WATERimctmmm-Wednuday, luly 10. 2013 on _ y: i; x-ei_-'i'-,i... . . if“ wet-H eunportance Cum-11mm themnsitplannersmuldhavedie “Mmmmeflnt won ofllfe mm knowledge to place these stations applies for the credit is being audit- 0 S ety for the beneï¬t of the LRT and bus ed bye universitymâ€"opltudent. 11 response to Dale lngrey's routes. At the time of our audit about mm mm were ï¬ned battling; blaze in My“, derogatory comments about Is this cost included in the Lirr 700 homethadappï¬edfor the cred- this and m hm om to the ., and , . past week. y goes famrlies recent editorial cannons In the budget or an extra expense for it. and none had failedtheaudit. ï¬iendsofthebtavesoulsofthistenibleoagedy. Waterloo Chronicle " [think the Waterloo taxpayers? Assuming our "Edit is typical, Fire prevention had already been on my mind ever since cartoons saunang the antics Of UHF Will there be more expenses for the city is crediting approximately twoWaterloo ï¬reï¬ghters tang my doorbell a few ween back in versuystudentsaie brilliant. the services that Waterloo will have 35-100 per Ye" ‘0 homeowners. l an effort to educate residents about working smoke alarms, The “1100" space in the Chron- to run into the repair area for the suspect that ways and mileage for through their annual smoke glam program. lde probably provides more insight "air“? the student ll! farinore than this Curious to learn more about home ï¬re safety, I stopped by into real life m Waterloo than any- A5 a “W5 I ï¬nd this an out- theWaterloo ï¬re department on Columbia Street. just around thing provtded by any other media lame. unï¬t“ â€GNU-5 Wm bl" " least 1 can feel the corner from my house, to speak with Waterloo Fire Rescue outlet. Whterioo good thatI my tax signal's “PM?" public education ofï¬cer, John Percy. “di "18 emp oymen or a “NVCI'SI Y "What we‘re doin this ear is. we have ï¬re ters in Bob Ellsworth Stormwater 8 t student. door to door througghout {he community, thymtrofioucg Waterloo program a waste themselves, and they're asking seven ' AreWaterloo taxpayers Wyn M questions about smoke alarms in the m ? y household actively sup» Waterloo home,†Percy told me. "And what paying more ms M ports conservation efforts, a . we're trying to do is see what your including recycling. using ~ - knowledge base is when it comes to was quite surprised (0 see in the our green bin, not using pesticides. ‘e . smoke alarms and ï¬re safety in your Chronicle MC]? that Waterloo is water and electricity conservation. ' . home, because the legislation in the hiring consultants for [m station and having three rain banels. ’. ï¬re code says the homeowner is ulti- “r ' planning. We applied for the stormwater mately responsible for their own ' l was under the impression me credit. which at our home totals ~ safety.“ f" “3130" was directing this operation $1.45 bi-monthly. or $8.70 per year! ' The friendly ï¬reï¬ghters who chat- . and one company is 80mg [0 con- Soon after we applied for the 3 , ted with me on my front porch 511110101911"- credit. we were contacted by the -. “3 informed me that every home in if W0U|d only make sense â€15" (Iity of Waterloo to audit our rain if.» L7 Ontario must have a working smoke t i\] alarm on every storey and outside all Q Q Q sleeping areas They also offered some , Stu 1d 18 as stu 1d does ' ~ ~ = . ‘ p p = alarms every month using the test ’ i button. replacing smoke alarm batteries at least once a year. My usual route to my day job takes me down ers are even ï¬lled. That will happen this fall just in along with replacing smoke alarms with new ones if they are ‘ i (blumbia Street and then a shon jog along Hickory time for the new university year. i more than 10 years old. . and Hazel Streets to my oï¬ice at King and University, There have already been concerns about large 1 i told the ï¬reï¬ghters how our smoke alarm on the main ‘ it allows me to roll through an area of the city that gatherings of people getting out of control. On St. . floor goes off every time we open the stove in the kitchen. ‘ i has undergone remarkable physical change in the Patricks Day, a crowd estimated at about 7.000 was I i when cooking dinner. They recommended we try installing a ‘ last ï¬ve years. and the impact of those out celebrating their Irish heritage. or the ‘ smoke alarm with a bush feature that temporarily silences the ‘ changes is just beginning to befelt. lack thereof. And that's a worry for ‘ i alarm. which i thoughtwasagreat idea. The stretch of King and Regina regional police. All it takes is for one ‘ Unattended cooking is the leading cause of home ï¬res and . i Streets from (entral to Columbia Road is yahoo to do something stupid and all r ‘ related injuries. Percy explained. ‘ rapidly turning into a forest of apartâ€" i .l M E H l - hell will break loose. ‘ "The maiority of the ï¬res areoccumng in the home, they Tl‘ ‘ men! towers. And oï¬on some ofthe side I refuse to be one of the people who ‘ not occurring at work or at school." he said. "So we need to l streets it's complemented by a series of says. “It's those damn students.“ Most of ‘ i educate people as best we can to take ï¬re safety into their own 1 smaller apartment buildings. h the students l meet are really good poo i consideration. And the way to do that is by making sure you In some ways. it‘s an improvement. pie. Every now and then you run into an i have working smoke alarms on every level of your home anti . The towers look considerably better idiot. but one of the things l have leamvd ‘ have a home ï¬re escape plan. practiced twice a year than some ofthe old. ramshackle homes is that stupid crosses all demographic. ‘ “A33 ï¬re sen/ice. 0:1." goal of public education IS we don t that were in the area. lfthe city wants to 4 social and economic lines . want res to occur. An what we're doing through public edit build up. and not out. then towers are 3; it's not against the law to be stupid i cation is we're trying to change people's human hehavror So ll likel the best solution. Believe me. I've checked. That's probably anyone out there in our community has any questions or lyreallze some people decry the 2 good since all of us would have be locked ‘ i inquiries about smoke alarms. they can give me a tall. send ‘ change. When I moved here more than a on ’ up at one time or another. 1 me an email. or check out our website WWW.W8I(‘I"l(K) ca/ï¬rt- " 30 years ago. i think the population Sign So that's our only protection. When A little bit of prevention. he said. can mean the differenci- 1 noted about 40.000 souls. it's tripled BRIAN all these people move into all these between life and death. Take a few minutes to chock your ï¬n- since then. and those people have to go BOURKE apartments and we have a nice, warm St safety systems at home. i guarantee you‘ll sleep mort- soundly i somewhere. Paddy‘s Day again. â€" some other colt» ‘ if you do. ldid. ; There have been other changes in the bration â€" thousands will gather. Percy can be reached by phone (ll SH M4 60.10 x $009. or . neighbourhood as well. in the past two years. TE‘Slall' And someone in that group will be stupid So l ‘ email him at iohnperqrï¬wati'rltm l .i ; rants and such have sprouted up in the King and keep an eyeopen for them â€" it's our only hope i 1 University area lcountcd 24 the other day it ‘ i “_ includes Mexican. Thai. sushi. and even a place that ... i _ specializes in poutine. Who knew there was a market Brian Bourke. a member of rhr [05 i K! X )1 PM i l 1731713:le yï¬ru"; U,“ “3,2";1331711‘ TLï¬riiZZiv forthat? morningrreu‘. can he who! hyammlul l I , â€a“; my, 'r 11 â€m . And this is all before many of the apartment tow hfxiiirkMktml/m mm 1 1 ma â€u l a ma I ‘ L*H,7,A,,,ï¬ , ,, 7, ,, , ,, , ,,, , o w, ..., J , ,, Wâ€˜ï¬ , 7 l