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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 22 May 2013, p. 12

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12 - WATElumlll'lm-Way, May 22.3013 The signpost of abuse { Local coalition promotes link between animal abuse and other abuse â€" f humiliation ' Ham“ ”If f Cruzin’ on the Square 1; _, > . hilmkow sinks m a leather chair in the from foyer oi Im* on May 24 l PfltétGeolzemrlalIinWaterlooandsipsacup a} _. g ofdlflee. ‘simtfinisheda seven-hour workshop -= Cmun_onthe$quareisback form second discussing the link between animal abuse and human _ millh Pulley. May24. 7-10 pm, at theWaterloo ' abuse. and he‘s exhausted. pu square. 3 Btnwhenitoomestoatopicasimportanttohimmthis Oomeseechesicumandlistentoliveenter- _ one’ flimmman I 8mm" s the” whdzebymmuwmndfiglteiibeiapaw onemore “Wehavehundreckofrmearchreportsnowthatconvinc- thisyeanshovm’l‘hefirstlsupeopletoregisterwill 1 mglydemormatelinksbemeenanimalabmeaapredictor filmmasoodyhtlg '. r.. m an was? magiolenee'm a lecturer Visit the (inn/123 on the Squ’are website at t authoron Wedneorhy www.waterioo. geniwn (Imzino (heSq “We've always mm drildhooa acts of cruelty against Wt?“ photos and up-to-date information on ‘ animalsmsometh' that'boysahflaysdo.“ even ‘ And Arkow usesmtigie term “boys' deliberately. In Canadian ”meats and vendors melgnfificxds'cmg " courtsbetween19973nd2002,morethan90 centofthose WWW loan convicted of spousal abuse were male “Predfrrninantly men ’ 1 _ ._ ‘ 7 _ Auto Concepts. Speedy Glass, Part Source and dotineabtmeasitiswithmostfomisoiviolenm'hrkowsaid. mummmumanunmm Autopsy- The link between animal abuse and violence against and harm Mm hm lutweek. hummisalsosrwine “mm-m Uptown Jazz Festival ' inomstudybytheOntarioSodetyforthe Preventionof humanvblence),'dreuid'\llleseeitalithetime.dadabuses CmeltytoAnimaJsmorethanmpercentofwomenlivlngin momanddiildalnnespet. GalaMflyzsatStaflight ‘ anemerpncysheltersaidtheirpetortheirchildren‘spetwm “Mneflsor'xlworkaauecogxtinntofdielmhhowevec Be rted toanm FrankSina , harmedorkiiledbyanabmivepartner. it’sarealglpianterloolhfiorL” transpo_ back when ' AseptmtesmdyfromtheUnitedStatesslmedalmostSO Nieefltmrdroutthemyonresporidmmoretlmnaooo gansmgxgéafidubamfimififég‘}; ' percundahrsedwomenreportedstaymgwiththeirabmer donnedcvnlaumlsadiyeanslwsaidbuttheooahtion m; 8 PM °° , bemmedieywereafiaidofwhatwouldhappentoapetliving hmyettocompilecunprdremivestafistiaontherelation- Gala mmvfi l inthehotneholdiftheyleft. diipbetweenhurnanuidlnlmalabuaeintheregion MWFMPW'HHNW0mmflfC Otherstudiessugpsttiminnearlymperoentofmses Theyarehopingtosearreflmdingtlmmuldaliowthem fiomMattCati‘ngubwithRobinliendProjectat e ‘ Mmeplmkzldrfldahrseeflsmmmehomanimflahae toworkinpartnershipwlththeiacultyofsocialworkat WdubmuptownWaterloo. existsaswell.saidArkow,whowasinWataloolanweekas Wllfi'idlamierUnivaaitymdelvedeeperinmthewbject l “Efwwmbemmmemm I the keynote speakeriortheHuman Animaqulnerability Thelinkbetweenanirmlalmseasaprediaoriorhuman M mmpbem , Coalition oi'Waterioo Region. ' violence has been known for centuries. said Arkow. The General M" 3 $75, “nth a table °f “8m 3 " Thismmnmhygrwpfonnedlastymisamlhbontive RomanpoaOvidwlwfivedfromBBCtol7AD.motelmw andmvedseannggoingiorsstffiicketscanbe organization advocating for a coordinated, seamless and man's violence against nature opened the path to evil, and the purchased “' wwvmuptownwater (Maura/83W eifectiveappmadrtoreapondingtohmnanandanimalvul- ladiomnrryphibeopherandtheobgianStThomasAquinas oral the uptownWaterloo “Av 100 R29“ 5&3" nerability or violence within Waterloo Region, including edu- argued humans should be kind to animals to ensure cruel Ste. 160" catingthepublic habitadonotan'yovertomrrtreannentofeachother. f Thesteeringcommitteeinchidesrepresentatimirmnthe mummnhasonlyainedserioustractioninthelast Gl'eatStl'ides orCF Kitchener-Waterloo Humane Society, Family and Children's few decades thanks to a body of research. Some of Services of Waterloo Region. Women's Crisis Services, sup- the most notorious mum history have also abused May 26 at waterloo Park portive housing, Waterloo Regatta] Police and the veterinary animals, such as serial killer leffrey Dahmer who cut the The annual Great Strides event taking steps to commumty,amongothers headsoflmtsanddogsandimpaledthemonsticks cureCysticFibrosisisMayzs startingat 8:30 am Maryfllney.coâ€"chairofthecoalitionanddriefexecutive Arkwsaiddreprnblemisrelatedtobothnatureandnur- atWaterlooParkWest ‘ " officer obemen’s Crisis Services ofWaterloo Regen. said a ture. with some violence learned from parents or guardians, lt featum a 5-km fun I . . walk and nm [0L critical oomponentofendingthecycle ofanimalabtmeand Mmprecsureoriromthemedia. lowedbyeomplimentaryl l and ' humanabuseistobreakdownthesilosbetweenthediflerent ”Notarerylittleboywhoismean toanimalswillgmwup For more information or to domto i organimtiona Theyhavetoworkcollaborativelytorcoognize tobeaaerial killer. but somewill and weneed torecognize wwwcysticfibrosisca ' ' g i the signs oiviolenoe and report them. when kids or adults need assessment and intervention and ' ' i “There's no question there is a link (between animal and treatment: hesaid. ii

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