ‘ ‘ , past few years, but they tell and something to laugh good town.~ added Todd. n- "4 4 â€mu (.... M -- 4g. i; . ,-.~e§ , mm" - _ ' = ‘ --- w ~' ’ ‘ 35‘3?‘ “ “W, 7-".T“‘¥= r: g kg? ' 4 4 _ if? 43:7: We've been buildin our ...__.... -â€"vâ€"q W QT". ,' ’ '. ,._. . ,.,Z ’ a? at" .« »- -~ 11 we " 44.2; reputation for years. sf} 1" . : l â€1“ L . â€" ‘ ‘ ' 3?“~sz Needless to say, we've 2:44" j“ ‘_ - A ‘ » f,- , (rotten pretty good i f “4 l\ 1 _ ' 4 __,__ With our hands 5 N m ._ -‘ . Oil, ‘ ‘ "1 he A = r if , -- t a , . , .. . , . ,. - -~ " 1 :- ~_ v f? 49:5“ ' . u , , II Mil/it) This a a deptdlon or the new LRT rail vehicles that the region is looking to ptirthase Let us he you preserve our efï¬cien CY Public will get a chance to tour and mm†a†5mm 1°“ LRT h†l h' 8 (1 new ve 1c es t IS atur ay “can"; up To A @ (untlmied from page] lwgiii iii r'lllil With the first (lit \tllllltlil\, from It) - - ec - whit lv lll‘ll\l'll'll to regional .i tii to l l) iii residents are 811600 Rebate Hy Mark M han'cal llll‘ ltglt‘t'lllt‘lll “l“ .tlsu flit ilttu's ll) llll\ Jtllh llii' IllVllPll to (out Nip model for with the purchase of a 5068 Whitelaw Rd , HR 6‘ Guelph, ON lirlii the ri-gititi limp llil' List \l'lll(l1‘ would he rolled the-ï¬rst lllllt' qualifying Lennox‘ 87mm. iiytiit‘ttti†\1l“‘tl|]|4‘ and.» will“ lk~ii~|iilx'r.'illii light ldll transit “Ill 1-800-727-0750 in liii's'iiig .u l t‘\\lllllll\ shin ll aptitmn‘il <l lull st tile “penile â€H the l‘l hllilllli'll'l' K‘W cam/â€7,109 GuPth and S‘urmundmg 4,83 thirds In hating ltll Pl'l i l‘Ill lllibtl4'| ill the llll \t‘hll ll‘ is transit illllllllll from ( (Ill ' ‘ l ‘ lms flour (Ii-sign st lit'tliilml to .iir|\t' in from i'sttigri “all iii Waterloo to k l he“ [‘l!l(llli tiuii «it lllt‘ of regional headquarters this l.iir\it'\s l'.irk Mull iii kilt li OW "pom maroon nerve-4 um rtivir-wznr'»11)m'ifv nu .a m. rs to)“ « \-- \ L- may» l R\ s lot the H‘Klttlt \\ ill lritlrn l'llt‘l m'â€"w'°â€"w"""w'm' m "mam" "