WATERLOO mammal - Wednesday. luly to, 201 3 - as l KW R . U S inlin ; ~ age WlIl . . fl tournament l AMI/«non of members of the team took home ‘; Urront‘clestaff awards for their individual play. 1 Brendan Baker won top sniper, and t The KWRage squirt DoubleA inline top goaltender was awarded to l hodteyteamhasrolledits wayover Kailem Chappelle in the AA/AAA l the competition to become the best in skills competition. while Drew Gerth ' North America lastweek won top goal scorer. Top dishman , l The team travelled (assists) was won'by ' . ‘5 ‘ to Taylor. Mich. for ’ ' Caner Buehlow, and as: 9 the TORHS 2Hot41ce "They re Justa Chappelle won top r to take on the best goalieinthedivision. "‘ teams from across .greatgroup 0f While the boys I Canada and the us. kids. They all work had their hands full .~ June 22<24 and they n with the games they , - came out on top. together 50 we†played. theyalso had ' while going undefeat- _ Dave We a chance to see some v" . i“ " ed in the toumamentt Team MW higher-level action. ' , The dominating with the likes of the ~ _ ; tournament win did» Vancouver Canuck's ‘--: t ‘ n‘tcomewithoutadversity, though Zack Kassian competing on one , [n the second game of the touma- team ‘ , ‘ ment against the Tour Blast. the Rage lnline hockey uses regular hockey ' f found themselves down 32 with arenas. but with theice replaced bya "5 « about 30 seconds left in the 24» tiled sport surface. ‘1 minute game, Coach Scott Buehlow The rules are very much the same, ‘ if“ ‘ % rallied the troops during a time out. but only two periods of 12 minutes . anâ€) “if“ 1“. ,- ’ That inspired the l2eyear olds who each are played. ; , j; N354 . -P l were able to tie it up and take the While body checking is not 3 ’ ' ' t _ . iii-'1 ’33, ‘ game in a thrilling shootout victory, allOWed in the sport. Chappelle says ‘ 253%†‘- "They're just a great group of that doesn't necessarily mean it's not WW‘Q kids." said team manager Dave aphysicallytoughsport. ‘ 1. “Mum-V £3 Chappelle, “they all work together so “There may be no hitting allowed. " "" ' well.†but it is 5â€â€œ a very. very physical The KW Rage inline hockey team Struck gold at an international tournament in Taylor, Michigan. Along with the big Win. a handful game.†said Chappelle. â€we "0'0 ; CHECK LUCKY 11, SHOP LocAL CONTEST RULES 1 wmmmn'umn‘smwwmw. mmumhmmw We 1 - , numnmmmdmwmmumunmmimmmm ‘ T†l - linoleum-um. I ' W 2 wmwmhnmmeuWMn-wm ram-r) ' ' 3 mmwumnlmummmmnmdremovmmmmv , . .. _ . ....â€" hummmmmanmanmummamm Wot . “veâ€" ' \ “M‘MmmWWMMwmma-mummmmm “ ’, , ‘ ' uhwu-Ih-M " l mumnmmtwmunmmmwm'mnmmm l T ywp APT SUPPLES ammummmummnmmmumunmummmmm- ( \ \ unnummmmmmmnuummmmmmmnnm , mmmal,,siazo,m,mumnoum.mmuMmh-mmnmm ' ' mmmmwmmw.mzszoiauttzooumnummuum,mzzoun l WT LET; grART WR'NG. 5W?! mmmnumwmau,mummanmo~mmuw ‘ mammmmmnmâ€"mnmnmmummmzanwï¬ â€˜ mmmmmnmmmummmm.m2t2m I may Emmwizorquzm mm mammmr Pens! [ mmmmmmrflm..:mm.mmwmm "WV“, IMH“ â€in M iv!“ ' nmg‘ ' i www.mmmuum.“ ummummmnwmm YWWCOUMbCChOSCflOSWdW’ZW WW“ ‘ mn-mmmmnmummmmnmmmm “would: pï¬medinwrCitmentMIJ/ZOMSdIooIYcaICdem l rmmhmwmâ€m-mm":mm'm“mmm ‘ Wu!“ , W [I “BIMMMMJ s m‘hmmnwnmmammu-mm-mwmmmm'ww mMMbhmmM-mm) i m““‘"‘m.“° wmm'“ wwwmgmmzmwmmmmw ‘ mm‘w‘mbwnmm Inmmmmnmmummam,mmm â€" 0' I mmlmmmsmmutmnwwrmuMmmm-nenm Souâ€"mum . "dam n rm m 5‘ mmwmm'. e“Mnmnmmmnmmnmmmomnm-mme ,i L CltyPatentc/oCambrldgeYlnes mmmnmmnmmmmmumnmmmnwwammcan ‘ . _ 7 ‘75". "“14 ‘ mmmnmmmnnaamwmaummmjnmmmmn ‘ 3 a.) m ’ " ‘ mwmwnwmummmm mwmmmwmstm f / (WOOLNIT 2K7 mMmimuanmmyn-mmmmnmmnu “ f ‘ , Z if OMMWPQ'PQBOHP‘QOSQ! I mï¬mmmmmbmmwmmummmmumzm t__‘_7 ‘ i m ‘ R Bummsouumnamm.mnmmmmwmrmmmmmrim i mmmmum _\ 'v ‘ CONTEST RULES 1 9 wmdmmmnwammm mw-mmmumummmm T ‘ «WWI-rm“! MMM hum-Surname- mum the ‘ ~~IH~~~.*.._‘.*‘ ‘ Wmnmmmruu nmme-m.nmmmzwumm?m ~n.-'~0-_‘~~dï¬n- I mmrmnwnmnmamdnmwamummgmm Arm-nun h-.H‘.h“"h“w'w 1‘ darn-Itmmumanw‘mnâ€"mmmmnsmmdemfllm Mummum “Immunu‘hymammamvomm nv .*-b~-hhï¬um 3 mum.wummmmnmwmmâ€"JMqMMMmWWamw h-.~.* ‘ “m“mmammrm‘WWvumimmnmmnfm . “Wammhmmamahmmmm must imam-mm i I m m m Wmmllv nmmmmrxa hubfluhuabu-‘uhwmndquâ€"t 1 3‘3..." “$5103; '°°""'°"’"“°"'""' ' ‘ "‘ "M I M‘hï¬mhaï¬dbmmï¬hflfl 1