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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 27 Feb 2013, p. 10

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io-WAreniooanomaa-Mwmnms was" 11. use. Loon. m not.- b l in a] ._‘_u=w:m.=,=:‘m_ ...._,.-._............_.._-..... Sc 00 review St. Aga a mi t is... mâ€"ua-taâ€"râ€"uI-u-nhum-n hift d i h l . jE_:E_':Eim'::‘~"‘2.1::T:_*‘Fâ€"_“~'-::::g.:r_~ s stu cuts to St. N c o as -«muâ€"l:unsfizfflflfit';'.".?:§:.‘.:£.=:,::::::amr:: manor; over the last five years. how cult.” for St. Agatha to sur. wit-un-h “. ‘N-‘h‘ -"m | a M. RJIIIIOOIM‘C'O ever, arewhat led ammo last vive an upcoming review of -.-.â€"--.-..-u.a:’.u-‘_TJ:-_LTJ:1=EL‘2:?_:£ . . week's W“ _ the school's long-term SUS’ armâ€":ra=:=n=1::::=qu’mumn-nmufiâ€"u Iiiâ€"u- suntanâ€"u ive years after impas- An addition was built at tainability. -r‘.......~....:..'.........=-..::.::::.=r.r:=:==:.==::: stoned pleas from par 8:. Nicholas in 2010 .0 “I think in important run-nanny saunas-mun..-“nun-eâ€"u-unâ€"n-nauu-Ilifl-I-I-Iâ€"tflfll ents helped save St. increase capacity to 457 stu- people know." he said after r... w ...- ._. Agatha school from closure. dents and since then enroll- drafti a letter with fellow : agififi$1§=¥fififlgflum 3‘:__::L‘3.2fn‘£2’fl.1..:::':: the oldest Catholic school in merit has declined, as it has Hungawllmicz - ..............:....2:.... .*n~"-""~"-"â€""'~-"’_ Waterloo Region is facing a acrossthe board. In it, they highlight the in... -n-qn-nuns-gunnin-n-mumnâ€"«aqnubâ€"naâ€"u-uâ€"hn-lh-m renewed threat to its future. Staff reported that enrol- issue and urge parents to ' mm: munâ€":31..."2’;&1=::._'.' 3.1...“ '.".:='~"-tâ€"-' And the potential ment at the Waterloo school voice their opinions on the 5 Tu, I-nmmâ€"uIâ€"hmmmâ€"uâ€"nmq changes might mean more is projected to decrease matter without laying blame i 9: J.:21::::.::fl:7€:uniffi‘mfilt... in...“ students for Waterloo's St. below 400 students over the on staff. Parents have 30 i 22:11::2‘:=::=~.â€" :3"?::‘"'=“":3:=.‘.“"'::fl Nicholas Catholic school. next five years. Staff also days from today to appeal ”-11â€"" " """."' "" I“ “fl“ last week. senior admin- believes the boundary the decision to the board. ‘7 lwmiflrfiflliidnt=flt=mwmfiflL an: istration stat! at theWaterloo change for Clair Hills could “i think a few of them are ‘ 3‘:_-:;:-=:Luunm L'"~'-“'n'_~~'-'u"_'~"" Catholic District School attract significantly more aware of it, but l'm not sure Board decided a boundary students to Catholic schools how widespread the news change is in order even inWaterioo. is,” Piscitelli said though it will likely put St. In November, the city Parents must appeal the . Agatha on the bubble during granted approval to devel- decision directly to their ‘ an upcoming review of the opets to build 479 homes in trustee at next month‘s , school’s long-term viability. Clair Hills Construction has board meeting. Only if an 1 WITH CAMBRI DG NEWEST OPTION School board staff said started in the subdivision appeal is launched will a ' ' the move will send an esti- next to Wilmot Line and it’s trustees haves final say. i I mated 83 students to Water- expected families will be liv- When called about the FOR GRACIOUS ‘ MEN-l- LMNG' loo's St. Nicholas school ing there by the start of the boundary change last Fri- ' 5‘. instead ofSLAgatlia school year in September. day, St. Agatha principal g :- I St. Nicholas is closer to Thedeveloper plans to build Mary Mayer said she had ‘ ' 2’: » «.- . homes being built in Water- 1,620 units once all is said just learned about the deci- 54.: loo’s Clair Hills develop- and done, giving WCDSB sion in an email and was in g :1 ‘ g ( . ' ‘ " "‘- merit. but the reason the staff reason to believe the the process of scheduling a is"; sg§j ‘ .51.. . future subdivision was area could attract up to 172 meeting with her superin- “3:3 . " ' in ' . , included in St. Agatha’s students tendent and director to get ‘ ~ , , ‘ "5"“ ” 3 '~ . boundary in 2008 was to The lack of existing stu- more details it“ x, , p. g ‘ boost enrollment, which has dents in the subdivision is The 30-day appeal / y g 1 fl, 5 ‘ ' .5 . “1:,- been in steady decline over what gives staffthe power to process was also news to "" .kfié'. , a! thelmtdecade. review and change the her. Shesaid no formal com- ~ ‘ ' 4.. » "“ i St. Nicholaswaswell over school boundary without munication had been made " w... capacity at the time and input from trustees. to parents about the bound- ; ‘ 3“ '_ shifting the boundary of The Feb. 19 report was arychange _ g '1 fl - .. Holy Rosary school and presented to trustees at a Mayer said in her time at I “s {5‘ ”" ‘ adding the future develop- committee of the whole the school, which is less . 3%? 5;ij ‘ , merit to St. Agatha’s bound- meetingas information only. than two years, she's seen *3 it; .5- :- __, arywas also seen as a means The decision had already some internal improveâ€" . ' ‘ 2- 2' ’ .. ofreducingovemrowding been made, prompting merits such as new carpet- ‘ ‘ ' Sc Agatha brings in about Waterloo/“Wilmot trustees ing and lighting along with . 24 students from an area Anthony Pisdtelli and knelt ongoing maintenance. but around Erb's Road and ira lagiellowicz to reach out to none of the issues board § ‘ .111 < : < :8 OW§ Needles. but there are no parents in St. Agatha who staff used to justify its clo- . _ plans to change the bound- don’t age with the move sure during the last accom- . . , . . ary there yet Piscitelli said the change modan'on review have been GrCCIOUS Reflremenf LIVIng Changes to St. Nicholas willmakeit'firery, verydifl'iâ€" addressed. . ' 208 Hespeler Road, Cambridge, ON N] R 0A5 1 7 1‘2 "7 ”i " “M 'I} 7" 777 ‘27s“? . .. ., I‘ xi. 7‘ {izllg 'i - r.“.f‘"'rv.~< Even more beautiful on the InSIde, Heritage Meadows offers , ‘ . ._ . .. g ' 5. A" ‘V. seniors an affordable monthly rent with no hidden costs or fees. ,- 6‘ i . .. 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