Nun-Loom- w - MINE-I7 ‘ Q i w 1, ‘ ’. dedicated to keeping abreast of ‘V -".- ,; Tia-t. ‘ :3. 5'1 5. ~ advancements in medically based a ‘ {1.37.815 :3 I: . ’ _ ! ~ cosmetic ptooedmes. ,_ -51 ‘3 41:53:16; .. H i Dr. Takhar and Dr. Jodie Wang are ' ‘ W J I, ,r ‘3 a j also trained in bio-identical hormones j ‘3, ' <3" ““ . g ‘ -: j A, _ l and age management This mm . .. ‘ . . _;. if: ig f therapy isespeciallyhelpful forwomen, A. ) 2.12:3.“ 2 , ‘ ; who are undergoing menopause and V ‘ {11:43,}. g ; , : i struggling with fatigue, weight gain, 1 a. . A ,_ W; lowlibido,hotflaslm,depmsion,and ~ ' ’ C's?“ other depleting symptoms. Male > .3, - . 3M. , . paï¬entswhoarenegativelyaï¬ectedby .r- , , clunginghormormâ€"aconditioncalled , andmpause â€" can equally beneï¬t from haw , ‘ , this therapy. in _ “3 g†9 Often dubbed the Vampire Facelifl, " ‘ ‘ ' inquire about Selphyl, a natural - _ . ~ " «Pat’s ‘3 ~‘L ~ «W: approach to dermal fillers, which Achievmg flawless 5km through ; reverses the aging process by utilizing - WW '5 now easrer, safer, , yourblood to stimulate regeneration. “lt and more . . . 3 , i , ~ ‘ otters progressive collagen treatment,†affordable. Clinic regulars enjoy a , . 9 z t. y ; 1, Natalie says. “There’s nothing artiï¬cial â€wards PM that 8mm Otter?“ «.â€" m about it. It uses your ovm body’s ability for every dollar spent towards we?!†=‘ .mm . to detect skin defects and volume loss." “1011?. lSave, 0“ â€â€œ7th T8“ »;_ ' wmw Immwgsuwa‘sm mod . Used by physicians worldwide, Selphyl WI e C InlC S curren promo ion â€" . : no service a "lakes .e§ offers zero downtime and long-lasting spend “99°“ products 3"“! Y0“ ll .8“? ,1 mmmos‘ "as†a â€m and mum's“! results. ' free, chemical peel which exfol‘iates 'm‘hmdm With the clinic’s inclusive attitude skin, and targets acne, fine lines. ‘ .wsm_ WA. Aug cusp and Special Income Wm towards patients, you can expect a wnnklesandpores. :..:- ~ ‘: thorough evaluation and carefully , _., formulated treatment plan. Working as a I "misï¬ts; Emmet“: (3|)?in is . .j‘ nurse for six years, Natalie appreciates 80:11: 36. A. chaï¬ng- d’ , , - ' her time in the happy environment of Call 519-653-4490, e n 0 Mummwhm ‘ the CilnlC. “l have lots of one-on-one Wcom, or visit ' time with patients. I enjoy making new mm“ for . 1m (3277) WA‘lEltho 570 University Ave. 5., statuses relationships and seeing their progress comprehensive listing of“; mducts '“Mm CAMBRIDGE 350WBM1., â€Mt 3'3 ‘ - ~ p ' ""m' auburnmountalnhearln as they come back time and time again." “a W. - mun-MW www. 35°†. mi. .* .4 ‘2': ,â€" , wvu or» ,Wp view ,3?an (727/ . . _A - gm: 8 fl. 'â€" g ’1' 3: L. « L 4/ (9 c/ (1444/ . : ,3 3,... , D 4" ‘3 ‘ ,~ P H I ' . i in! 'u’ z“? y 1., i := a“ (Li blatant f (if ‘11 975 (j: .‘ ‘ a ‘ (A. 1H 1.. I s a.» an. (it 'â€" . 533$. i i Va .11 Jib}? \ im-41,.“.-{ “a! i ('15 ' L‘ i’w't‘ ! m m , ._‘Jii:n::1«.~. {cit-4m, and . 1'11“ 3,11“ ‘31‘ 1“ "2, ‘ ‘ 1 ~ -~ . ~ ' M3013 mitt†[VIA-iii}. *V !".‘I . ,7 ii , ' 1 £88- . ' ' " A: "‘<"â€";;:' lib i714! tibiaâ€"Ind “1““ .,‘ itâ€): i . " 3* :4 w ‘. W.» . “37%le .33,“ 1);..‘1'AA'V- ,4 if: {yxi‘li 1*r-is‘â€â€œâ€˜L U" ’ \ ifi‘i‘ i -‘Ii“"" flit {,1 www.xc° 'r’ .'.{l;14¢:m=1~11~ ‘ i i‘ it; '11. . : w. H i h 5-5" . E r- .. .. .. e. _. -_ ._ .. flirt-Io: ‘_â€. 519624‘1565 7 ‘ BUHOQ 51:3} 318 [MU i grit; I315ߤmp5tmmumflso -.â€"â€"â€" ‘ ’ fit- 5 ; -mn~-a-buuy-nu...mnum â€". Tl G VGi ! 7.3 A. ‘ ; - ~mmoou-Wu-m WNW L.._.~.-_..~........- â€"-.. -cw----- “Mm‘