. WAlmmm-Wednaday, my. zen-I w Cuttm‘ g the cheese l WWW mateyyouarespendlng ofSZSIIIilllonforredellgnandoon- 'th h It pays your salanes.’ ' structlon is all great. however it w I ees I I | g MPG]!!! to W I In addition to the main goal of appears to be leaving out any effort c e on er T’s‘fhlggfemgo'a‘fgm"Egg; ExteféinsIgh: semi; 21:03:29; (53:53:? the Open sewer called elsie Parsons likes cheese. Scratch that â€" i announced their plans to build a SM: whigh l call'Agenda Polgiucs The lake should be a showcased 2? 513%.,“ "a“ mgmgï¬ me Cheese "mag" J ï¬ï¬eegzmg 10‘ at Empire School I Some bumm‘ sets an agenda M mï¬Tle I?“ Instead. itsits dor- “But i prefer to be called a cheesernongert' said Parsons. Their chosen Imam" on uneven :tem. pron/ides or no avenue or mant. 0 water owl excrement when We may struck up a (:0an while i was brows- . . "If? for â€SWIM? (three weeks "I andIseemingly 18710“3d by the over- mg theirselection of more than 350 diï¬erent kintk ofcheese. “1 ground would involve. this case) With no intention of all Visron. thinkwe have the biggest selection outside ofTommoI~ ‘ The removal 0‘ 22 mature and accommodating the concerns of Attempts to include options for I love cheese too. I told Parsons especially strong. stinky beautiful trees will)!“ by' some of taxpayers who provide his/her job. better flow, water retention. aera- cheeses like Stilton. mum“, and lirrlburger. "Our washed rind the “1'70?"de residents In the 505 “ten the agenda item is pushed tion using fountains, or boardwalk cheeses are quite popular as they're rubbed with brine and as an 38110“le proyect. I through regardless of public dissent. maintenance do not appear to be they tend to be the more pungent. mmï¬c cheeses,†said pm. WMM°“° at... “.1 "W be “exchange...†mmmmwmwmaismmde,,,,g,~i='s,- ' ’ Th? building or "3131“le walls p0 gonfldA. Prue- cherished their natural water fea- ammeypgsmggincy mug: {milk and â€,9th", so hiisglfbbglilrzse'lbrl: land abutting the Don’t forget MIMI“ 3:3: :Inciinrielégdhzzftrgfiiéihiitrhfist; is actually golden in colour thIich . - . gives ita reallynice buttery flavour. A QUICK perusal 0‘ the SChOOl Waterloo Parkredesign image. Victoria Park in Kitchener To become an rt in the diecse suggests a f.“ cheaper,Icommonâ€" immediately comes '0 “ï¬nd- ï¬eld requires somï¬rfrmal education sense solution of burldtng the ‘0' . , . WW . Surely a city â€PM to 995191955 and hands-on experience, Parsons (Wh'Ch doesn ‘ “99d ‘0 accommo- Ifeel lucky to be liVing in the City With a such an incredible park so told me. ‘1 went to cheese-making date 60 9375) on P?" of the more ofWaterioo where so many good close to it's cote. needs to consider school in Vermont. and worked at ‘3, level grounds readily Ef‘ ailable 0" things are happening the best approach for the entire Montefort Dairy in Stratford making .. " the P'PPeniv' along limp"? Street. now. However. i am completely dis- parklands and act accordingly. sheep and goat’s milk cheeses " said ' *3 Thls would eliminate the‘need mayed by what appears to be Hopefully someone has more Parsom. moalmsmdjedancï¬tjdsm ’ ‘ for all three prevrously mentioned reluctance to complete the developed vision in Phase 2. 3 or 4. and curatorial practices at the Ontario - "as: f I“ th' . I . enhancement ofWaterloo Park. . WILSmflh College ofm&Desjm(OCAD)I me on. 0 ' '5 ‘5 taxpayers The recent budget appropriation Waterloo “i started out working in cheese . years ago at farmers markets inToron- . . . . . to, then worked in some higheend Casmo discussmn wfll be a am a... W BMW been†p dream to be a cheesemonger. and that's why i jumped at the opportunity to be a cheesemonger harpen your pencils. your typing ï¬ngers and issue. But for very different reasons. Angela Vieth here when i heard about thisstore's huge selection of cheeses" S your dialing digits. The city of Waterloo wants says she's heard nothing but opposition to a casino. Parsons is also selfâ€"publishinga book all about cheese. “This to hear from you about a casino. But that, to me, doesn't appear to be a reason not to past summer 1 took ï¬ve months off work and travelled across Well. sort of, listen to people. Canada from coast to coast.†he told me. “i visited 120 different TWO weeks after our neighbours in Woolwich Mark Whaley voted against the proposal because cheese makers. tried thousands ofcheeses, and put 25.000 kilo- opted to consider the idea, Waterloo he thinks a system of email. letters and metres on the car. lwant it to be as much about the individual councilors have decided it might be a phone calls just isn‘t good enough. On cheeses as it is about thecheese makers and the land where the good idea to hear what people in their principle. he's right. But in this day and cheese comes from. own city think age. public meetings don't exactly draw a “it's something that i totally love and there’s so much to Waterloo won‘t hold a public meet- l ,r is .‘ f ‘ ELI § crowd. learn about cheese. in my travels. i also discovered that cheese ing. Instead. councillors will depend on in the end. unless response goes way is such a great way to learn about Canadian history, geography emails, letters and phone messages to outside the norm. council will have to and culture." get a sense of what the “community†t make a decision based on a few select 1 got a lesson in cheese while chatting with Parsons about thinks. . responses along with their own gut feel- l everything from Latin American and lndian-styie cheeses to They are not going actually get a N‘, * ings. or whatever factual research they aged cheddars. Parmigiano reggiano. Oka and Ghee. produced reading of the "community.†What they L ‘9' .v can come up with. While some might tell by local and international cheese makers “i just ï¬nd it fascinat» will get is a measure of the people who ' at you that's a difficult position. it’s really ing how all cheese starts from the same basic four ingredients: care enough to send a note of some . not much of a change from the vast milk. salt. bacterial culture and rennet." said Parsons. who I kind. Largely. that will be the people 5.: majority of issues facing politicians. offers monthly cheese classes through Sobeys “And yet. there's opposed to the idea. Human nature. ‘E1 What does change is the sound the such a wide variety of flavours out there, everything from mild J being what it is. suggests people who are ’ . . public makes after the decision is made. and subtle to stinky and pungent.†opposed to casinos or upset by them will Nothing really happens in this world. Parsons said his customers are also welcome to sample. be more likely to say something. Trust BRIAN indeed even in our lives. until one basic "You can certainly try before you buy,†he said, offering me a me. as someone whose words are public BOURKE test is passed. People need to ï¬gure out if fresh cheese curd. “At the cheese wall. we love sampling so if both on paper and over the air. kind the pain of the problem has exceeded anybody ever wants to come in and try any cheese at all, we're responses are far less common than the pain ofthe solution. happy to open up any piece. it's a great opportunity to try angryones That is often the most difficult question to somethingnew." A huge chunk of people won’t say anything They answer. And once again. thanks to human nature. we It‘s also a great opportunity to meet a friendly cheesemon- may not care. Or they may not even know about the usually don't ï¬nd out until it's just a little too late. ger who knows his products and shows them off with pride. discussion. shockingly there are a lot of people who ‘ '“ a. don't have the slightest idea whats going on in their ass; fwd“ "mg!†[1:513 K012: PM Marshall Wardi‘ra visual around music writer for Rock (Illa: own backyard. mmmmlludï¬nucomd ' "W Magazine. Mail is welcome at major-dammed. mm . No councillors voted against reopening the '