to - WATERLOO Gunmen: - Wednesday, July 3. 2013 W\»\ Star SBfll‘Ch , O 0 Local actress has seen her career take her from LA. to Berlin with a stopover at home 31!th it hasn‘t always beenastraightlineï¬om ; , V ‘ Citron-dew her ï¬rst love to her current passion. but she's ' _, studied and worked enough in and around ' ‘3 he Kitchener-Waterloo Arts Award the industry that she hopes she's developed TKrlsta Hovseplan won in 2004 in the an afï¬nity for it. "‘I [codingEdge Category for actinghas “i feel really fortunate in that way N - just been a jumping off point for the world because i have so many friends even now traveller. who say, 1 don't know what my passion is ' Since then the 20-something Waterloo or ‘l got a degree but i don't know what to do 9’ ~ native has finished a degree in image arts with my life.’ 1 '8“ .» ’,_ ' . from Ryerson, and is completing a masters 'i know what l'm doing is really hard, but 32.3; I a; ‘ in Berlin this summer at Free University it‘sexactJyWhatlwantt' e.†,. » ‘ after shooting a documentary about sur- She’s hoping the recent LA. experience ‘ View: ' vivors of the Amenian genocide in 1915, will giver her just the right boost. it taught ‘ '~ . ,, 'i‘ _ But her ï¬rst love remains acting, and her how to improve her performance and , '. _. - . ’ I,,_.$;,I'g I working out of Toronto this past season she audition techniques ' 1 " 7; - ‘ landed an guest star appearance on CTVâ€s “Show up. don't suck and you'll eventual- ‘4 .5 ~ .2 The Listener. ly get into that three per cent of actors who _ 7 I ‘ Z That inspired her to take pan in a recent are working,‘ said Hovsepian. 'l appreciated ’ . ’" ’ I‘ ‘ ' Professional Actors Master- that kind of adviceâ€" I get it. t I 7 class in [as Angeles that fea- “ . ' ' ' "The auditioning process ;’ ti, ‘ -’I tured Steve Hytner â€" who H â€is." b" Did gets so much easier because v I“, it. "’ . played Kenny Bania on the will? [festyle . “I you're doing it on a more reg- - e a groundbreaking Seinfeld [[3 about picking ularbasist . it: “1’? If ! series â€" utting her into - ~l also made amazin ‘ , . 5"“ ‘ .1 contact wigh casting direc» upglgs Wheirever†connections in LA. and in? < )’1’!Ii tors and connections that theyare available. looking for repmentation in ‘ I x " _ might promise more work in ‘1: New York This is will always I * V , " NewYork and LIL HM" . be home. but I'm looking to ‘ ‘ ' ‘ . : So you think a recent Wmmem branch out â€" it’s a bit of a t _. ., . anmrbusmm . . . * stopover in Waterloo would gypsy lifestyle but It 5 about I be a Chance to catch her breath? instead she picking up gigs wherever they are available" _‘» . I was ï¬nishing a documentary she’s thinking in the meantime, she’ll be showing her 1 11' -' "t ‘5? of calling My Great Uncle John. after the documentary at a ï¬lm festival in Berlin in ' I._ , w ‘ â€3‘5- . man who inspired so much of the research the fall as panofherï¬nai thesis in herVisual _ I"'-;’i’7.~:(" _I7 ‘ , about her Armenian heritage. and Media Anthropology program. i j}??? g ; 5'3 " And it got the KCl pad talking about her â€The thesis work is shooting documen» ' A ‘ , j ' ti»; †‘ . '3‘“; own start in the whirlwind business of act» tary ï¬lms. so it's related to what i do.‘ said .1 w j ’. ,5" . ing. directing and producing. Hovsepian. 'I just think it‘s sman. ‘3 . ' . . ‘ 'i was super shy as a kid.†said â€(Nsepl~ ‘An acting career can be short if you're ' i .; an. â€i wouldn't even talk to my grandpar» lucky enough to have anything big enough ,_ ' " ents' to sustain you. so haVing the skills to direct. _; .. " But in Grade 3 she took pan in a poetry produce and create your own content is - V ‘14 . performance that got her out her sheu. important even if you want to continue act- ' 7"! 'Myteadier thought i should be in acting ing. You can be the writer and create your . ‘ .- ‘ classesandmypanents were.‘Areyou kid ownproject. V ding," said NW. 'The found a local 'Nothing against people just doing it for \ Wan-rumohndalittleactingschooi.andi thean.butyouhavetoï¬ndawaytollveand v justlovedit. make money. And it's a lot better to do Themwnedoowonmmmintheludngsdgemegayofxting Krista ‘From that point on ldecided l was going something that is creative than having to Hovsepian, is still Who her mask-m for performance while studying in Los Angeles and to be an actor.†work in a cubicle all day." Berlin. ilkIl~VMl~Kl RC7" ‘ w. t , . m - , . "l l . 3‘ \ g ., t - iâ€" . ,1an games: I g 53'; ’8"?- I . -.r, '. .4 I -I a"; a I“ . J u -a , r ‘1', . r , .' " my ~~<~ - '-- , . ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ . '-’ i \ . 5 ‘-" a ' . )1 _ï¬ â€œ l I a ‘ ' - - ‘ r. . i r V a A J W x u j r ; J8. lEN- ES :‘ ‘ ‘r . .t Q ‘ (’ 7" ’ ' m9 \ ‘ l u; - y, 4/ " ‘ 3’ I f{ 7r ‘ fl ‘ \ r l .7 x ,w \ ‘ I ' N" r ‘ > M. _... a u ‘ A -, \lJntr‘yIrrn ' ' ’. {ll ‘ rt. r" “ ‘ l“ J†ltl‘l‘ï¬t ' L . ' ‘1!â€896-6585