WWWOW. WEJOISOZS -=\ Wm m mm W â€h ‘5 _ 'Hiioried M of It» WW I l ’ . â€ff N. M W 7â€" .77 A. . v“ - ROYAL M I _ I [J 1] ' AFFA'R OILULL a Hill 1*" ‘ ' 1 ’Li‘ m singles and couples It features prizes and food. CREDIT VALLEY Tickets are $10 each For more information go 11.2th CommunityAns Centre presents “a ’« new: medmmmm" 2†OWN-"Wm “MW-CWW' W '» " . '2 748~9077for tickets Feb. 23, 7-30 p.m.. at 25 Regina Sc S.,thtetloo. . N" NM“ . .. ,~ . 'lkketsueSlZatthedoor.l‘11rmoreinf0rma~ m'mmm Theatre on the Edge presents live improv W tion 5° to wwwticketscene.m The Clay and Glen Gunny presents Art-0â€" mmed'yevery'lhursdnyniyitatapm. â€WWW ' MalicArtMeetsNewTechnologytoMar. l7.at at theWuterlooCommunityArtsCentxe, AChInueNe‘wYeaIGahwlflbeheld at RIM m 25CarolineSt. N. (Ilium-7464882. 24 Regina St. 5.. Waterloo. Admission is $5. Part. Rh 23, from 5 pm. to 12 n.m., a. 2001 Milt-lemme. 220 King St. N., Water- cm 0f ï¬nal†“say . Visit mtotecs mum“: Ave, “Imam n features no" and loo presents Iii-Cities Producers Showcase: The City of Wand“, MW pmms A8“- m} - . ‘ ~ ., _ dmgondanoesdinnerxultunlshowcase. "FINN†DMCSUPW‘MWM 01“" cumin] RootsattthonestopMalluntjl ' ~‘ ’ ‘ - ‘~" prim md dandng For more infomatjon call pron D, W. Friday. Call 519-498w5705. MIL I. Call 519-885-8828. an I! mucus H 519-576â€"6168. multicultural-M 33 Erb 5!. w., Water WAG My Theatre t 0 M “I!!! MING Elvts' mutiny ' l Dancing, Rh 23 8 it???) 1:2 Fredeerrilck St SA Y CUB ‘mdenWBSdlnu Fat ' mun Mathew- TlOddm 53,1 The University ofWaterloo Art Gallery presents Kitchener P- as, I:rlea Rese ur seat The Waterloo llegion Museum hosts the Satu- M a): 1?“?ng ' a," 5'1, ’ NetherMu‘ id your) Show east campus hall. to § calling519Â¥578¥€570 W. M W “Y “mm" ‘chh H’- 23' PM" '0 am '0 12 “d“ ' °"“‘“°" was Mar. 9. Call sternum, ext. 33575. , by ._ ' pm. at to Huron Rd. Kitchener. It features 9370' m m f m ‘ gmmï¬iï¬mnï¬m‘mï¬iï¬ m The Uptown Gallery presents Architectonic to h â€I“: â€I 513748â€"1914 ' _\ . , ,, ,_,, , Mar. aattheWuterlooTown Square. Go to , The Centre in the Square presents the Blue ' _ ‘ www.uptowngallerywaterloocom. ; Man Group, Pet 25 and Feb 26. 7:30 pm. 101 msï¬ï¬ï¬Ã© r term FESTIVAL j; Queen St. N., Waterloo. Tickets are $59 to $129. w A m m "V m The Kâ€"W Symphony presents the Tchaikovsky Call 519‘578‘1570' The Waterloo Region Museum presents Warm Festival M8 Feb. 22 ‘ 24' 8 pm. at the Gen- ~ f‘» ' -. Tales for a Winter Afternoon: Storytelling Series I†m the Square. Tickets are 519 ‘0 380. F†Be on I a. I Feh 24. 2 p.m., at 10 Huron m1, Kitchener. This more “hm-"0" call 5197454717 part in 0... “new Dracula My. . and e a. :3; 13mm mggmmd 3;"me “esteem of the scene "“9 “.935"? Them"- 7P~"‘~ 3‘ ‘22 â€93’9"“ Tickets are $10 in advance only. (an 519-748- m Mum’s“ lambnuofupoomingaruand 5‘" “when“ The†M" also be a "“9"†Ma" 1914. The K-W Chamber Mus“: 5069‘? presents entertainmenlm luludepmper spelling 2 at 2 pm. Tickets are $18. $15 for seniors and pianist Janina Fialkowska Feb. 23 8 pm. at 57 , - , , _ ‘ . mammndetprmï¬zxmal5m~88G students. $10 for children under ll. 60 to â€a _. , s. .‘V , ,1; YoungSLW. Waterloo. Tickets a", 540. 33511,,- 9383 oremmdimmwwwmhmnkb m www.mcketscenoeca or call 519-954â€"593l, um um m A†we Seniors and $25 students. For more informa- ' ' I l I . "A!" means The University of Waterloo’s Earth Sciences “0“ call 5198864573 Drayton Entertainment presents Mary POP- Museum presents Dinosaurs. Rocks, Minerals pins. Mar. 6 to Apr. 28. at the new Dunï¬eld and More. at 200 University Ave. W., Waterloo. Theatre. Cambridge. 46 Grand Ave. 8. Tickets Admission is free. (31113334557, ext. 32453 .- !;< ANN I Nil) Iii. III-.10 11 12 13 1 are $45.20 foradults, $22.60 for students. Call 5 . . s. ._. _.... “A. W .. H ‘ . ‘ we WWW m Ill ill-II .. ‘ ’ “A“ 7' WW A" 5.0metobeembanased ‘ ' . ‘ % intimatummrs‘†’ . ‘9 ‘ hm??? « «' * -‘ DEREK MINES 14. At some prior time ' ‘ ‘ The Jazz Room at the Huelher Hotel presents 15. Pmier~_. an material I . . WV ART 101 LECTURE Derek Hines. Feb. 22, 8:30 pm, at 59 King St. 16.0mm '_ and sum “Hum. , The K-WArt Gallery presents the Contemrm- N., Waterloo. Tickets are $15. Call 25476» 17. canoe army as . raryArt 10] Lunchtime series Feb. 2 l, noon to l565. 18. Emma oil from flowers I... m ' l2:40 p.m., at 10] Queen St. N. Kitchener. 19‘ WWW . . - ., 7 Practice more praxis: craftivism. feminist rugs m 20- ‘BOMM'S'WW “in... i.- ‘ ' . ' and the an of positively nasty telling, by Lauren GEOFF Ms mm 23 U13 3rd W M†_ Cullen. women and gender studies institute, The Jazz Room at the Huether Hotel presents 24‘ A WWI! 0mm «- University of Toronto Admission is free. the Geoffyouns Ouanet, Feb. 23' 3:30 pm. a, 25' V81 desert in N Am . m 59 King St. N.. Waterioo, Tickets are $18. For g: '5"! by sewing as . . more information call 226 476 1565. 33 (hoper's m (M) CLASSIC ROCK DANCE ‘ . . ‘ 33 ' . Conest Place hosts a Classic Rock Dance WAX MANNEQUIN 34’ Mm n a ham ‘ J Feb 220:8 I: ; m at 110 M' 'iitou Dr The lane Bond presents Wax Mannequin. with 35A bum“: abode K‘ 'h ' p131}. ,, l "1‘ d â€t BA. Johnston. Feb. 23, 9 pm. as Princess St. 36. WNW " > 'K "c ener. s ' ‘3") “5‘ “ opens 0 W.. Waterloo. Tickets are $10 at the door. 3 me!) Of 0W mum . m . ..,............. ill-I Illl ‘ ’ ‘â€" 44 India hock r J " ‘6. Stand for a cofï¬n ‘ ' V DUNFrcLD THEATRE CAMBRIDGE WWW... Illlllillllil 53. Brown coat mated With :53 . . . . ,. . MARCH 6 - APRIL 23 mm 1 H... m . ; i . 54- W "Y ‘57 ‘ ’. ................. » ~ i all] ill- "I AMwah-sodormnund 57:81“ 9H? ‘60 ‘ 5‘ . ‘ v i E IT“ NT a. imwxawï¬Wale‘vwrm mean ‘ ‘ i 1 r ' :’ I "Am NT! “NM! LWEJS'\AA .yr-rs t7. 58. 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