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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 27 Feb 2013, p. 9

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WKTERUX) cumin-cur OWedneaday, February 27. 2013 - I Gunmaimreflect Secondwecmildltiumlineflie Nompnotarenapane'l‘hey ' mumtym number of cases that make it to the rolled right around the turn as if e . enne RE BI th ‘ th OMB. By establishing a “leave to there were no stop sign at all. i ‘ “be e province. no e appeal” process similar to that used believe i've found an answer to the illie 9 Bennett, a veteran of countless country folk ONE M liW-tuloouuonlde in the courts through 1' ”gateway" PM W cude issue. erstivals since 1979. was scheduled to bring his solo . . panel. only ISSUG for M "139's 1 have '0 “98"".“2 five roundâ€" tour to the Princess Cinema five years ago this shaiemanyoflasonlhistiethwmtes clear cause to question a municipal abouts twice a day and very fre- month. For his many fans _ l'm proud to count myself concerns about last months be“ decision could proceed to a hearing. quently as i follow someone into an among them .._ this was great news 51°" by the OMB. W8 Water Finally. we should ask Ontarians empty circle with only a yield Sign Sadly. the show never happened. Bennett died of a heart ‘00 R3810" 5 Off-"313' plan. I have how th think 0MB decision-mak- posted, these same finely trained ~ - ' . , ey . . attack at his home in Peterborough just two weeks before his recervedanumberoflettersaboutths ing could be improved. if we are motonstarestoppinghafulland ' - ~ . . . . . . scheduled appearance in Waterloo A longtime touring sideman decaston. i believe we Gin do better In going to make thing better, effective complete stop. For Mist? l'm not so for award-winning singer-songwriter Fred Eaglesmilh. playing W . consultation with communities sure. l'm wondering ifit’s to admire mandolin and harmonica. Bennett thrilled audiences every ““9 other provtnces also have needs to be at the core of the the brilliantly bright yellow and timelsawhimperformliveinvariom venues. bodies ‘9 "MC" developers and process black directional arrows. or the [11 neverforget that first show myolder brother took me to at °°m!"."""Y members F.“ appeal The Region ofWaterloo W1“ 00” lovely manicured gardens the St. lambs Schoolhouse Theatre. hearing songs like Thirty "“1"de land~use decisions. none tinue to grow. Ourcommunityneeds Well. 1 have cleverly combined - - . - h , I Years of Farmin , Sharecroppin . Rough Edges. lenc o and have the sweeping powers 9‘: [be that growth to occur in ways that are these two events to make mafic ctr- “336“ij 0Mb~ "“5 1883/88 ":19 decgstions practical and sustainable. Taking a cles flow more smoothly. Let's lust days before Bennett's death, 1 spoke with Fred Eagle made by Ontarians ‘ {bl-'8 ‘ eir hard look at how the OMB could be remove the yield signs and replace smith for the Chirmicle about his 25-year musical relationship elected bodies, "ks "3810““ counâ€" improved is a way of ensuring those them with stop signs for people to - - - ~ - - . , . . . wrth Bennett. whom Eagiwnith considered an inspiration. C113 Vulnemble ‘0 bang thwarted b) goals are met. completely ignore. i believe people â€" - - f - l . b . h . . I . Milietssuchanintegralparto thesoundandbringsacer 3" ”Wm”? 0“" Bu‘ ' ”e “9 WI" actually start Jumping In and Iain level ofCanadiana to the band." Eastman said over the ways‘to fix ““5- Cltheflne fife taking advantage of an open spot in phone just before taking the stage in . First we could make better use MPP Kitchener- Waterloo a roundabout. Grand why curt 0f ‘00‘5 already 3‘ our disposal, like it's ha ened so man times I ' -' ' joint boards. These hearings have Better 3W needed think it's 31:9 for a “50]“ng i feel i I told Wm ”my time I went . . I - 0 one of his concerts 1 d get to the members of the Envrronmental at region’s [Dunc-"hon“ traffic circles do certainly improve showearlyâ€" not only to score a front Renew mm“, as well as the OMB' he other day as l was travel- "3le flow if they are used propefly. row seat. but to see Bennett tune up Applications would not be consid- ling down Fischer-Hellman but more education or some stops theinstruments $5 cred lust under the Planning A“ but Road in Waterloo when some signs amneeded. "Willie is a hard worker and he . could also take into consideration finely trained motorist blatantly changes my strings every night 4' ,- the Enmnmenm Protection Actor drove throu h a 510 Si n to turn MikeNlcbolaon h kn 1 ha m ' ,. ' . the Ontario Water Resources Act - - ‘ g p g ~ because e M W 0 er things Nb ' "8m: "Eh! 1" front 07 me. 383m- Waterloo to do." said Eaglesmith. "There's a ’ ‘ , . . complete lack of ego and he's always ' in it for the Show." It s not always about wmnmg A..m.m-.m..d...,... . monica and backing vocals brought lfyou’re not keeping score. what's the point? Although 1 think the soccer groups are backwards something extraordinary to at Fred MARSHALL i read a story this week about how some soccer in their approach, 1 give them credit for trying to Eaglesmith concert, it was his solo WARD leagues in Ontario will be dropping the practice of change the culture. They deserve a big congratula- records like Hobo's Taunt and Blackie keeping score in their competitive divisions under the tions for some of the other changes they are imple- and the Rodeo Kings that made me a age of12. menting. which ultimately will allow devoted fan. in 1999, Bennett received a limo Award for the Apparently this is a common practice in kids more time with the ball. album Heartstrings many soccer-mad countries and is . Unfortunately, our culture of win- Sharingconcert billings with such luminariesasll Cale. Jesse endorsed by both research and people who 1 g: ‘1 ¢ 3 . . g ning is deeply engrained and, in my Winchester. Gamett Rogers and Guy Clark. Bennett was part of have spent years studying the game. ' ‘ opinion, has become even worse over the 19705 folk-music scene in Canada i asked Eaglesmith about ‘ it certainly took me back quite a few the last few years Look at our national his own memories seeing Bennett perform as a solo artist. years to my time as a fastball coach at both Q junior hockey team and the ridiculous "Willie is a stage man," said Eaglesmith. "When you're the competitive and recreational level, as ;, expectation that nothing but gold is watching Willie, you're watching a legend â€" and he's very gra- well as an administrator. with Waterloo acceptable. cious He's from that whole ’705 Canadian folk music genera- Minor Girls softball. Umm. yes it is. There‘s nothing tion and usually only two people stand out â€" and Willie is one Soccer leaders say it's an attempt to take wrong with being second~best in the of them." the focus of the game away from winning world now and again. Or even third or And while Eaglesmith has countless memories of Bennett on and toward skill development. . fourth. it might even make you work a stage. he has even more from the road. touring with Bennett full But some critics repeat that first sen- .. . ’ bit harder the next time and appreciate time from 1995 to 2007. tenceâ€" what‘s the point ifyou're not keep- a a. x when youwin itagm'ri. ”One of my best memories of Willie is when we blew a ing score? Even before i left the world of com- hydraulic line on the bus in Montreal." Eaglesmith told me. 1 really can't tell you how many times 1 BRIAN petitive youth sports, there had been a "Willie crawled under it with only about eight inches of space. had that same discussion with parents. BOURKE change in attitude. We could be While the rest of us ran for parts. Willie. covered in grease. coaches and others, including players. To amongst 60 teams in a division and tin» stayed under the bus for six hours repairing the lines I'll never me. the score and competition was never ishing anything but first was a failure forget that â€"â€" he’s always been in for a pound if he's in for a the problem. it was the way it was handled by some for some people. That’s just wrong. Why should we penny." parents and coaches. Putting too much emphasis on laud one at the expense of everyone else? Despite the heart and soul Bennett put into his music. both those two tinny sucked the fun out ofthe game. i‘m not for a moment saying we need to stop com- on and ofi the road for three decades. he never became as Truthfully, it took me a couple of years to learn that petition. Far from it. Competition is a healthy pan of famous as his contemporaries. lesson myself. like the rest of the parents. i grew up in life. learning how to handle it as well as how to deal Eaglesmith agreed. 'l've always wished Willie would be more an atmosphere where everything was all about win- with winningand losing isa key lesson for later in life. recognized." ning no matter what sport 1 was playing We certainly need to pass those lessons along to On the fifth anniversary of Bennett's death. i listened to one it was only late in the game i figured out (with a hit our children. But i fear a lot of adults might have to of their live concen recordings from Santa Cruz and once again of help) success was the direct result of two other learn that lesson first. got lost in their timeless music. things â€"working hard and having fun. - ... Once i an that figured out. everything worked out Brian Bourke. a member of the 105.3 KOOL FM . . . . . quite nicely. Too bad it took me a couple of years to monu’ngcrew, can be reached bye-marlin Maw £1,123; ”"4“ “215mg mug; wnrer ull it all inseam. bbourbeokoolfincom 1"" W“ "m" .L‘ W ”'9 “’ p marshall_ward@hormail.com

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