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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 13 Mar 2013, p. 23

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WM Hill!) CHIIDNIL'LE ' WednemiayMuth 11.1011- 23 V J r i , é w E . 1‘. mgs one, presume. . O I ‘ Waterloo ancestor offamous explorer celebrates new exhibit about his namesake i anooVuuw: , x . J‘f‘ifigfi}: ,. . the world." said David “Wm, who conâ€" ChronicleStafl' 4, if“ \ s’.3 53:“, ' _ i ,, ‘ tributed a number of items from he own per- ““hâ€" - ‘ '-'r. f,» ' ’*f~,g.,;};; ' 3008' WW‘ ‘0 add ‘° "'3 exhibit. "' ‘dmj‘ aterloo's David Livingstone doesn't ‘ , J ‘ ; is 53‘. . “air , ing an original family bible from John Living- get a lot of people coming up to :2; ~ 3-2», t y 5 ”g; I; v ‘f‘igggaxfifihff stone. the doctor‘s older brother who moved him and saying. “Dr. livingstoneJ jg; 5“ a... ‘ ‘ w m , v 11:6. .3 toCariadiiandsettiedin Listowel. presume.” but his dad, a country doctor in 5‘ figs 5 ‘f 9;»?- , if v . "#3 s 53-" The famous meeting also inspired David‘s Ustowel. sure did. learn 77gb ». ' 23:; $39 great grandfather to make a journey to New “My dad was a doctor and all his life he 53:23; .313}; gig)“: g . , . r i ran“. York where he had a poignant meeting with r got that line from his patients.” said living- in ‘* 2f :9 . ‘ J ~. ’-' 5;; .5 Stanley. stone. 'He lived under that all his life until he 3,471,; We , 5' e. * 3”“ g .. . 1 ”There’s a great line in the exhibit from passed away in 1967.” fgg' r a; ‘ _ . > lohn that says, ‘lfl cannot see my brother. 1 Especially since he shared the same sur- a; f , -"_r ‘ «S ‘ was determined to come to NewYorit to see name with a world famous ancestor â€" the , , r’-‘V-,~“'-',;:'}f~;.;' the man who saw him last." said Gropp, , famous missionary and 19th century explor- 7' firm}? about the personal effects contained in the er Dr. David Livingstone, who was once the . ‘-.. 33'- , collection. “i thought was very touching" centre of one of the world's greatest man. i , ii It has inspired David. one of the last living i hunts ~ 5" relatives to carry the Livingstone name, to ‘Dr. Uvingstone, I presume.” is also the -' make a similar journey toWestminsterAbbey name of a new exhibit at Castle Kilbride in on March 19 to commemorate his famous Baden that celebrates the 200th birthday of ancestor's birthday with other branches of I the Scottish hero and humanitarian, starting , his mended family. including direct descen- March 19. it includes family heirlooms. let- dants. , ters and other memorabilia connected to the Dr. Livingstone succumbed to his many ‘ famousdoctorand his workinopening up iiinessesandhisfaithfulretairiersmrriedthe " Africatotheimtoftheworld. bodyforninemonthsbefioreilsggingdowna , lorries Livingstone. who is no relation to passing British ship and delivering his 1 the doctor. built Castle Kilbride, and lots of remains. T guest to the museum assume theywere relar- - His heart was buried under a tree in ‘ ed. Sherri Gropp. assistant curator of the Africa. but on April 18, 1874, one of greatest , museumaridexiuhnsaidtheywanttoclear fiineraisofthel9thcenturysawtherestof up some of the confusion while celebrating his remains interred alongside England's thefamousfigure'sbioentennial. greatestkings,queens,writersandpoets 'Wethoughtthiswouldbetheperfect , .. H 'Weworiderwhatkiridofadoitwillbe.” opportiiriitytofeatureDavid,anotableVic- MWMW-Mdhmwmmmmmkh saidtheaayearoldabouttiieceremonyat toriartaridhiscontiibutions'shesaid. Waamwmfltncweflbtideoelebrathgfluedoctofsm birthday. "who“: Westminster Abbey. "I'm taking my friend OneoftheieadingfiguresoftheVictorian ‘Hewasthemost ioanwidimeandshe‘sbeenwactidngsome . prominent Victorian in keep detailed records of his meeting. includâ€" ,, agethenotedabolitionrstwassearchingfor themidâ€"ibSOstolBGO,andhisnamewas ingtheabsenceofanentrylogwithStanley ctn'taeyslncmethereareanyroyalsamund. the headwaters of the Nile River when the prominent throughout the world,” said his “MS those words. There are Wm . The 2mm anniversary of Dr. lavrrigstone’s world lost contact Wm him m the heart of modern day namesake David, who is the today that Stanley may have taken some hm is also m8 5°an attention m Eng- deepeet, darkest Africa. The NewYori: Herald great-peat nephew of the still-famous world writer’s license in‘jotting down those words land. with various publications asking the lawmmmWWM' torianslovedâ€"hewasworkingforthegood Therearesomewhothinkthefamous 53‘1" ,, stone was the first European to cross Africa of people, he was doing God's work __ and meeting and “the quote" was the start of . He got the British government to say, aridseedieumid-hmmkamthalhand stilltothisdayinAfricatheymentionthis massmediaandhelpedprecipitatehowiast lieytwegottostopthismaveryntufl, sad hisboolrMissioinry'Il‘avelswasabestseller guyanddwpodworkhednhsreallyquite newstravelsnowadaysiialsobecamepartof Lrvtrigstone HeranintoAfricanslaversall after it was publuhed in 1857. W popular culture, with figures as diverse as them and said it was wrong. , ‘ W found the zoo“ doctor near the 'By the time Stanley found him. he was in Groucho Marx and Bugs Bunny using the His name '3 nght up there with (William) shore of lake Thug-rim on Nov. 10. 1871. bad shape sufiering from malarhi and mm line in film and animation. Wilberforce in helping to abolish slayery in That's when StainletijI uttered the famous tery and W help to 32! around.” "I don‘t know if the modern media age England and the rest of the world.” words heard round e world: “Dr. Living- . - . - - For more information about the Castle stone, 1W" But he wasnt so far gone that he didnt began then. but it was cenainly used around Kill) ride exhibit v'eit was dekilbn‘ deca with purchase of any ‘ ' ‘ _ R ‘ ., r e 9; r r . . St [’0 D Q I C s fu FD n U e 1373 Victoria St, N.. Kitchener ‘Mi‘fiww‘ \1w't\‘:x‘vt>irgii's Niall. 519-742‘8501 m / www.intornationalhomelnteriors.ca

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