‘ glA---(JI--_°-- L'mmloimxl: W s 1 (III. SPRAYING| , leepCountry . , The bene ts o goo a wee . . . \ seems obs/10115 that the alternative strategies to Slmmons . hm-flflummmm Ibest way to achieve your achieve those goals. This 5 | LG“ Drip on M I ï¬nancial and retirement includes a review Of how ‘0 Extravaganza Evew ammo-rm | I " h ' ~ . ‘ .; f reduce your taxes- whether i‘ ‘Not . muttonâ€"1m goasis avmgatcess to , 3 . , r'g d T d ; l v.. H J . . “Lions,“ sound financial advice you I] have mung?! income en 5 “es ay .-f I grounded in a comprehen- to cover yet: retiremefnt .' : ‘ _ . g; a a. | , , {l | sive ï¬nancial plan. an; ‘ expenses; an strategies or J" ". V ; ' †. . ‘ Among other things, protecting your family and " ‘ J ' a“ “its; é, , l H “ a] I; ll T0 H l ï¬nancially advised house~ income ShOUId you become an“; 3' as: i l ‘ A. | holds are twice as likely to . Elisabled or die unexpected- W1“ I Est1970 I save for retirement at all ' Y- ages; have significantly ' l &' 519-579-3320 | higher levels of investable 4- Plan formulation and l mM|lEl3 | assts at all ages: tmprove recommendations â€" we“ .. mMam. , their regular saving for Oping a written financtal â€s†- . retirement at all income lev- plan which contains recom- ' els; rate themselves as more mendations and an action ï¬nancially knowledgeable: - Canadians trust their P11" for achieving your and are more comfortable advisers. feel positive ï¬nancial 80315 and'tmprovâ€" making the ï¬nancial deci» toward them and feel more mg your overall financtal sions they need to make to confident they will have life- plan fortheirfuture. enough money to retire ‘ Recent research {lFlC comfortably. 5 Plan implementation Value ofAdvice Report 2012) â€" taking action to imple- . on the ï¬nancial situation of A comprehensive ï¬nan- ment the SOIUUON "N“ Canadians, our savings and cial plan should include have been agreeduwn- sa ve e n e rgy investment behavior, and investment planning. cash . _ our attitudes toward retire- flow planning, education 5 Monitoring and Pl!" merit and savings advice planning. estate planning, WWWâ€" ï¬nanctal phnmns has demonstrated the sig- insurance planning, retire- 15 "01 a one time event. You niï¬cant value of delivering ment planning. and income shouldreview your plan "38“ ï¬nancial advice to the pub« tax planning â€" and here's “I“! ideally Fl least annu- Iic. at all income and asset the key â€" to be successful, ally 0" as major life events levels your plan must be tailored OCCUR to you. . . oAdvice has a positive It makes sense to seek These sustraightforward 250 AlR N1|LES reward ml'es and signiï¬cant impact on the advice of a financial steps are a great “C" on ï¬nancial assets advisor who will take you building Y°“|' 190730031 through this six-step plan- ï¬nanmal plan. Be sure you - Advisors perform tasks ning process: 8"‘ the advice you need by vital in the ï¬nancial lives or talking to a Branch! “(Mm their clients including 1. Goal setting â€" to with the 595m] qualifica- improved ï¬nancial literaq', deï¬ne and prioritize your “OHS an mo 3 you can ., ,, , , é . developingacultureofsav- gummmmm amnion. saveonenergyiewardsca ings and investment. dever oping and executing a 2. Data gathering â€" financial plan, selecting gathering all the pertinent appropriate ï¬nancial vehi- financial information to cles and products and understand your current improving investment deci- ï¬nancial situation. 0" sion~making Thu minim! bprwidadby 3. Financial analysis â€" McEachm'eGmup Private D it] - Advrce positively analysing the data to deter- Wealth Management. Conrad _ grit} g. impacts retirement readi- mine whether you are on RuuMcFachnic. CFRCPCt . r}? ‘r 1- mess. track to achieve your ï¬nan- (DFAm519.aas-2.m,¢xi. 241 ' ‘ - if _- ONTARIO 4 y," cialï¬fegmhandtoidentify mpmmnnmhnkcom D 2&1 flown: AUTMOH.I\ ' â€- if .~§ a a a E my V “By Name . . . By Reputation' 0 Complete Car Care Canadian Owned a Operated Since 1996 Pr '.:;"“’““:1;’;"“ “N;mmw ’ _â€"_-“__~, M . it“ 0 1 3 We would like to thank our customers for voting us ï¬fï¬nn ï¬sts-53:3". ï¬mxmm â€"-â€"â€"- 45,5 ’ ii 2 m"- Diamond In Auto Technician/Mechanic W'ulâ€˜ï¬ an sea a?†"" ‘rt’r’rl're‘t'W'i‘t limtfxiil ‘,~' l"t,' A“ 1 u f ) Lu! ir‘ wih't†v'v i" f» w!