‘ WATERuncrrnonmoWettr-aayltpruu. 2013-. . i . I i .‘ _ i, ‘i «1‘ : t r . . «{th Realcnmestones M†m m In dents will almost certainly be mem f o wï¬ inclined to do end u on ublic m the City oletel-loo mwmm " P P rigid, too united ate ter T he proposal to install a sys- That is exactly the urban area Thethasspent or as in as he can remember, Toronto c er d tern of light rail transit in that the proposed LET ought to hm dtllllnds olden-rs on Pump?†WWW“ ahsdnadongwbitiirflvcrimzn Waterloollegionislnprinci- serve. theLKl'plInniwahm “WNW'WQWBMM pleahudatoryonepromisingasit Yet theLRTisrouted through Nowtheyw-rttopayfloo.m0to mawwmmdwsmmm- should, a cleaner, quieter. faster Waterloo Park and then alongside lithium riousa'irmnah from the mom streets ofDepremion-era lbron- andgenenliymuchmoreeflicient theblgestseriesofcarparldnglots Muhobmbwmltis to. meanso gettingaroundanurban inthewboleot‘thecity. mommoupauiveandtoolirn- Whanpestnnrtbtmry out threads areathancarsorbmea lsittooainplemmtethem indhhmlhmï¬mestoâ€" mmmmmofmymmmï¬mkgmbly However. inane serious regard rightupKingSueet.Waterioo’ecore, FCollegestudmtsaresaeaming Wâ€ded.mmï¬gum the present speciï¬c plan does not then follow Columbia Street west, or better bus service and lower tum minder this. a liquor truck hijacking, serve the City ofWaterloo as it itselfa corridor ofapanment buildâ€" flies may} a sensational three-man escape in 1947 should inss medium Public transit, Can't anyone in the resion‘s from tungsten Penitentiary, this more story or a lire of , The LRT’s proposed route tothepointwhereitoouldlointhe ofï¬cescomt? medthlemm bypasses the city’s most populous CN rail line and still be within the Cull-slum Ifelt compelled to contact m. . area. University of Waterloo and its “who ry to ask him about the fascinating For reasons of economy, trains Research Park? criminal underworld he explored in will be made to make a very difï¬- Can't the mayor and regional thebook culttumstKingand’Erb Streetsin counciuorsostterlooinsistasthe â€unnumbemmmdm. order to travel through â€" of all the mayor and councillors of Camâ€" My wrong with you to get into m city’s urban areas to choose from â€" bridge have successfully done, that of these my McSherry told me * WaterlooPark. thebestinterestsoi'theresidentsoi mispas‘tweek."lrneun,whywoulda ' r The area around north King their city determine how their citi- 24-year-old man want to 8° into a ‘ - ‘ Street between Bridgeport Road Lens are to be best served by the bank with a gun and quest after a flaw f '3 and Columbia Street is rapidly LRI‘? ‘ thousand dollars. knowing that ii'he V becoming the most densely POPU- keeps this up he‘s going to be dead lated part of the my. TerenceSuilly soon or in prison fem l m p60. lts very large number of resi- Waterloo pie are fascinated by the answers to l V those Was." . g . . One of the most captivating" ‘ stories Stop drrvmg like a jerk mm.....m...,-..m. . .. criminals, Ulysses Lauzon and Joe ' ' ' Poireattagesz3and 19.whoescapedfromtheWatedooCnun- » The oft-quoted deï¬nition of insanity is doing the To make it simple. you‘re the person who thinks tylail in 1945. - samethingandeiqaectingdifferentresults. whereveryouhavetogoisfarmoreimportantthan “mmdidabankmbberyinAernddiejailbreakhe-did And so the City of Waterloo moves ahead creating everyone else. As an aside. you probably spend a Sig» in Kitchener was an absolutely amazing feat in itself," said . new speed zones around 16 schools in the region. niï¬cant amount of time in your at telling yourself. Mm?! '1 mean. howde you 89! W a nine-inch-by-lz- These zones will knock down the residential speed and anyone who is with you, what a lousy driver inch hole in prison bars? Ulysses and his friench got $352,000 limit to 40 kilometres per hour with everyoneelseis cutofabankinllath.0nmrioâ€"andthesewerejustboys' appropriate signs and warnings in place. You probably don’t realize it. li'you do ‘ It was during “It time in 1945 that Mickey McDonald was Tenyearsago.thecitybroughtinthe drenyouareabiggerjerkthanlsuggest- servingtirneattheDonlailin'lbmntnltoldeher-rythatmy ï¬rst of the school speed zones. in the ed before. But the person stuck in the w mother. Who grew up ln'lbronto. used to tell me about the pub- time since it has learned, generally. they ; ‘ " If f 3 with you does. and they should say lic m that took place at the Don Jail before capital pun- really don't get people to slow down. something even though you won’t like it ishrnent was abolished in Canada. Ever since I heard these sto- In fact, a 201 1 report suggested there Don't get me wrong l've had my share Pia. I'VE been intrigued by the dark history of“ jail. could be negative impacts from such .2. ofdriving mistake; it happens. “You and i had the same atperienoe. Marshall, and ill share zones. including a false sense of security ~ Maybe you haven't. but that doesn‘t a story with you about how i capped that experience," said for children and a wider range of speeds necessarily make you a great driver. That MCSherry. "l owed the city some money for Hallie tickets, and it MayorBrenda Hailoransaysparents makesyoulucky. wasenoughthatidecidedtoservethetimeâ€"ï¬vedaysinthe need to take some responsibility since Here's what the mayor can't say. Don lail â€"- and see What it was reallylike. i wouldn‘t want to do they are often the ones driving near the Technically. there's no cure for stupid. it again, but for a one-shot deal. it was quite the experience 1 school. She says it’s very frustrating. Although smashing up your car, getting met some very interesting people in there, as they put me with That's the problem with being elect- , 2 fined and paying through the nose for bankrobbersand murderers ." ed. You think you have to soften your he is insurance should certainly be treatment Speaking of bank :0sz and killers. I'm currently reading phrases to avoid oï¬ending anyone. enough. But if we got rid of all the stupid McSherrYs ï¬m book, The Big lied Fox: The lncredible Story of I don‘t. so i will make it clear. Stop BRIAN people, l'd run short of material, which Nonnan “Red†Ryan. Canada's Most Notorious Criminal being a jerk. You know who you are. BOURKE would be sad. LikeWhat Happened to Mum, McSlterry hooked me with You’re the people who whip through There is. however, a cure for being his lnsidit into thecr'lminalunderworld ofCanadian cities stop signs in the residential areas selï¬sh. But how manyliveswiliyouruin Whlmmmmemwaflfm'hesaid. r because you know you can “make it.†if that happens? So you will probably drive around Thanks to McSherTy’s riveting storytelling. I think mine will You're the one who passes in the middle of the like a jerk for the mt of your life without a problem, too. roundabout even though the sign says clearly you until your luck â€" or someone else’s â€"~ runs out. m should not. But you might gain 12 feet of space, ‘ ~ ‘ . . . . ’ And you're the one who committed any one of 3 Brian Bourke, a member of the 105.3 KOOL FM gay; ‘32:? â€Badmrg 3:155:32? number of traflic infractions on your way to or from momingaew, can be reached bye-mail at "unhallmélhotnmil mm somewhere today. bbourke®koolfm com - ‘