WATERUX) CHIONICLE -Wediiesdav. luly 10. ml 1 - 23 ~~~~~~~ ,,444_“\_wa4_k_t LatinFest set to get the party started at public square g 3 ' 3 ' uâ€; '» k by Colombian hip~hop artist Andy King, prise Initiative and Baka Mobile to name a “ L _ i f'* ‘D Honduran reggaeton singer Cruzito and few. Cisterna said she would be happy if "' ' 'â€" Toronto-based Dl Trambo to name a few. attendance hits the 5,000 mark this year, but ' t g , . ' ". .â€" A more traditional Latin sound will be would be even more excited to see more . "t t l. 33 ' . heard from artists such as Kitchener's CAZU, stages and participation from local business- . ' , ' 3" ï¬g ff, .. _- 1 ‘ , i FJ Salvador’s la Elite. and the Vallenato King es in years to come. 71; 5“ " ‘f 1. ’ . ’- ii: of Columbia Beto lamaica on the World Neruda Productions has also launched a " "' g ‘ g: , 5? Stage. Whether or not you know the words or collaborative campaign with MT Space to ;.~ 1“. I ï¬ne i Q = â€1 5" if? the beat. the high~energy performers will presentWeAreCulture this fallThis inclusive ff. : "4. "1. "f? " - {in 1 ,. at; keep everyone dancing all day and night. initiative combines music and theatre pro- . , 1. 2, f“? ’ ' A1" 3.51 an, {15’- Vi" As lati'n Fest continues to promote a mul- ductions to encourage better connections i" ‘:‘ E _ “is? â€f ticultural society. many notable corporations For more information on We Are Culture. g ». , a, 9‘ : 4“. $54 i have taken notice. Sponsors of this event or LatinFest 2013, visit â€â€œ a†“5 "" {j “ include Scotiabank, REMAX. Creative Enter- www.nerudaproductions,com. Z, "is†‘ a; f;â€" p BEL» . 1 s». 4»-n"~(f.sï¬u - 37 z I . @ LE: (Lb La Elite from El Salvador will be one of the acts performing at LatinFest 2013 this weekend. m mm†°' "mum" ._ \ "fl ' BYLAHImSNl-Zu. - ‘ Special to the Chronicle . M . ‘ , g; Gzreadytodanceaslatinfatmwwill , . ’ kickingoffthianday‘ .4p.m., at the ' ah , ~. ' Waterloo's public square celebrating EXCEPTlONAL GENES RUN lN THE FAMlLY. t. -v ‘k , South and Central American ans. culture and _ a 4- “ '- â€A“; diversityintheregion. _ . $'â€"-,,_ ‘ ‘ '- rt Introducing TheAll-New gt 1 _ Neruda Productions has Joined forces 5,1 . . 2013 ESand ES Hybrid 1.) b if With Tl’DpICa] FM Radio and latin Llfe maga» "“‘ 5&5.) . \ wwï¬ubgmwmi - , Zine to showcase multiple genres of contem- " “as, .. rJ has. km'wntra ’ i R ‘ porary latin music for a free. family-friendly .. $1 000“ DEUVERV D 3 fl? festival that stretches over two days ~ a? i. q lflq, _ it This event. which began as a small cele- k w“ < , I 4m ‘\ we...“ l m~- .....a ".... ‘ . 4 bration With only few featured artists on just 7 _ _._ ...L 5000- l i497- l‘M-m- ' A“; . i ' one stage, has grown to become one of . , â€N ' inâ€... 29" 119‘ . _ " Waterloo Region's largest outdoor dance par» . " ï¬fochtl "°' ; ties. Neruda Production's founder lsabel Cis- iWMtMWMWTJ†’ ' tema created the company and festival with " 'W‘*~‘c’°~-‘MMN~' " “cw ‘ w the notion that an is an effective platform for N â€MM.“ "W" "‘ education and works well to nurture our m 4 evolving society. w E ? “My main mandate (is) to build bridges in " our community with arts and culture from . around the world." said (Itstema. “It's about advocating land) making diversity be a priï¬ ' ' VT , The New 2013 RX Series I / J " ority." “ F Complete Lexus Price: ‘56,080' With 3.500 fans in attendance last year 1:7 """;""' ‘ . and an increase in sponsorship. [atinl‘t'st N: k \ gist?“ $4 000 . g __ has matured front one day of kids oriented ,. ' fl ‘- \ .‘ xi“, 3 ’ ,. . ' , . lung “but.†ï¬\ ;\ dttitities in Jill l. to two full days of all dam / N "' h‘w m 19†4.0- . i. entertainment lrida» afternoon begins W'Hh . I \ . . . ..., s ‘5.000‘629._ I gamts ant a t hililn its paratlt to showmst _,__ . .._. 1 gmmw mm ... - \ their costume and make tip designs front . ‘ ' a If†tfljhï¬â€œ 09x 1 zvtirkshiips lthnii foods, games. and World \' it -â€"A- » " “1,7“?va if I .tdgt- perftirniaitt es in the heart of the "S' 496“. 726" MM!) squari- Wlll ken-p t'\(‘r\‘lllll‘ entertained until ' _ - - I‘m. . .-â€"-‘- wrmwm~ .~ .. , l?†....f 77“? â€- '*4‘ W I)†(“null tltli ï¬rst lit-t ‘ ’ * ~ pMW‘ "tn<~.-<.a_tjfhw if". w l t . gins Nittirtlm at. __. m,.~.w 4.†t it“; .. - ... l ii in W1lll iiigglt'rs. t rafts. information talilt‘s l f . bounty tastIt-s. transit-tit niiisit ians and till] "°"'"â€' w E rm ‘ »‘. .95' ‘ tests Will] the opportunity hit a ltitkv fan In ' a“ " m l ‘ I ." , . . win a lilatltlli-rri, It) lht- llrhan Stage pi'r ‘ 9 ‘ ~ :\ formant i's will lit-gin at noon. With the stage hpt'lr ,-.- » d l { lot ate-(l (ll)\t‘t tn Willis Way and the World ‘ . F 3 Stage M“ see its set (Hid day of performances “EFFNER [EXUS -' beginning at JilS pm in the public square. 3131 (mg 5"... E.|" mum", «510, 745 9008 kin-ping visitors singing along until midnight ‘ . f ., ï¬x ~“‘\ J A n â€". â€"-v-~n--~w-,-i--M..i..â€"...,.)us no... «A..,J_-.._.,~;,;."WMâ€..L..-†..t.~ "It has never been my itltui to ( N‘alt‘ t-irpi- wtâ€" - 4,,;_..-.»u ~- -~"- ~â€"-~--- "in c- u «a if -- ..- .. -~~-o-m -- -» w- ~- .. ..., _ tit-iii M for lust one iiiltiirt' you (an be (if 32:35:22.‘.".‘.?:.":‘:.'.’,:":.;â€:.J:.â€.“.L’ZL:2:1:1:3 T.’.l:'.ff.l::fl.f‘:;‘;ï¬ 14:5.1132: 0 - .“e.....a‘...,~-r is. 1. his... w~$4¢ was,» .vi-ir- . an, ~_-L~ ~ “.......«,.,._._,,,,..~.,,.,. w , ~ , .in\ type (ll ht'i|t.igi' .iiiil t'riiriv the intisii “baby u ._ in.†Mu »-i« ...... 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