ld-WATERIDOQW-MmdayJulleJOIS Bushes Proï¬le N [I B B l E H S “a “WWW“ Snu lers Furniture 3 359; O . 99 . . , comm, creating comfortable Irving spaces i .. 0 ' ‘ in 1976 when Christina opened the r , store,shewusoexcited,herplmswereto ‘, . work3¢ysaweekinthestore,dointeri~ i ordeaignforherclientsZâ€"3daysaweek fl 5 andhaveacoupleot'daysofl'a week. 37 J yearslatershestillwotks7daysaweek and splits her of? hours between clients, . l . grandchild-en andofeoine tennis ' ; ~ - Christina Springer and son Garry “‘ " “ " " " "' ' †began in 1976. It’s an enterprise with a , . 30 WEBER ST. N., WATERLOO ' 519.746.4268 reputation for unique, Canadian made, : muffler-lure.“- quality furniture and I stafl'that‘s eager to 3 mums Snub-5:30; Thin-t Minis-l. IH help clients select the perfect furniture 5 a; .. , . â€W“ 4 andaccessorypieoes for theirhomesmd _ a ' , “was offices. Garry notes that Snugglers is v ' moving forward in their Technology. We 1 ' are renovating to add monitors to show our clients their home design projects in ! “gm-av .~ their colours, adding all the details before then guide them to choices that we believe their eyes. Clients will be able to see their will enhance their space. During our project being built with no surprises, decades of advising people we‘ve discov- Snugglers' is clearly much more than a cred that the more attention we pay to traditional furniture storeâ€"that’s What peo- What clients say, the happier they are Wllh pie havecorne to expect the results. And because our approach IS Christina Springerand sonGarry speak to build a long term. loyal client base. with great pride of the business she began we‘ve become the store that people love to in 1976. it‘s an enterprise with a reputa- come back to." i tion for unique. Canadian made, quality “And," Garry continues, "People feel ‘ furniture and a staff that‘s eager to help good about our deciSion to support Caner ' clients select the perfect furniture and dim manufacturers; companies who lead ; accessory pieces for their homes and who concentrate on interesting yet func- oï¬'ices. The Snugglers‘ showroom caters tional designs that stand out from the rest to many tastes With a variety of styles to That strategy has dealt us a valuable addi- suitjust about anyone. tional benefit of flexibility; to have the ability to conï¬gure pieces to fit various Just right lifestyles and budgets." “It‘s very personal With us", says This clearly is much more than a tradi- 1 . Christina, “We listen to our clients and tional furniture store. '. a 1 Pub you in control of \(l|cl\tl you ' ' |\MO I ‘ . DIGITAL SOLUTIONS r d'gl'u rid ‘ l- b d lei-ei- . 2.1..mmwem-ae... : , , _. . ’ 4, whï¬ï¬‚mï¬-ndJ-fl-ï¬ï¬-iâ€"nâ€" a . l K ‘ld’i'l‘btri "fl- “ " “"" " " ‘ *|hï¬-p-'Dï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ - . u ,- / Truâ€"hâ€"dbd-nidu-b-qï¬- ! r . ‘ . _ i ' . . ï¬nï¬h‘hlï¬ï¬qï¬md-ï¬-‘d l in-“ . "(a hflï¬ï¬‚dwsmhpï¬lï¬ï¬dmu“, . a i . in l RIB-U ~ , augments-mu “as“.-- v. Minna-mud...“- tum-tin“ S I ' l ’ * f t l I . 3?Q»742-982‘~ -. if: v