D-m * a t ' MIN-ï¬rm“ _ Federal budget provides F at. o o o ., a; major Investment 111 . . L O 1"": if“ it, ._ t, local busmess sector - . here are some ana- ‘ is responsible for one in ï¬ve w .. lysts who will claim . local jobs. The accelerated in . that government capital cost allowance, intro- budgets can create winners duced as a temporary meas- nndlosers ure in 2007, has been Others believe allocating extended for an additional public money into various . two years. Explaining the ~ , - business sectors or regions exact application of this of the national and provin- v y * accounting procedure 3’ cial economies can be con- ‘ . should remain with the ' sidered good investments ’ ‘ ' accounting profession. how- NEW BALANCE - conssrosA MALL 5199544999 mtgewhomtc smat- even its ohiechve is to - * malice Minister Jim l-‘la- - increase investment into SGOKNGSTREET NORlH.WATERLOO wwnewboloncekwcom herty provided a signiï¬cant much needed new equip- ’ payment to Waterloo Region merit and machinery for and southwestern Ontario improving productivity and r 7 - ‘ g i p ‘ WWW“ with his 2013 budget last initial start-up for many now efï¬ciency 1 Si? $71)“; l7 f E ‘1 f, * week. successfulentrepreneurs Our chamber and com- , ‘ .. _ 1 9% Like a private investor Businesses in all areas of munity support of the local i. I? l i; g ‘1 i i .“v j ‘. 3 7 E ,; is f 3 3; {l ' looking for a return on their Canada require the infra» manufacturing sector will ' ' ’ -- ' "um"- money. the feds are expect- structure for moving prod- continue on May 1 with the ing a large return in terms of ucts to market, therefore annual Waterloo Region jobs. innovation and busi- additional federal funding of Manufacturing innovation mmkingproï¬ts $47 billion for municipalities Network (MIN) Summit at No weeks ago, l wrote announced in the budget is a Bingemans. Ray Tanguay. about the importance of positive measure. Kitchener Chairman of Toyota Motor _ / â€a extending the FedDev Councillor Berry Vrbanovic. Manufacturing Canada, will 5; s; _ is "- Ontario agency beyond its who intimately knows the deliver the keynote address. . 4,1 ‘ fa. original ï¬ve‘year mandate political environment in Attendees should be re- » '_ which commenced in Ottawa from his recent energized by the latest feder~ ' . it $55 August of2009. Ourchamber tenure as president of the a] investments and ready to V / a (7 . made a series ofsubmissions Federation of Canadian show that Waterloo Region .7 :1 f to the federal government Municipalities. claims the manufacturing is incredibly C07“? . , you: ‘ . . {it h Vi a" ‘ .. , over the past year recom- federal government has vibrant and prepared for the , , .. . L g . ‘ g ' ‘ 3 I mending that. based on the "delivered" to Canadian realities of global competi- ~ Vi lit" 2‘ Y 1371i . ' “ ‘ t Meet] :n success of the program. it municipalities. tion. m » “V9" ,. shouldbecontinued. And, like infrastructure. The challenge has been " ‘ We are extremely fortu- businesses and employers in provided by the federal gov- m hate given the otherwise all areas of Canada require ernment for employers “y f tight economic rigid ï¬scal cir- skilled and competent acrozs Waterloo Region and . _ cumstances in e national emp oyees. The bud et sou! em Ontario to ensure capital that Flahetty has noted that training in Caï¬a- their investments, which our renewed FedDev Ontario da is currently not aligned Chamber has been strong m: :â€"â€"â€"T~â€", Va; -. with an additional $920 mil~ with the jobs that are avail- advocates for. areeffective. ’Tlil L t v. “ 4. 3-3,; 1*] 5i 1 i :15 ' . lion overï¬veyearsThe deciâ€" able. The new Canada Jobs Now it is up to all come __ f?“ I . " . f7; -,_',‘,., _ .7 21:.“ ‘ ' sion makers in Ottawa were Grant. which requires munity stakeholdersâ€" busi- .".v E i ‘ ’ h ’ ‘ ' L23 .. 1 l , _ no doubt impressed with, provincial and territorial [138585, post~sec0ndary insti- ' ‘ ‘ " '“ among other beneï¬ts, the support. is a step in the right tutions and municipalities Al. research and innovation direction for the workforce â€"-to deliVEr the returns back I W advanced by small Ontario development challenge to Ottawa. _ companies. often in partnerâ€" which. if not addressed 0 :3"; ï¬gs: :3 mm": ship with post-secondary immediately. will get expo- entity with "I ' M 'm“ in titutio at will tee ' m . Air Condition All sun 5 "S at. P “S "9an Wm _ “WM “emu" . MM"... Heater: competitive in global The budget also Invests â€0 I“ "a". 0 any“ markets heavily in the Waterloo m a W 0 not PM" The additional ï¬nancial Region manufacturing sec» Ian McLean is president and """'~- ' All '0" Wanted needs support from the govern- tor. which despite a series of CEO ofthe Greater K~W When you choose Rhoom. you choose your dream! ment has been critical as an changes over the last decade. Chamber ofCommeroe w..â€" La ' h (1 Ex ï¬nal mâ€"â€" m... 3 a uner team reac es A cc 3 “In Canada's Next Top Ad ter have made it into the top only lo teams are one step mull - @ Exec announced the top 10 10. closer to claiming victory. - _ - " {two-â€V W V ’ _ V _ W . , finalist teams in a nation- They put their creative They went head-to-head g .. é ' ‘1 ‘3: 1:“, ‘3 1 i .731 j . wide advertising and mar- juicesandbusiness smarts to yesterday trying to impress a J l , I. -_f L: ‘ 3'; { ketingcasecompetition, and the test by developing a judging panel of marketing . ‘ ' a Wilfrid Laurier University multi-million dollar market- and advertising executives E z ‘ 1-- I ,‘r ‘ ’ ; 11"1“ ‘ ‘ team has made thegrade. ingconceptforGMi with their integrated market- ’ “‘ ' ’ J ' ‘ ’ ‘ 1' ‘ ‘ “ ' Alessia Vettesse. Valerie More than 200 students ing campaigns for the 20l3 . t W t w . ‘ ~ . ‘ - . w , ‘ t t Thomas. and Chris Drinkwa- started the competition. but Chevrolet Equinox