wmnooullrinl- . . mums-7 Council trying to balance pressures m“ """‘ Whom"! Bill “the of Fair Permian: municipal and employer for All argued the plan was contributions. That was an increase unsustainable. pointing to MikeMagreehan. former “‘ from two per cent in 2008. the program's $10 billion chair ofthe citizens’ bud“ when contributions were deï¬cit at the end of2012 â€" Mimi». said thedtyneedâ€" MICI'IELLE $2.4 million" ‘ . double whm it was a decade ed to withdraw from the ST S , it is a requirement under ago. plan, saying taxpayers are . EVEN the OMFJIS plan that all new supporting city mrker pen- " , . . regular full-time employees “Our rolei'sas sions while many do not Ted Am“ Regional Advertising ‘ must be enrolled in the haveapensionoftheirown. ' Manager, is pleased to introduce you to OMERS plan on the date “mat“ of About 400,000 people . Michelle Stev Waterloo Chronicle . theyare hired. sustainability and across the province are _ _ m g , Scion doesn't see the to mitigate pmssum members ofOMERS. Advertismg Representative. MIChelle , impending retirements as a Scian said the city would ' seasoned r ‘ th ad rt' ‘ 1 problem f0' thecity. saying it on employees likely never withdraw from ls: _ ve elmn m e I; 15mg ‘ falls on OMERS to prevent and taxpayers," the pension plan since 100 m ustry, and a ring-time rest nt "l i any shock to the system. per cent of members must Waterloo. Michelle sent 18 years with 1 Since 2008, the growth of ‘WLK‘MSd‘n approve. She said the city Yellow Media bet-ore oini the team at ‘ OMERS contributions has must continue to urge for . . J ng ’ outstripped the growth of OMERS argued it had a balance between the rights the ChI'OHICle- MlChClle would love to I the city's operating budget. plan to dig itself out of its oftaxpayers and pensioners. hear from all her “mags and associates In December. representa- deï¬cit in the coming years “We're very aware of bal- and l ks f d rk' h h l tives from OMERS and the through investments of its ancing those dual responsi- 00 orwar w W" mg W“ W l. Canadian Union of Public $55 billion in assets. About bilitics," said Scian. “Our role valued customers. ’ Employees. along with critics two-thirds of the pension's is as advocates for sustain- of the pension plan. debated money is generated through ability and to mitigate pres- Ph- 519'886’2830 EXt- 222 i the pros and cons of the these investments, with the sure on employees and ,, , . , w» ~~â€"â€"â€"â€" ~â€"â€"â€"-~-â€"~â€"w»-‘%# OMERSpIan inWaterloo. other third coming from taxpayers†’ " Mix-3 ""- ‘“ "- ‘-. ' , , 7 , , , ,,,,,,,,, 7, _ hm,‘. _ . , ' i. “it flesh“ t., 21..- ;- "it†“12513“ , j - z - - » , - in ,,w»_ . fl v~ new new a , . at . s . » - a. "95571 f)“ :“â€vv’.:,':'j.'7; 1:2" > 31";" .“ l Sâ€, L ‘ 1 l :, ._*,-..‘ my ‘5 ; rt, ‘-,‘,.», .. y â€" .v . i. .. 5: " ' "W“ Sï¬aï¬ewl'ï¬" “ram†3522? gilt s “as; j Ted Anderson, Regional Advertising ; *,v , ,,,.f'f1hv_.¥§c, we?“ “3175‘s:ri‘i_v%,3r‘f‘ï¬r’t Mir». rich.) tr?» ; 5, {e j s" “F“. , “We, c 311388“ 5 P t I“ tntrt “C9 H“ 1 ' ' ‘ V“ H ' . ) ' M A " “ if?" . ‘ , ‘ to Bill Boshart, Waterloo Chronicle "4 " " Advertising Representative. Bill is well i - ATTENT'ON . I‘ "L ‘b versed in advertising with over 25 years ' l , experience in the publishing industry, I RELOCATION cr= KITCHENER AND CAMBRIDGE rimming [he KW m and 5mm“ COURTS AND ADMINISTRATlVE SERVICES He grew up and Completed public and ‘ . . _ _ high school here in his hometown. Bill ‘ All Waterloo Region Superior Court of Justice and Ontario Court _ looks forward to serving his customemm of Justice court matters and servrces Will be relocated to the new i behalf of the Waterloo Chmmdg ; Waterloo Region Courthouse, located at 85 Frederick Street, ‘ Kitchener, Ontario, N2l-I on. _; Ph- 51943862830 Ext» 223 i - Effective March 4 all Superior Court of Justice matters and ~~â€"‘nâ€"~‘“~uâ€"â€"~~-â€"~n ï¬ï¬ ' ‘ services currently held at 20 Weber Street East, Kitchener will ‘" .\ â€f .. ‘ “m'm'ed' ’ " e earn 1 ' Effective March 18 all Ontario Court, Family matters and services currently held at 200 Frederick Street, Kitchener will ALF ENS t be relocated. Q , r Ted Anderson, Regional Advertising | - Effective April 2 all Ontario Court, Criminal matters and 2 Manage“ is Pleased ‘0 mFmduce Y°_U_ ‘0 , services currently held at 200 Frederick Street, Kitchener will ,- Alf Em, Water'wChmmcle Advemflne J be relocated. Representative. Alf has been working in I . advertising in K-W for over [7 years and is f - Effective April 15 all Ontario Court matters and services and ~ “OW readyâ€sem’cmmme’smh“ “ï¬lms 1 Superior Court of Justice, Small Claims matters and services 5’- _ grim?†THEM“; fl“; CW???†i currently held at 89 Main Street, Cambridge will be relocated. â€on†61 m m†N “l “m n W a Times. Alt is ‘rl long time resrdenr With his For more information, please call 519-741-3300 .~ family in the City of WHtCI’ltXi and link, I ~ 7â€; ___ __d , A forward to working With everyone. l “M "h. 5198862830 Ext. 228 I PaidtorbytheGovemmontotOntario 550mm l ’â€â€˜ I l