i . WAmmm-Wodmy.uudi13,2013 - to l . . , Puts you in control of 4‘ . your d' ital world! DIGITAL SOL _ '9 care provided at TechTown Dentistry. The 5 “rub“; _ “nah-huhâ€" ' Dental Health Advantage is a unique i ï¬'h.â€"Miiflhibh-'dw* approach that focuses on providing ‘ mrh*-~'-di'**hm'n g patients With the infomation and confi- l 3 *Ohhllâ€"FIIIIIIW‘IFI.‘ I dence to make informed decisions about ll ’; ““hnde-nddmhm ' their own dental care. It also gives patients > 1‘ 5"“ . the ability to direct their care to achieve 3 . mrhhm‘M‘N-I‘ the dental goals that in into their individ- *2 hihu‘m.“h_~“ï¬dm,m ual lifestyles. at the time that is right for t , m v 'mlâ€"lllfl ' “Healthy â€tiles '1'! “Hm“! I" , ' it than i- a 5 than hu- a... w-‘h'hninu My ‘8' and W MW "u" a “My it '~ new. III-uh, tin-IHMM Jane: smile can change your whole life.†i ‘ a~.h.‘.~. .- ‘ 1.5â€"0.“ , . . ~__‘~__ D" M310“ it ï¬â€˜t ___....".:::‘:;,_~_«,;. 5/“ \.__.-..__.,: , “1-- TechTown Dentistry also believes that ‘1' $4113}, ‘ , 52‘, patients have the right to know what is E “‘9‘“ 33.15% ‘ happening in their mouth and the right to it: 7: ' i . L. 5 ', . . . 5 ., choose what treatments are right for them 55 5 ' "i , 5;, Mu 1.3,. ‘. 'â€" x; and at what time. Together patient and 1‘ .‘ wt "1 5 - ' 4' 553%“ V" f g » gig dentist put together a personal plan to t ’4‘" ‘ F | ln fell ‘5 5 ‘ at to world cla ensure maximum dental health. Your world "can your-smile . rom m pa . At‘TechTown Dentistry our patients cam.Medlcally dlrected,parabenfree .. Commitment to Customer Service smile with conï¬dence. Contact us today _ offering the yew best of sclence and .5. TechTown Dentistry understands you to ï¬nd out. how you $8" WW" more To THE PUBLIC 100%Canadlan, locally manufactu ok’ are busy. Online services are now available “mid?! W'flh your stall: â€" Just Image the V ...: F ' . 4- ‘ for the patients’ convenience. Visit the posstbilities. New patients are welcomed. Limited "M! 0,2,: 333% ‘2 TechTown Dentistry website for: 5‘3: S - Online Appointment Requests 5 , if}; ' Online Patient Information Submission . g r . i I v . . n \\ ‘F: i V.†Forms K.» DENTISTR ' : ' Newsletters & additional resources to V , Remedy Acngwtotlon , help You gain know'ledge and keep UP sir i u WITH continue 27%? ' w/Purdlmofflemedyï¬aelnser . to date with new products and our www.teclitawndentistry.com =1; l. .. ..â€" [NM fulï¬l . , , omce 519-746-7333 f ‘ _ , ‘ , ‘5 a"; Sign. Email reminders are also provided to 340 Hagey Blvd., Suite 207 . g' L, ‘1 .:â€: ' I“. '- ' llV'\:)T 5531f . ,' ensure you don‘t miss your appointment. R+T Park. University ofW-terloo ' x :4"; ,'_ m . ‘ .- '. g , fl , and the ï¬ling of your claim to your insur~ Waterloo, ON NZL 6R6 . y i i. g , " I V 5 gig , ance provider. following your appointâ€" lnfo@techtowndentistry.com . '(ab . 5" hâ€- ‘ a .5 list-i' merit. will ensure faster processing. Follow us on Fleebook . . .55; a; 1‘ a- - 5, I . P5 ‘ ' k www.techtowndcntistry.oom seesaw . V _ 5- 5:13.552; ;'.’_ Wigwggï¬-Jé'égsgw’z »' ; ' ;. .. 5" kw (‘15:,9’3233 “xiii 51%;? an)†«A ~' ‘53?“ i<1 i l: 5% > it: f? ‘ *'5":§~'\1“‘>sl' 1“? i i l‘ [s7 i H» ~.‘ ' . ' ' magma“, , 55:, at?†‘ < " “13’ â€3555.:5 a.“ .5 ' " C ha ' & ‘ Sale V 7 s r s W V V ‘ I y 5 SA} In lHlLlAX. ‘ ‘1': . .“jV'? '5 sf;w:5“‘sff§5~§ "355; 3.2;1‘w5Mééiri ‘ ~;5 » . ' 5 » an.) , «it. ;» » ,, g. “7".» ; » 5 ' a 5;?" 1517.5- 4,, . V. ff .‘NEZ’zâ€"“Z .“ . ’ “5...;- : g ‘m t... 59. :5 -_ s. : f a,“