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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 20 Feb 2013, p. 19

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WATEMDOmm'Wedrnadny,'Febru.-ry20,2013- I. Understand RRSP carry-forward to pay yourself forward i en retirement time roll! around. - use an RRSP loan to fill your carryâ€"for~ - Shelter is commuted pension paid out ARMY (CHADS considered suffictent "1‘ ‘, Wow RRSP eligible investments ward room, This strategy works when the in cash. if you commute your pension and dence ofcontribution room. " may be a significant source of your interest rate is low enough and you repay have received an excess â€" and taxable â€" , , r income â€" and you can make it even more the loan as quickly as possible, preferably in amount in cash. you can use your RRSP _ Make the "‘05! 0f your RRSP 0'13")“ significant by understanding and taking full one year or two at the most. You can use carry-forward room to shelter at least a por- mammal-5 and pay YOUNG“ lorward 1" the , advantage of its carry-forward ». your tax refund to repay pan of tion ofthe excess most advantageous ways by talking over potential, the loan. your life goals with your professional advt- Available RRSP contribution o Decrease withholding tax. When an 50"- room may be carried forward to - Know your ageâ€"related employer makes direct contributions to your future years if the deduction is , options. lfyou're turning 71 this RRSP eligible investments. the employer not claimed on the current year and don't have a spouse need not apply withholding tax if the on [ year’s tax retum who is younger than 71, this is employee provides evidence that they have This column EWbymehnieGouan- ‘ Add a few simple strategies '9‘ ,, your last opportunity to make a sufficient contribution room. 14:1:th Mar-aging» ConmrmmMcEadim'e. j and you can fill that carry~for~ , contribution to your RRSP eligiâ€" The employee's most recent Notice of (fem (DFAatslsm-zmmfil organ: [ ward room in ways that will pay ble investments. although any Assessment from the Canadian Revenue MWM ‘ ofl’ for you now and later: ‘ undeducted contributions can 1 be carried»forward until the . Make a contribution now. year ofdeath. a: ,3 K? .. take part of the deduction now. if you're 72. have carry-for- 3 ' 5%,, Use a portion your contribution ward room, and a spouse 71 or ’ for this tax year to reduce yotir younger, you an make a contri- taxable income to the next mar- budon to a spousal RRSP eligiâ€" ginal tax bracket. ble investments with your spouse as the annuian ' 0 Make a contribution now, take the deduction later, Make your maximum con‘ . Shelter the non-eligible portion of a - tribution to RRSP eligible investments in the severance/ retiring allowance. You can do current tax year but save the deduction for a this by using some or all of the allowance to later year when you know you'll be in a high- fill RRSP contribution carry-forward room. er tax bracket. ~ ('3 ' "2 ”r g C Equitable Life has strong showing H Lib ' ‘ Equitable Life of Canada to $352.1 million from $307.4 ual line ofbusinesswmagain F I N A N C I A L , . delivered solid results in million at theend of2011. ranked as one of the top 5 2012. despite a challenging Equitable Life also had a companies for new businew .- economic environment. strong year for growth. Pre- processinginasurveybyone ~*' achieving all-time highs for miums and deposits reached of the largest managing gen- earnings and growth. $606.1 million and the oom~ era] agencies 4.; Despite low interest rates pany‘s assets under 1-,. and volatile equity markets. administration grewto at the Waterloo~based comps» $2.93 billion â€" both iii: ny realized record earnings all-time highs _; I ’ ' , ’ g, of $44.7 million, far surpass- On the sales front, ,. ',9 I ingthe previoushig'h of $32.0 it was a breakout year ‘L' 3- 9 " fig; million in2010. for the Group line of E“ "' ‘ Asarestiltretumon poli- business. achieving . , cyholders’ equity increased record sales of $53.3 considerably to 13.5 per cent million, eclipsing its is“ in 2012. This historic result 2011 sales by 83.8 per a ,3 was due. in particular, to cent. Individual sales ’ solid earnings by both the were down 7.4 per ,. 1' m individual and Group lines of cent to $38.8 million , , {a business in 2012, as persistently » " m A number of factors con- low interest rates led - tributed to this strong per- to unprecedented ‘ , 9.“ formance in 2012. Diligent product and pricing - _ , 73:" expense management, posi- changes in the indus- IT ’ .E-'~ $533393 eff, tive Group claims ratios and try. Similarly, savings , . as ,‘2 ' favourable performance of and retirement sales . .9 r? xv ‘ ' '3 ui markets in the latter fell 4.6 per cent to g“. ‘ ~‘r ‘7; g. £1. , ,.,:Z';;;'s‘ikf.fw,s, »,; ' ‘ ,, ' glfgthe year helped to 06- $219.6 million as the H". W 8“" and m 51,4, ~:;’§ '. , ' , ,» ”is 2.7 ' . set the low interest rate envi- current economic ' aim" £555, A 3:, 35339;?“ ', ’ ronment and lower-than» environment led to A,” , , 2' -‘ 2375233 , , 1‘ expected sales in the lndivid~ weak segregated funds 3 “3;, l 9 9 9 ‘ 2 fa;- _ W" ff: ual and Savings and Retire- sales. "\\ 9‘ M E AC H N I F G Fx‘OU P a: , . .,,,g5;,~i,f‘f».‘; merit linesofbusiness. Equitable Life is \ - ,3 if? 3 fat, , ‘- 3' 9' i ' Equitable Life remains known for its top» . . . ‘ xhfifiâ€"‘~â€"-ML by; ,3 5 ~. strong and stable with a Min- quality service. and Smallllng In A" , its”; f ,, .3131": a; a,“ J" “*9 9;? gs.- ,3~,_ga:‘ '2 , ' imum Continuing Capital the company built on EUROPEAN AUTOMOBILES 1 ‘3’“‘a,§§,:x‘; :5; ~‘ f r?;r3r€,u‘g,;f;,§._ ,. , , . ’ “h" and Surplus Requirements that reputation in Eâ€" -‘ :3 3 ' ‘ ‘ ' " ' ' ‘ a ' ' 3‘ (MCCSR) ratio of 195 P_€Y 2012- The Grout) “"9 DealerAutllomed by ' To book yourappointmentwith McEachnie Group please contact us: gfigdmmalfgmm ?g:u:;:isisn;:hlfnveg Memes BENZ, BM Mini lelephone 519886-2360 ext 232 ' E-mail: russell mteachmeemvestovsgvoup (om imum regulatory require. malOril)’ Olsen/ice cat-r ‘ MM, Misubishi' Nissan Vim our webstte at: www.mssmceachmetom merit set out the Ofice of egories for a survey 0 ' 9 . the Superintegr'iemorrm- Canadian group poliâ€" ”titular: Fetter-6°" _ ‘”i-' W , 1 ,, tar-mammammnmm cial Institutions Canada cyholders conducted Original hint Finishes ' , * "wt-saga”: 9.. , 4' ‘ ‘mm‘m “Q (05H). by LIMRA, a world- WWW Repair :3,» r, 'h ' ' UM immwmh As well, the company‘s wide association of OURNEWADORESS -» umaummw.m Madman participating policyholders’ insurance and finan- 20% on W “aw” WW "I!” ”a” ui ,one ofthe meas- cial services compa- '5“. , I“ m , um um sq“ 2'! a mm “kfims nies M "39 3X2 «immune-Mm. mudgthWwdhw. financial stability, increased As well. the lndivid- 51 9578-2052 - 9

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