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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 19 Jun 2013, p. 3

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.~ maximums-Mm.mrs.2ma-s , . ‘ 3‘ vs ’3 . o . A . I x a vent teas-tweet: nt . ~ 9 c, A . 1;. ‘7»; _;-,â€"f‘ , l . . . - g ‘ a Uptown cauncrllor preparing motion to protect section of Iron Horse Trail Irina-alumni ' sticker on the stable uptown neighbour- CORE wees that when staff and carnal [ Immwardcouncilior Melissa mr- considerdedsionsonacity-widebasisit is rel] is doing what she can to ensure fir”? prudent to way: all mum equal- thedecisrontomoveasecoonofthe 2‘9! - lytbuttheyarpewhentheutyandcouncrl- IronHorse'nailtobuildacondotowerisn'ta ' Iondiacussthedevelopmentoflmmnitis preocdent-settingdecision. 7;; _ ’ importanttomakespecialnoteoftheimpact in response to the outpouring of opposi- 1 -, those developments will have on the his- tion to the decision by council last week, 1",. we; toric. stableuptown Willow Durrell is preparing a notice of motion is , In the weeks since that meeting. Durrell aimedat protectingthesection oftrail from , g hasconsulted with city stafl'and the list of Park Street to the Kitchener border. Durrell :- K" a cult priorities (Whlch lnduded making the voted in favour of moving the trail. uptown more pedestrian friendly, advandng ‘lt is important that the iron Horse "ll-ail _ ‘ streetscape improvements and enhancing , doesn't become a zigzag,” she said in an g; the uptown as an employment and innova- interview last week. “it basically takes into tion centre) will now be expanded to lo. consideration what a lot of the constituents g ’ fir ' The additional priorities are; the consid» said (at last week's council meeting)? ‘ ‘ p r a; eration of stable neighbourhoods. and tran- She wants to consult with the Waterloo k, A ., a L, is" sit am hub planning. Each of those 10 prior- Advisory Committee on Active Transporta- .. ities received at least one vote from council. tion before going to council. ,4 Durreil agreed with (DRE and said develâ€" One of the key points of her motion will opera must be aware of the impaa their pro- be to reword the description of the trail from .43 ' posals will have on neighbouring residential a recreational route to an alternative trans- . M _ M '7 communities mfimWV-Wmd- mmmmvmmmnmmmmmmmumscwmu 'Whflemueneifihmmm'vmn" Waterloo city council was packed last about metres south make space second condotower. “mm affect the growth that's happem'ng. (develop week with more than 100 residents and busi- mm 50 to for a ers) need to understand that that’s a value nessownersfrombothcitjesther-etolisten ‘Wehaveaiotofpamionatepeopleinthe Councillorsdiosetheprioritissduringa andlhat'swhylt’simportantmptndiatin,” todrearmanentsonbothaidesofthedebate, communityandirespecttliat'sheaaid.‘l two-hourroundtableworkshopandplamd shesaid. and tohearotitmcil's decision. didn't make (my decision) lightly, i don't stickers on the priorities they felt were blue pmiects are in the works foruptown Many of the delegates raised concerns think any of us did around that council important when considering economic Waterloo from a policy standpoht, Durrell about the precedent Waterloo council would chamber, but it watherlghtdecih' development and city~owned lands in added. My: report from theuptown besettingbyallowingaportionofthetrailto Shesaidifgiventheoppor‘tunitytovote uptown. ‘ , Wmmwhithwufixmed bemovedforaninestloreycondodevelop~ againontheiasueahewouldnotdiameher COREmembetsateconcernedwiththe mm , a ' nierrtbyMadyDeveiopmentChrporationat dietitianâ€"“it’sabIockfromaanl‘tramit speeduwl'iidithemprlmitiesâ€"sdect- Whmhigallat‘prealiygoodtime lssCamlineSt. stopandthat'sattactiythekindoftlevelop~ edfmmalistof3iidendfledbyfourmfior hemmewe'refiingfiicomefm'w-dwitha The trail, which cuts right through the mandiatwewanttohaveinthatspace’â€"- vhiondoannentsâ€"wuechoeen. reallyaggrushetmfliccelmingplanthatthis ' property. will be moved about 50 metres andtlmeare dietouglidecisionsmuncillors "i would have M (the protection of council is going to have to but." Darrell southtotheedgeofthepropertyandrun arelaskedwithmaking. uptmrnneid'ibourlnodslwouldhavebeena mmmtoissamamstma between the proposed development and an For at least one group of residents in primary concern: said GaryWeber. a (DRE major concern of Coun. Diane Freeman existingparhngstructureMadyhasagreed uptownWaterloo.thedecisiontomovethe memberwhohaslivedonDletzAvenuefnt duringlaatwed'scouncilmeetinganditwas toupgndethetrailaapartofthedeal. trailhasoniyaddedtotheir concem about 26years.HewasatthemeetingonMay6. that concern that promptedherto vote Thenegativefeedbackl‘romthepublic howdecisionsaremadearonndthecouncil 'ltmademewonderhowoouncilnubs agaimttheproject was swat. as active transportation admtes horseshoe and whether or not council is its decisions.” 'l'm confident now with what i heard in tookto'flvitterbeforethemeetinghad even "steeted‘bysmfitonnkecertaindedaions. Duneilsaidaheandotherooundllorsdid the council chamber (last) Monday night endedtovoicetheirdiapleasmewith coun- ComerveOurReslderttialErrvironmenta theirhomework beforethe exercisebegan maimeywillsupportitsothat'spodnews,” dl's4-2decision. groupofaboutzashouseholdsinuptown. andthedecisionswerenotmadeinitmdnt Duneilsaid. Manyofthooenegativeoornmentswere Madmnoemssevenlweeksapwhenthe hmrwhenstickerswerepiacedonanover- maximismeetingwiththetmlfic directed squarely at Dunell. but she said the protection ofstableupmwn midlbourhoods head in the council chambers to identify consultant this week. A public forum to emotion demonstrated in defence of the trail was not included on a list of eight uptown their priorities mange with [oral residents will be scheduled speakstoitsimportanceintheregiort prioritiesidentifiedbycoundllastmonth. Shewastheonlyoouncillorwhoplaoeda forlanerthisfall. , .v 5...... ,, .. . . a w 4 0 Eye Glasses a . sauna " if": H.“ g 0 Sunglasses as a)“. r a ,‘1 :5 , ‘ V T I ' ‘1 i l 4 ‘ g . , ., v . 1‘ 0| 0 Soft Contact Mix/[J it E EyeExamsonPrembes.Calllls. Lenses swarms

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