ml‘xlu'l I ‘D om v 24,313“, Re 'on stickin to the lan ‘ “no Continued from page I overblown and a lot of mis- which allows municipalities ‘ --'-I 81'†information has been circuâ€" to apply the treated waste to ' "I ‘WE . ‘ reevaluation of the region's lating about the proyect. The farmers ï¬elds, is easier to use ‘ Ann“ stated goal ofdealing with its public will have another and cheaper to implement _w 0 C biosolids waste locally and as opportunity to voice their than the drying facility K ' L sustairiablyaspossible, concerns as delegations at Both Seiling and Wideâ€" ‘ ‘ “To reopen’lthe master council once the final site man raised the point that the â€one†. plan) would mean a re- recommendation is made region does not want to a up. --I. examination of the basic ten~ later this year. invest millions of dollars in a L “opp!" .- ants in the plan. and that is in 2011, the Region of technology that might 3 uniqu. I'll I: v... we}: I to ï¬nd a local solution that Waterloo updated its become unavailable in the III . ~. ‘ , , , , hasavarietyofoptions.â€said biosolids master plan to future. ;..-I-- ' ‘ . g I, ‘ i v Selling. establish a strategy to man- “We have no guarantee {I ' , , ' ,- ',,I ‘ f ‘ "I ’ ‘ Wideman said he was age waste at the region’s 13 that we will be able to land {,5 y . -. -. .. .‘ . - g . , surprised by the negative wastewater treatment plants apply a long distance into ~ Q; ' - â€A we ..., reaction to the plant and said over the next 30 years the future,~ said Mdeman. a _ g ’ ’ . $1“ the biosolids project had The master plan calls for “The regulations around 'I $57911, "jg-1' v t r". undergone extensive public the region to build a central- land application of this kind g5? . .. . ‘ ; f , . . , f. consultation. The region has ized heat-drying facility to of product could and may " ‘ _ . . . ' †I; if?†‘ “ .51: _ conducted four public infor- dry biosolids from waste- well change." iv“; " .5 ' ,i‘ I, \I â€as . . - 7* , I mation sessions on the issue, water treatment plants in The flexibilitypnwidedby .; " “a; g » ,I - ._ I jâ€; I ‘ two in late 2012 and two ear- Kitchener, Gait. Waterloo incinerating the dried pellets . r, . 1,4 I .‘ .. » g “" lierthismonth. and Preston. The facility for energy is good strategic ' Lt! . ; 3’93 ., x. , ' “I wasn't expecting it. The would handle about 90 per thinking on the region’s part. . 51%;; . In} ' ' , . a ï¬rst (public information cen- cent of the region’s biosolids. Wideman said. : . - r, ,†f. z 7 w r :1 ' . ire) we had in Cambridge with a target of processing “The technology we are r: , i ‘ ‘ . ‘ * "fl ' s . ‘3 k; four people showed up at it.†about 185 tons per day by proposing is a good one, it ‘ - , 5911;... . I ‘13:“. 'IT§§};I,‘~ saidWideman. 2041. and occupy about four gives us the best possible 3, , ‘ _ F‘.: W ' 3 “The project has gotten hectaresofland. options forthefuture." 5'7 I .. _ i " . "‘-" c3313“ - “ "' . .. ‘I somewhat distorted and 1 An official at the Cam- Regional staff are still . 3; ‘u $ m ’, . thinktheissuesarenolonger bridge-based biosolids com. reviewing the feedbackthey is .34" “ . â€w"; ., . ,7 a i . 3 v ; . 2‘7 j?“ . as focused as they ought to pany Lystek told the Chroni- received at the public infor- 31,; .-. II .. I 11;: , : , :1. ’ 6"“? ' “L ; . a .., .. I3 ‘ ‘ be on what the plant does cle earlier this month he mation centres in Waterloo {3-‘1 “’ ' 'A ~57» 14: '* ' - ' . ‘- 5" ‘ W tï¬iï¬eï¬i .‘ ‘~ and what the plant doesn’t wanted the region to take a and Cambridge and Wide- f“??"ufâ€â€œ ‘ †' 4 ,. ' ' ' ' . I 1- '2' ..: ' '3 ‘ do.†second look at the econom- man expectsareport from '“ r 1‘ ;. -. 'I 2; 3&5}, { < ' †I i 1 . , , . Y,“ He said concerns about ics of the master plan. They stafl'soorL 9"; â€if: ""‘~"“",;§"':; â€â€™5"? I ' I“. A ‘ «L; g t .2 †’~ L ’ V â€I ' " , ‘ " .3 smell and noise have been contend their technology, -WithfiIesfmmRa_vManin â€1.; “‘3‘" . l = F ' = i? ,. f if} 3: :' "._._ E ,2...“ 1.. i l i ' _ _ 33‘7"“ ' ' ‘ “ _ . . ‘ 2‘ V: | it 2‘ W†r g ' :sjeaa‘ is??? » ' ’ :1 new“ ; v3 _ 4 2;; - , -. *- , # CHARTwell ‘ Pakmg P"3‘°P'°'S I pt?“ “ fl. ‘ ‘ I»)? retirement residences Ives BETTER .‘ l ' ‘43: 3 1:7†l j a ‘ ;.;“:._' . t- a; . ,-_ ‘> W = k9“ , w.i;;g.:v 9-! â€27 ‘3‘ » . l l 4 V, .21“: . o - - - can. .3 - : , I, I l ‘1‘!- . 3 «Z 99 7.7 1'1] 0 ’7 r- 4. ,- ~ ' ‘5; ’ , 7 My»? .2 th... r-;_;.,; , Ift. t": .., q. : . ii, 5 , ' Qéf? ~ 1 ' 8' item a ; \: . , f5. .4 7 'S W’s; I, xi“ }' '11 House ‘ ~ '- ‘ “lira-'5'†‘ " * _ if . 2;. g . 3"} Sunday, April 28“1 0 2pm to 4pm , , $ 99 " . J; ,, Open the door to a new way of living! . ~+ ., . 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