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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 19 Jun 2013, p. 10

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~ 1 1 io-wmlumculoum 'M- lune 19.2013 ; C ' h t t ommg 01118 O 1' DOS ' I O O O C 0 Waterloo Hen Assocmnon wants Olly counczl to revlszt urban chicken ban é Bvlanaslmon the hen association. with five food butjox'heaaid. ,3 3i:_‘~,j’g4‘:i:%l.,g, weer 3 ,, .3}. - 3" .,‘e“~ l Chmnide 5‘0! opening their doors for the selfâ€" lim Barry. the city's director of {Edi ; 533%,? iégg’iflg’f. ‘ “A if 4 f ”23;? , “X‘s. guided tour this past weekend. bylaw enforcement. said it isn't ””- ““51““ 3‘ : (I. *3" ‘ 3 , " _ , . , . »« ~33¢; ‘ rban chicken enthusiasts There was also a display at the uncommon forcitiee likeWaterIoo g; E 2’ ‘- a“ $5551” v, 73;:<‘:”"'7 ‘ ‘\ if J ,; I ' in Waterloo hope their Waterloo publicsquare to ban urban chickens. He said LL": ,~ :, (at; m ‘ »3ae~,.,‘“3~." ' ”‘5 Vi. 2.5;? , ' annual coop tour this past The current bylaw states no columns ol'noise. undl and pled- , {:5 ,3 "‘ 3 9:. 3, ‘17 ' “ $3“ 33. 4“ .,, » _ at}: _.3 weekend will help boost public fowl is permitted to run at large aims are the most common argu~ 2%: “if, -.; 3éfzjs1&‘*is, \; § 5: if; ‘2 interest and encourage council to and must be contained in a clean ments made against chickens. :53 its: “giggle“ _ 3" 3 f: i reverse its decision to ban the and sanitary coop or pen. The He said there is no expectation $45; fi~s{‘ 1'3 birds pens must be at the rear of the to revisit the bylaw in the near 133,, §Tfi»:’s;s 35 The third annual Waterloo yard and at least three metres from future. Between 2009 and 2011 the ,' 4:535 ‘ chicken coop tour. organized by a lot line. That distance increases city received one complaint relat- 3* £333? , ““374, . ., .. the Waterloo Hen Association, was to 15 metres from schools. church- ed to backyard chickens. Since . ‘Wf’isjg‘: ., . 4.3“?” y . A . 3 held this past Saturday and the ea or otherdwellings. 2011, however. there have been no itag'ijigg’ a? V,_,, 1 o 1 group wants to keep the topic in The bylaw specifically prohibits complaints related to chickens ' u” gg;‘1-g’*“'333ff. "1“"; - 7.53. ‘~ , j the public eye should council ever roosters Barry said that means the bylaw ,; ‘3. '§;_'5;;§:3*2’3’, 33% , :3? decide to revisit the bylaw. Proponents argue keeping is doing its job. ,. ”VFW/er}?"Â¥ezw . . ; 42.3, “We'd like to continue to main- urban chickens is very similar to “At this point we certainly think sf'égré ; ‘ ' tain the profile of this particular urban gardening in that they are the bylaw is doing what it’s intend- u; ,3 a}; :3 ‘ ' ‘1’" 4;} _ issue so that as it comes again for an important component of the ed to do, we don’t have any com- I; ,rj;'. ' ,7?” . .‘ 5 consideration by Waterloo council local food movement through their plaints about them so we wouldn‘t - 3.; (at? ,5.) ‘5; ‘ we can still have a sense that eggs and meat. and are a good be looking to change the bylaw.” 35,31: . ,3? it: r3" , - members of the public are attuned educational tool for children. Barrysaid. , _ «Egg. “or": 3' to this and council is aware this is Chickens also have their own Bailey-Dick said there are of}??? 3. if. ‘ continuing." said Matthew Baileyâ€" personalities and are fun to watch. examples of cities doing an efl’ec- a , {31.3%, if 3 it , ' Dick of the hen association's annu- Bailey-Dick said. but much has tive job of managing urban chick- _ ' £54” at} i" al tour. been made about the perceived ens, like Vancouver. For more ‘ 1, - a,» 3 , g, *; ~ '3; f The bylaw was introduced in nuisance factors of noise information, visit their site . "' - _ ‘ 3 3* - g 2009 and exempted households or smell. “They're not only www.mterloocooptour..oom ‘ j? g that already had chickens. Council ’5‘ 5y ‘3" " 3 ”33 ,. voted to uphold the bylaw in 2011. § ‘9.% ‘ z ; it . , _ , Council split the vote to repeal W ‘9‘... _ { g: , " _. 0.. ‘ thebanthatyear4-4. ~ .Q" ‘3' " ‘3 7"“ ’9’ ' ‘ The city introduced the ban G?‘ in." ‘ we! 3 . four years ago after city bylaws '3?- . ' 3 s I C , 3,4 , a. failed to state one way or the other _ f! ; .3 3 . 1 ~ _ " 1‘ the city’s position on chickens. . , _ , , -. Bailey«Dick estimates there 315 _ ; were about 20 to 25 households 5-5-- ; - w, "a. with chickens at the time the "its "‘3' "- ‘ . U K? bylaw was implemented. but doesâ€" a; ,- ‘ - 9 % n't know how many remain today. ’ - A“ : . Homeowners who move are not , ‘ ‘ 3 permitted to take their chickens ‘ .g with them, and the exemption $1 DougSueridundOiewie.a 13â€"monfliâ€"old kaooMaramwereatWater- does not transfer to the new own- loo Public Square on Saturday to teach residents about urban dikken ers ofthe property. 0,5. ” ;‘ ‘ 3‘ fl ownership. mus-«veers There are about 10 members of L3 €733 ‘3 in. a ‘ - l O 5. It s News to You A). g . . (can :’ ~ . - . 3 K Y , : bum . "a , . 0,5 Total Health 2 x PHARMACV ; ; 3 You 6 > m 1 . ‘ , Q, - Free Blood Glucose , ’ "EEO-V was , 3 ~, , Monitor & Teachi m; ' M ; _ ~ °FreeBloodPress 3,; mm in. . . Compounding $25; 31" m snow STEAK s13.21m.’5.99 u. i .‘ . , ,«L ' ._ (m Râ€" ; Slim has » ‘ 3 HOURS -‘ W" menus “or? 99th nu-W.,!,_,;-, .. l'v i-.' Mm_m,‘-_7n ‘ 3 at ' ,3 ”may mien some want? ‘ I'd .- s. ms- to a. M M! 'OMMIW'wtummb-thIyâ€"mmn “lay Professional Team... $.49“ 2-”.l Wm $5_59ko,$2.99|b t . 2:3? '" "’ "’ O V's“ O LTEC” Myer Ian! 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