teamm- n , - new Qnï¬KWfl; -"» K!NG “was! ‘; NURTW warn-t! a“: ' 9:521: " «W Policeiget8.6% L a - , 4'. a .5 "a in! ' 3153;? ""3; g? ’4: f}! N ‘ 1". [Vi W_ e crease Jon: 'wag‘j“ lay-‘1‘ by!“ a ' a†, ti N» 4 _ 1 V0 ByCaugniryummPaumu . ‘ ‘ WWW ‘ ' ‘ ' ’ Entire Chronicle “4» ' ' t g I I“ \ ‘ ‘5: ‘ ’ a f !E!E{!I%!â€œï¬ n arbitrator has announced “L a“ dig; Athe settlement of the Water- !Iihj â€r a loo Region police contract BEST'SELLI N6 {: fJ'ihgiglgi that has been in limbo since lan.l. " .- E; i‘ l' _ ' 2012. TRUCKS E} P G Sp'fgigglsgl The contract gives police wage ‘4' Hi: I!" 'Jh‘ï¬g' increases of 2.7 per cent in both m J) "‘{‘ if ,‘3'!‘ 5% 20l28nd2013.and32.95 per cent . __ â€ï¬nial“ increase for 2014.111;thwa â€In: V" ' W W ‘7‘“ ' u i be ï¬ngered, 'th a ut o t e ' g \ ,~ 1 isixflhtggg bump cominglin January of each it? ~ ' ,- - ~ ,. . . , m- , “i “‘1 M. h-LJis g} yearandthe otherhalfin July. :' =4. \ .. ' i ‘ *K‘O‘W spiniaifii’ A ï¬rst-class constable currently ï¬t '5’“ a? i ‘ c a 5." ' , . " V‘ MW" 4 " ~ ~ W IS‘: 3 ’3 eamu 185133.156le havean annual I I» a at as; ' ‘ 7 -' ‘ "1 -1 ' ggisl £5 ‘ salaryof$90,348by0ctober2014, a l l M a“ 6" "f \l l , ’ E. 'Mm â€â€65; - [Shag 53:; total increase of 8.6 per cent, ‘ â€" ’ I,†‘ 'me.-~-~~ _, 1'"“ ' l' f 7’ 3 ii . 4 r" ‘ ~~ â€" .. {zigï¬hï¬gglg “This could save us a fl ' ‘ E" ‘ ’~~‘ l t on overtime costs" ‘ ‘1 ‘l 1!] “use 0 s . . _ ’iéliégiglzg: _â€"Coun..Torn Galloway [gel-lggtgggï¬ Clmzrofmlweseri/mbtmrtion .. ,_ _ r v ilglilflï¬ggg commits regardmgparrttmers . Ignaz; a†“I'm quite pleased with it," said 18 is; is“ Bruce Tucker, president of the {:31 “rein Waterloo Regional Police Associa- ‘ J EQMDG §'§.â€â‚¬:»§‘!§E tion. "it's unfortunate we had to go ‘ H 21mm Iii! gig}? to arbitration. because we made i in! 25ml}; every attempt to settle this in Februâ€" ‘ ' d March 0:20:23 1 “£1; £14“! My?!“ Galloway. regional council- ‘ '3: l is 3 lor and chair of the police semces ' 2â€" ‘ ' ' " a __~ 5! I d 1 gig board.saidthe arbitrator didn't take ‘ †“ 18â€â€ 25 {a current economic conditions into l w 3!. iii Ea] account, but the agreement leaves 7 ‘ ' Ill‘i. I h“ 3 Waterloo police at about the medi- : ’7‘ , t _ } lï¬giflgifdi an point of officers across the t L "‘4 h... a, “3 _ a :"iï¬llldï¬ prqrnhnemagxeemem also allows the . r... a : -' ~ » iglqï¬gf' ‘5! useolpart-timecivilianstaï¬br the ‘- a V, v i Q ; 1|£lifll ‘ ï¬rst nine, in areas such as the com- ,V ‘ , i .. g! E! 8",“ mufï¬catioriscenue . - 5 a"! i ‘1 £3 'lhatcouldsaveusalotonover I , ! iallgigl time om," Galloway said. as part " ,. . um , 9 5‘ 3 ill!!! timers would be able to an in for ‘- 3 a . . . {I * IN MANUFACTURER REBATES TOWARDS “1925mm :1!" ‘Jjgi “dmmd vacanons j i ' g u l .lzsll says It needs A ‘ "WIPE“ , . I iati. ’ ~ mu" - “if; . - I - igiillgillilg the extra space _ MONTH. i H l; :5 ‘ W “ 52;!!! “hi; the school has said it needs the “mm-mun ‘ ‘8flI'hj1 i mm m accommodate and“ ’ V"' Atom-mammal†g’.‘lli§j§! kindergarten. She is also worried ‘ cm In ‘ £3395 g '8 33 about an increase in partying and > ligament": .- \ 'Eiug'Iliggggs drinking in the expanded patting ; "Tm, ' m... m _ I s . l ' ' will be furth rawa' m ; u all: It"; on I hit! {Half awe areas and pglice patrols. f 4'. hfl- §g§1liltfli§g§g Brennan said a memberaIOf tfle 1 In ‘ -~ l. “H"? 1135!; 5’} £335 ngï¬ï¬mflflmï¬e [22:93 ( géii'EEi-iggg ing tomorrow night would be for a a s 33- g: In?†information only. fr 6 8‘ ‘ Th t' runs om 1? pm AND menam'm aggllgisggtgg arm «- '7 “E E ' S .. nnan Opes ww r~ Eiiigilgiigggg Ssflgnesrgnctl n:?ghbor:rs will come WW W kWh, 7 mi ‘77 ~W~ MÂ¥H “7.77, 77 fl 7 7 ' ï¬, ii: If rt. ‘ Make your truck your own durlns the Bullt Ford Tough Event. flagella: °“ $53351: asking ,9, a my 0, \ Only at your Ontario Ford store or atontanototttca W , , ll ME. A: = execution for these trees.’