lt-WAWW-Wedn-dxy,Much6,m13 r Work on partnership details before joining forces have many clients who oonsid- that going irtto business is a rather exactly who will do what. it is business. I er going into business with risky flair, and spreading the risk important that each partner If the partners come to a place someone else. by getting someone else to share knows what they are responsible where their differences can’t be [t may be a friend, family mem- the challenge makes a lot of sense ~ for, and no assumptions are made resolved. and one or the other her or co~worker, but regardless of But before you go the partner about who is responsible for each wants to get out of the partner who it may be. i always suggest ship route there are a couple keyoperation ofthe business ship, them has to be a way for the that they consider a partnership things you need to know to “street Secondly, you need to plan for one to buy the other out. agreement. smart" yourself. the distinct possibility that you Partnerships can be tricky, and Business partnership is like a First things ï¬rst. you want to will have disagreements and come unpredictable, so without excep- marriage; no couple goes into have anagreement written up that up with a way to resolve your dif- tion you should always have a marriage ever thinking they are covers the fundamental under- ferences. comprehensive agreement drawn going to divorce. and few business standings of forming and running You would be wise to name a up by your lawyer before going partners go into business thinking the business. ‘ person you both know and respect into business with anyone. theyaregoing to dissolve the busi- One of my clients decided ‘ U. who would be willing to act as a mess recently to go into a partnership, 4 -’- 1“? mediator no help resolve your dif- l have seen a trend over the Here it “ï¬rst I recommem‘ksd they w my “was past couple of years towards pan- put in an agreement with their 0 The third and most important ... nership-style businesses. 1 think madman-micr- WEBER momma pertains to the RoyMberisanndviwr we. the many have picked up on the idea First. you have to spell out possible dissolution of the mwmmm s , it ’ . . Over 814 Hi) screens 5" Point! your (tam? if??? f: , a». s t . i“ >, ‘ v ~y , A E‘s-5 > e h .,; u f 2:54\ ‘/ A at; --f u. -_. , T» ‘ â€", I, 435); ‘ ., 4341 " _ ' a ‘ ~ 71'4’,†04C ‘ ‘ 1 do a " c ‘ was" 201? g i J' A if H “ ' " A , . 7 f" if?) 0 VJWW.<|ll':~nlilF\‘Jlf\(J‘strillrilJ‘.ftv' “as“ Uranium“ Rd†w.. Kitrzhoncsr ~ 519-208â€"7000 , We mount: a no to _ i 1 r . s - t A m ' = l 4 on 1 ‘ ‘ r l “‘ 1 K»: t t" 7 _ ‘., ‘ i ‘- ' “A 5 ' ' } V 57 A chance towln 1 CARD, < , , 7 Plus 9 Weekly so err-“r emu worsens WEEK 0 “WE†WON-“om lo a ‘ fornicadvertisorofyowchoiooonthispogel -___________________f‘_‘_’f?_°__5'__'°__"__'f_5_________________-__. ‘ a mmeanmmmnmmwmmmmmmnm : z m; z a mmmmmmmmmuummmmwmmemn l 5 1 A Mwmunhnmmmwwmumm l : PHONEâ€" ._2 _ _ __ _. __ _ _ AGE: .' nun mmmmuammnmmmm . s l {+ “mum hummmmaumztmmmuwmm l 5 imnmwmmhmmm“ 5 '“A'MAchfllmuhlï¬m W 01th 8=~B : Fri-nay at on: m. we met no: : l ’ ï¬wmg'm. M upumwammmemammmmm : Ill : monitor & teaching M M ' . . . . . WM“ mummuassmatmmmmmnimm . a. -Compounding WWW, MdamfllMMMMnmnumWfl l“ E 1 OFreebloodpressurediedt ‘ damniwmmwmqummtmwfl.w f “a; FREE PARKING AT THE DOOR! P MWM'MM'Wflmmwm' :E. : 519-747-03m0www.mptnnnocy.oom 1mnbummnmmmommmflumom l I Nun-«70mm I “HMO-Tu.“ mm110mflmmmmmmm,mm23dmm. : 2 “mm mmauwm‘mm_mm3m : r..._......_-._______.._...__._..1 r_____-_______________1 '25"OFF r . $5 OFF . r C ASE u | r | ~ I ANY FUR H (Magma) ' ' ANY ‘50 PURCHASE ' | we. so a. was: no“ at st. was: L_r:"ï¬-mnssar:2__gizm_r' ‘ Leer-Weseewea mm J . FREE! . FREE' . | l 35 668 Erb St W081 l . - l ~ ' pet self wash ' - ' nail trim ' “as?“ m “mun-u imam-wear: - 32mm. _ _ _J 519-725-9393 a LieT-zgï¬mï¬ti gen-msJ